Saturday, June 30, 2012

1966 - November

November 1st

I cleaned out my looseleafs this evening and the whole mess gave me one hell of a headache. On top of that, I lost that overdue library book and The Pearl, which meant I couldn't do the English homework. Otherwise, Steve is great. He looked really good today -- white levi's, black dickie, yellow shirt. Stay tuned for tomorrow -- I have a surprise cooked up where he's concerned. I'm so glad that Terri's in the same boat. We can talk for hours on end just about Bob and Steve.

November 2nd

Me and Terri are real good friends now on account of Bob and Steve. Another Steve, Steve Dorff, I thought was cute until I found out that he's a snob. Cute and Jewish and going to Woodlawn -- can you beat that combination? Music assembly tomorrow and Bob's in it -- Terri's dying! I sure hope something good with Steve happens tomorrow. This not getting to meet him is frustrating.

When Steve Dorff was a senior (and I was a sophomore), he composed the music for an original Woodlawn musical, Protest Man. He grew up to be a well-known composer of TV show themes for "Growing Pains" and "Murphy Brown", among others.

November 3rd

It takes me long enough, as Linda says, but now I luv Ken Wally! I think he's precious 'cause he reminds me of the groups at the Civic Center...I got in school at 7:50 this morning and went to wait, as usual, in front of 113, Terri's homeroom, near the steps. About 8:05, lo and behold, who walks by but Steve with a friend. I started to get all the symptoms --  feeling hot, flushed, heart pounding, throat dry and brain reeling. I knew that if ever I had a chance to say hi, now was it. Instead, I stood there grinning at him like an idiot. To put it mildly, I felt delerious. He walked into the room across the hall and I thought he's never come out, but when he did he was headed straight for the steps. Well, here it is, I thought. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He was almost up to me now, so I forced, "Hi, Steve" out of my voice box. At first I thought he didn't hear me but then he turned around as if to see who had called his name. He looked at me, but did nothing to indicate I'd just said hello to him. So he turned back up the hall.

Talk about being crushed. I don't know what I expected since he doesn't even know me, but I felt bad anyway. I guess I just wanted him to smile or something. He is *so* cute. Later on today I practically ran smack into him when I came out of biology, but he was talking to somebody. I hoped I'd see him on the way to the bus so I could say hi again, or accidentally on purpose ram into him or something. Terri and me found Bob in the library classroom this morning and she almost died when he kissed a girl in there.

November 4th

After school I came home and changed real quick into my corduroy  levi's because Terri and Larry were supposed to pick me up to take me, Barb and Ronni plus them to the Woodlawn-Milford football game. They came about 3:40 and 2 other boys were in the car too. Terri and Ronni got in the front with Larry and I got in the back between Sheldon and Stuart. Last stop was Barb's and she sat on Stu's lap. So we got to Milford and parked 1/2 mile away from the football field. There we split up from the boys and said we'd meet at the end of the game.

The fence where we were was lined 3 deep with Woodlawners but I managed to find a place right up against the fence with Euler. Standing there for only about 3 minutes, suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear, "Sunny, Bob smokes!" I looked around and sure enough there was Bob. I was really amazed that Terri had found him in the crowd. Just after that, he headed over to Milford's side (their colors are green and white and they had bleachers!), so Terri and the other two followed him. I stayed because now I could finally see the game and I was hoping I might be able to get a glimpse of Steve. I found out from Ann that he would either be playing or timing.

I was standing next to Helene Toney and her boyfriend -- he was really cute. I watched all the way up through part of the half-time band show (Milford's band is good! Their precision marching is perfect; they did justice to our alma mater and I love the effect when the drums play alone). I was practically frozen in that one spot so I walked through the mud to the Milford side of the field. I saw Bob near the refreshment stand and followed him around until I saw him join hands with Karen Levin and race up to the bleachers. Poor Terri!

I just had to find her now, but I couldn't. All I noticed walking up and down there were the most gorgeous boys I've ever seen. The Milford kids must've died when they saw what Woodlawn brought over -- Ken Wally, Otts (ugh!), etc. And then there was always Dave Green, Stuart Wiles who shattered my whole day by running by with his arm around a girl -- he looked so tough, that snob Steve Dorff, Joel who's coming over Linda's to help her with French, Charles and jillions of others. I also saw Judy Flom and Sue Blumenthal and showed them my Raider pictures.

