Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1976 -- December

December 1st

Well, hello again! It's taken me a whole month, but I think I'm now ready to begin writing again. Since last May, my real interest in keeping a diary has been to have a record of my pregnancy. But with Strum's insistence that I stay on these meds for at least another month, that goal can't be reached until the new year sometime. However, with such a short time left to go in this book, I might as well round it out...Well, my depression lifted while I was staying with the folks in Balto and in that respect I'm feeling pretty good. But since I'm now unemployed, I'm spending most of my new-found energy on errand-running. That's OK for now, but I have a feeling that pretty soon my mind's gonna start demanding full-time stimulation...Don's in D.C. 'til Friday. "Airhead" Berg has been impossible to get hold of thus far; I wanted to have her over for dinner. Dang her sometimes.

December 2nd

Hullo. I'm too doggone lazy to go into the living room for my pen, so you'll just have to put up with pencil. Let's see...Today was pretty much average -- I got a fair amount accomplished, although they were mostly diddly-shit things. I'm really ambivalent about this medication -- I enjoy the extra energy and feeling of well-being, but I'm wondering what the "real" me is like these days. And I'm also frustrated with having to put the baby off again. We'll just have to see how things go, I guess... It snowed on and off today, so I didn't get to do any more shopping. Those crowds are incredible and I have a number of things to get yet. Oy vey.

It was a HUGE transition from Carolina when it came time for Christmas shopping. We were on the "back road" for traveling to and from the Garden State Plaza, so we actually had THREE rush hours, including when the mall stores closed. And Paramus, as a whole, is a shopping capital for both NJ and NY.

Alyce told me that that church proposal for down the street was approved. Hope they don't over-run "our" park.

December 3rd

Don's home and it really is nice. I felt OK about his going this time and got along pretty well, but you do miss having someone to share things with and to hold. You know, we really are growing up...Had my dentist appt this morning and I enjoyed it! Dr. Harvey and his hygenist are very professional, yet friendly, and the combination makes for a comfortable atmosphere...Next stop was Paramus Park, and I managed to get there early enough to beat out the crowds. Bought all my gifts for Don except one, and boy does that feel good. I'm learning how to shop by myself, too. I miss not having company, but it doesn't get in the way of my going out. I don't know whether it's the medication or not, but I sure was up for a party this evening. I felt like dancing, drinking and flirting.

December 4th

Tonight was really nice. Around 8 we decided to smoke a little and got pleasantly high. We really got into the Saturday night sitcoms and laughed ourselves silly. Then came the munchies, the only part that I regret, 'cause I polished off a bowl of popcorn, a dish of icemilk and a mixture of peanuts and raisins. We followed up with a few games of backgammon and then I hit the sack...Unfortunately, the afternoon wasn't so enjoyable. We watched the Colts-Cardinals game and saw us outplayed by a long-shot. Hope we were just taking it easy or something. You know, I sure do like football; I passed up the "Christmastime Hollywood Parade of Stars" to watch the game!...Worked on Christmas cards today, too. I'm really getting into it this year, maybe 'cause I have more time and I started earlier.

December 5th

You'll never believe what just happened. When we were in Baltimore in August, I read a Sunpapers interview with Jay Cohen about a film on Greenwich village that he had produced. Today, while reading the Sunday lineup in Cue, I noticed that Channel 31 was showing the film at 5:30. I watched it, and an interview with Jay, and I was so impressed that I called the station and left a note for him, with our phone number. Well, it's 9:00 now, and the folks just phoned to say that Minnie had called them to say that Jay had called her AT THE PIMLICO, to tell her about my note! Can you beat that! Little Jay Cohen -- I knew him when!

And that was only the early part of Jay's career! He went on to be Stage Manager on Broadway for "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas", a member of the Film Board in Maryland, and he even painted a portrait for Bill Clinton! Awesome family member (my Dad's second-cousin) and neighbor!

Otherwise it was kind of a lackluster Sunday. My back is really beginning to bother me. Maybe the Endep isn't doing it's job too well, 'cause I'm also starting to worry about getting bored.

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