The thing that really upset me was seeing all my old friends with boyfriends. I'm so jealous you wouldn't believe it. I saw Sandy Smith with a boy, Rozzie with a boy, Brenda Bryant with a boy, Linda with 3 boys -- oh I felt horrible! What I wouldn't have given for a little male attention! It was sheer torture, I tell you. But to get on -- I finally found the kids back on our side with Steve Kraus. He really hasn't changed much -- just looked blue from cold. I still hadn't found Steve, but saw Ann with *another* boy! That really topped it off good.

We ran into Stuart Deckelbaum a little later (just Terri and me; Barb and Ronni had walked around again) and somehow he knew all about Bob and Larry. He began to get on my nerves, telling us that Bob wasn't worth a darn. He said since he was a boy, he knew Bob's kind. Just then, the heretofore unblemished hero walked past and Terri and me automatically followed him. Stuart came along, too, still talking in that superior way of his. When we stopped next to Bob at the fence, I really put down Stuart bad -- yelling it loud enough so everyone heard. I told him that since he wasn't a *girl* no one would expect him to know what Terri felt like. He turned around, really mad, and stalked off.

So Terri and me stood there. I knew it was near the end of the game and we were losing, but I still couldn't see a thing. Just then, the guy standing next to Bob turned around, stared down at me for second and said, "I feel sorry for you." I laughed a little until Bob said, sort of to himself, "Yeah, it's shame, a damn shame". That did it. It broke Bob's magic bubble, and I think Terri and me both realized it as we looked at each other. But the other boy still offered me a place at the fence and I gladly took it.

For the 10 minutes I stood there, Bob looked irritable and quite cold (we were all shivering to death as the sun had gone down) but managed to say a few witty things. It didn't matter, though. I saw him for what he was -- a conceited girl-lover. Still, I didn't want the game to end even though my feet hurt, because I was leaning against Bob's friend, and how often do I have the chance to get that close to a strange boy! But we lost the game, 13 to 6, when everybody expected us to win, and Terri and me tried to get back to the car.

All the while we were going down the wrong street (we were really scared that they had left without us) I was slowly but surely letting the air out of Terri's balloon. She didn't want me to tell her anymore, but I couldn't help it. I was disillusioned, too, and besides I was unhappy and cold. Still -- there was something I did like in that afternoon - the feeling of being at your own high school football game. That part was great.

Well, the 2 of us finally found the car and I had to sit on Stu's lap. There was another boy there -- the boy judo champ of something or the other, and Barb hadn't gotten there yet. So there were 8 of us in that little car. Bob and Pete Italiano drove by in a yellow mustang. I barely could look at him. Then (you'll die), Danny Z goes by and his eyes practically fell out of his head when he saw where I was. Then he shook his head, and I could've alternately laughed and killed him for acting know.

It was just about dark by now, as we dropped everyone off (I was sorry when Stu had to leave; I sort-of liked where I was sitting),and I began to notice something that I had been very wrong about before. Larry was miserable because he loved Terri. Terri didn't know it and was practically advertising Bob. It was a sad situation, and when Larry stopped off at his house for a minute, the 3 of us lit into Terri. I called a halt when I saw that she suddenly realized the situation.

I called her later after I got dropped off and the poor kid was so confused. So Dr. Plaine got right in there and told her that it's better not to get to know an idol too well because you usually get disillusioned. I also said to put things in their proper place and not to give up Larry because he's a sweet doll  and loves her.

November 5th

When Terri called me tonight to go to Teen Center, I knew I couldn't stay home one more Saturday night. Dad dropped me off over Terri's, where we spent an hour 'cause we didn't want to get up to Campfield until 8:30. She got dressed and I listened to records and read a Playboy. Then I wanted to see the yearbook, so we went across the street to look at one that this boy had (he was precious!). I saw Bob -- he looked pretty bad, but you wouldn't have believe Otts. he actually had short hair. As a matter of fact, so did all the other boys. The Mod look didn't come in big until this year. I can't wait to see *this* year's book!

We picked up Ronnie and then walked on up. I think it cost me 75 cents. I got stamped and then signed up for a card. I saw Judy Brown on the way to the lavatory -- same old Judy -- then we went into the gym with Linda. Boy was she shocked to see me there! I admit, my standards have gone down quite a bit since school started.

The Odd Lot was playing -- never heard of them before but they sure murdered Yellow Submarine. It was pretty dark in there but I managed to recognize Mike Hoffman and Bruce Stafford (2 of last year's idols) and I went up to say hi to Mike. Boy did he grow -- he had to bend down to talk to me! He is so precious -- I die for him. He wanted to know who I was going with, who I liked, etc. I told him he looked great and asked him how he was getting along. He's so sweet! Then Sue yells out, wanting to know how come I was there so I went over to talk to her.

By the time I'd said hi to Stuart, Harvey Parcover (he's going with Marlene Jacobs) and some other kids, it was time for a smoke break. I got a cigarette from one of Sue's friends and had my first public smoke. Once I practically choked to death and covered it up by saying I swallowed a piece of my braces. Smart. Back inside, the fun started. Linda was obviously looking for a pick-up, with her skirt 30" above her knees and flirting like crazy. A lot of girls were talking about her. Later she introduced me to Ian and when he put his arm around me I could swear I smelled beer. There was a boy who was so completely bombed that he practically had to be carried out.

There was a boy in the gym that reminded me a bit of Mike H, but I told Terri and Ronni that he looked like Steve. I wanted to meet him so I went up and asked him if his name was Steve. He smiled and said no, that his name was Jimmy Olsen. He was adorable and also very popular as I could see later. Walking around I saw Mike with Mara in his arms and I promptly got sick. What the hell is this -- torture weekend?
The whole evening went like this. Linda and me couldn't get a ride home so we went with a mental [crazy] cop.

Linda really looked cheap tonight and it embarrasses me that the girls are talking about her. I think I'll talk to her tomorrow...

November 6th

I talked to Linda, and she's really a mixed-up kid -- not bad, just confused. Her sense of values is all misplaced. For one thing, she thinks she's still in Canada. It was rough to have to tell her, but I think it helped.

November 7th

The French exam is really gonna be cute. That McGovern -- *whew*! Despite Linda's actions recently, I have to admit she's got a good figure. I still don't think she'll ever really be able to change, but she's making an effort.

Let this go down in history as a red-letter day! You know what? I think my good luck Mondays are starting again! Today in English, Ann told me about a pajama party the cheerleaders had on Friday night. About 50 boys showed up and with them was Terry Hancock (that precious fraternity guy with the blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles!). They started liking each other! (That part isn't exactly great news, but it paves the way for what comes next.)

Anyhow, Ann was in a marvelous mood this morning -- well, who wouldn't be? When the bell rang we walked down the hall to Study in room 208. ON THE WAY, I saw little ol' Steve by his locker. Ann can't see too good in a crowd so she asked me if anyone was with him. I said no, not actually realizing what she was gonna do. All of a sudden she calls out -- "Hey Steve! Come here, I want you to meet someone." The moment I'd been waiting 3 weeks for was here, and now I didn't want it. I pretended not to notice and started to walk away, but Ann called me back. With my heart pounding again like crazy, I went over to them. "Sunny, this is Steve; Steve, this is Sunny". It was as simple as that. Then Steve broke out into one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen. I had to grin, just looking at him. In a split second he sort of looked me over, and his eyes lit up. On the way to Study I was walking in a dream. My face was burning red and I was SO HAPPY.

Then tonight, after dinner, Terri calls me up to tell me that she and Larry and Sheldon and me are doubling after Teen Center on Saturday night where they're playing. Larry had called her and asked her if one of her friends, besides Ronni would like to come. Ter, like a good pal, suggests me. Larry said that'd be great, and so it's settled. The only problem is -- what about poor Ronni? She likes Sheldon and you can't just tell her to her face what we're gonna do. It's a real problem alright, and we've gotta think of something before Saturday.

November 8th

We got off from school today for elections -- darn. Today's the only day I have lunch with Steve. For awhile I was worried there -- afraid Mahoney would win. But as of now, 10:45, it looks like Agnew will take it.

How much worse could Mahoney have been than Agnew turned out to be?  ;-)

November 9th

We're finally on something in gym that I can do -- badminton. Sunny the ol' pro here. Oh well -- I studied all evening for French but I don't feel like I've learned very much. DOWN WITH FRANCE!

Boy oh boy oh boy -- this is gonna be *some* Saturday. Get a load of this -- Jim asked Linda to go horsebackriding with him this Saturday morning (an awful lot has happened since her last year's crush on him; he's 19 now for one thing!) Anyhow, he asked her to bring along a friend for his 17 year old friend. He said to be sure to get someone who looked older. You'll never guess who Linda picked. I hope Jim's friend doesn't get a heart attack and that he's not 6 foot tall. I guess Jim told her that 'cause he's 19 and she's 15 he doesn't want the age difference to shock his friend, and so wanted someone to come along who looks 16 or 17. So here I am. Oh brother.

I'm excited, really, but in order for Mom to let me go, I have to tell her we're going with 2 of Linda's friends. I'll say Ian and Joel -- she's heard me mention them before. If she ever found out that I was going with 19 and 17 year old non-Jewish boys whom she hasn't met, she'd throw a fit. Saturday night it's been definitely settled that me, Sheldon, Larry and Terri are doubling after Teen Center. Two blind dates in one day! Sure hope that I can go riding and that it doesn't rain.

I was walking to Study with Anne today (what else?) when up comes Terry. I thought I was gonna die. Gorgeous, precious, fine-looking just aren't the words for that boy. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, staring like my eyeballs would fall out. He's so beautiful I could just hug him to death. Terry Terry Terry Terry, BUT I STILL LOVE STEVE!

November 10th

The French test was just winning. I left the room in a state of shock. Linda broke her contact lens -- lucky she's got them insured. Tomorrow ends the term, thank God. Come to think of it, though, it went by pretty quick.

Two or three items of minor (?) interest. #1 - Consuelo and Neal got caught in her trailer and now she can't go out with him anymore. That must've been cute. Neal will really be something when he's around 17, if you go by that picture taken at the 9th grade dance. He was only 13 then but boy does he know what he's doing. #2 - Report cards next Friday. Oh joy. I think I'll get an A in History, C's in French and typing and B's in everything else. #3 - Terry was going to take Ann to the Civic Center this Saturday night for something, but he got punished for cutting class and can't go. So they're going somewhere next week. I luv him! I don't know about Steve. I'm not that crazy about him anymore. Oh well, we'll see what develops.

About Saturday morning -- Like I said yesterday, Mom wouldn't let me go if she knew we were going with Jim, so I told her that 2 of Linda's friends from school, Jewish of course (Rick Kline and Joel Katz) are going to take us. She doesn't like the idea, but I can go if I introduce them to her first. Get that one! My stomach dropped 10 feet when I heard her say that. So what I'm going to have to do is tell Mom that we have reservations 15 minutes earlier than we really have them, so I can pretend that they're late. I'll have to rush over Linda's and by the time they get here, it'll be too late to bring them over. I sure hope it works. I don't feel guilty about doing it, just getting caught. I'm afraid that if Mom finds out she won't trust me. But I wanna go!

November 11th

Tomorrow's the day! Just pray that I can get out of the house OK and that everything will work out fine. Oh yeah, while you're at it, pray that it doesn't rain.

November 12th

What happened?!?! I told you to pray for sunshine! 3 guesses where I'm not going this morning. D__n it! I hope nothing happens to mess up tonight.

Oh brother -- another pretty pickle again. We went to the movies and get this -- Terri likes Sheldon and I like Larry! Sheldon is nice but has a few things against him as far as I'm concerned: sort-of on the dumb side, not too talkative or good-looking. I *really* like Larry, though. Only thing is -- he dies for Terri! Why is life always against me?

November 13th

Terri came over this afternoon. Frankie rode over with his guitar and then in walked Linda and Denise. Frank and me did some songs together on the piano -- sounded real good.

No I'm all mixed up. First of all, after last night, I don't think I want to go riding next Saturday with Linda, Jim and his friend. Maybe it's because I realize that he's not Jewish and even if I like him, nothing could ever come of it. Besides, I don't think that even one ride with *this* 17 year old boy would make up for everything I'd have to go through beforehand. About last night -- I talked to Terri this morning and let me tell you, I really felt bad. It's like this: Richard, Terri and maybe Sheldon all die for Terri. the thing is, though, Terri likes Sheldon (and Richard, not Larry). But *I* like Larry! Cute mess, isn't it?

Terri says that usually once she gets a boy she doesn't really like him that much anymore. With me, I like Larry 'cause he's tall, a junior, drives and is talkative. I'm not even sure I really like his personality yet. For one thing, I think he's too sensitive. Lately I think I've been getting a little too desperate. I mean, like about riding and Steve. I knew I couldn't get anywhere with either of them but I wanted to like a boy and have him like me *so* bad! I'm jealous of Terri but I've gotta keep in mind what Dr. Lizansky said. You just don't know how it feels though!

(I have no idea what Dr. Lizansky said, but it was probably encouragement to just hang in there. Lizansky was a friend of the Marcuses, and was our GP.)

November 14th

Forgot to say that Mom and Dad are in NY. It's good for us all to be separated for a little while. I luv Chuck, Ken, Terry, Steve (?) and Dino too! And somebody new -- he's got real long brown hair, is small, precious and reminds me of Davy Jones.

November 15th

Guess who's failing TYPING? Yeah, of all things. Maybe I can get an A in literature to balance it out sort-of -- I got an A+ on that composition comparing the 2 books... Well folks, I've decided that I'm a late bloomer. That's just gotta be the reason that millions of guys aren't already dropping at my feet. Nope -- sexpot I'm not -- It'll just take longer for my "inner qualities" to show through. Yeah. Only thing is -- I don't care to sit around and wait for the magic hour to come. Believe me, I *can't* stay home this New Year's Eve! I'll die first. I made that resolution last year and I aim to keep it -- even if I have to break someone's arm to get them to take me out.

You know...about Linda...Sometimes I like her and sometimes she makes me sick. Like take Richard, an A#1 hick and girl-chaser [player] -- she said she'd go steady if he asked her, and don't worry, he will! Gross -- what taste! And get this -- Jim's picking her up from school tomorrow. I better stop here or I'll puke. She looked so bad today -- she stops her make-up right at her chin and it looks terrible. Well, enough of that.

Gripes of the day -- Mental McGovern and Krazy Killgallon...Jeff's been real bitchy tonight -- the damn jerk. There, I feel better. Mom and Dad came home early. I sort of enjoyed the vacation. I'm dying for a cigarette -- sounds big, doesn't it? I'm irritable right now -- probably on account of the stupid rollers. School's been getting me a little down lately -- no Jews and all that. We get report cards Friday. Jump for joy.

November 16th

There was the scariest show on Stage '67 tonight. It was a musical about this disillusioned poet who tried to hide from the world in a department store and was eventually turned into a mannequin with a girl.

ABC Stage 67 was an ambitious hour long anthology series that aired on Wednesday night at 10pm/9 Central. Drama, variety, documentary, science fiction and original musicals were all featured in the one season it aired

November 18th

Got report cards and get this -- McGovern gave me a B! I got a C in typing -- what a relief. Linda and Judi got C's in the ol' dictator's class and Margie didn't fail. I wonder what he was feeling so charitable about.

Slept over Terri's house. I've been real mad at Linda lately. The way she's been acting -- yeech! She's supposed to go out with Richard tonight, and tomorrow some guy asked her to that frat party -- Lambda Theta Chi. Ann's supposed to go with Terri. Anyhow -- Terri, me and Ronni walked up to Campfield (sometimes Lee and Neal come up to those little dances for awhile). This year they're only for 6th and 7th graders. But the twins weren't there, just some little punks. (I should talk?) I recognized Fetter Rutley's little brother and he didn't believe I was in 10th grade. I felt big anyway. Terri told him we were waiting for our dates to pick us up here -- I only wish.

Then we walked back down to Ronni's. She's got a neat room -- like Terri's -- the only room on the top floor. We smoked a couple of cigarettes -- Half and Half -- they weren't bad, and read some magazines. I love Dino -- that boy has no right to be so gorgeous. It says that he's one of the hottest dates in town. Know something? I believe it!

November  19th

Terri's got an electric blanket and it sure felt good. Her dog, a dashound named Sammy is precious. Larry, Sheldon and 4 other boys picked us up at 10:15 and I watched them bowl for *2 solid hours*. I was bored stiff, and jealous as anything. Remember, I like Larry. In the meantime, Terri was calmly dying for Sheldon. I at least expected to go out to eat afterwards, but oh no -- the boys had to go home and watch the Notre Dame vs. Somebody football game. Getting home, though, was a panic and also dangerous as hell. There were so many people in the car that we had to stick Stuart D in the trunk.

Reisterstown Road was packed so as we crawled along, Stuart opened the back a little and waved to an old lady behind us. I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard at the expression on her face. The boys let me, Terri, Stuart and Cindy off at the Plaza and we ate at Stewart's. There was the cutest blonde boy there -- you know, Woodlawn type. Walking around later, I really began to feel bad -- like I want a boyfriend so bad. I even walked next to Deckelhead I was so desperate. It's a sad situation all right.

Richard copped out on Linda last night. She was really mad. Then tonight, that kid she was supposed to go out with never called. Stood up 2 nights in a row. One of the reasons I was so damn mad at her was 'cause I thought she was trying to take Terri away from me, on account of she was mad from the time I told her what everyone thought of her. Terri was sort of torn in between me and Linda and I felt like I was losing my only friend. So after I found out that Linda had asked Terri to sleep over, I ran out of the house over to Linda's. I was boiling. but everything got straightened out, naturally, even though her date still hasn't called.

I wasn't planning to go to Teen Center, but when Linda told me she was going I just had to go too, because in a way I was still a little afraid of what she might say to Terri about me. But I'm awfully glad I went because they had the best...(?)

Don't know where the rest of this entry went...

November 20th

Raked leaves all day with Linda, and burnt 'em, while I tried to think of a short story for her. Dad finally gave us an idea, after dinner, and I practically wrote it for her. I get carried away like that. In Sunday School I found out that we're gonna start meeting on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 now. Fun. The Colts lost -- fooey. What's got me mad is that I'm sure that the final kick in the championship game last year was bad, and that we won the game.

Burning fallen leaves used to be standard practice all over the country until we learned about pollution. We either burned them in piles at the curb, or in a stainless steel garbage can.

November 21st

I think Terry and Ann broke up. He asked somebody else to his frat party after he had told her that they were going out that night. Take's nerve. i don't blame her for being mad. Only 3 days of school this week. YAY!! That's exactly what I need -- a Thanksgiving vacation. By the way, I don't have the slightest idea what's comin' off in algebra, and I really don't care. I haven't done one homework assignment on my own in that class yet. I've copied them all. I figure I'll learn all the junk when it's time for a test. The Monkees shows are sort of getting dumber but the songs are better. They have 2 gold records so far and I love their new single.

November 22nd

I can't believe that it was 3 years ago today that Kennedy was shot. I remember that day as clearly as if the whole thing happened yesterday. I have never had such a horrible shock since that Friday in 7th grade...Terri and Larry broke up. Terri had told Sheldon on Saturday that she didn't like Larry as much as she used to, and even though Sheldon swore secrecy he told Larry. Larry's so sensitive to begin with that this must've killed him. He called Terri up in a complete rage. Terri was really upset, but sort of glad in a small way because she wanted to break up with him. Ronni was very happy, though, and it's no secret why.

November 23rd

Judi told me today that Dorothy Wenn had left school. She had been married a year, pregnant 6 months and I never knew it. I share a locker with her, yet! It gives me the creeps somehow.

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