Thursday, July 5, 2012

1967 -- January

January 1st

Nineteen Sixty Seven -- has a good sound to it! It's been a long day -- cloudy but better than last year. I didn't get to bed until 3:30 -- Danny was over. Always nice to start the new year with a boy.

January 2nd

School tomorrow -- YCHH!! This hasn't exactly been a spectacular vacation, but I really enjoyed it. I didn't have to think for 10 whole days. I'm just not up to facing McGovern so soon...I've got the weirdest feeling and I've had it for the last three days. I can't explain it, but all I want to do is make-out. I actually ache all over I want to make-out with a boy so bad. My dreams are too wild to mention; I've really had a fling, let me tell ya. All of a sudden I'm starting to pay a whole lot of attention to the kissing scenes on TV. I must really have it bad! When I kissed Danny on New Year's Eve I didn't want to let him go. I hope I'm not becoming a sex maniac. Oh well.

Today I borrowed 17 issues of Life Magazine from the Millers, starting from the year 1936 (the first issue) and going up past 1947. It's like going into a whole new world to look at those things -- life in WWII days -- fashions, movies, fads, etc. Dad says that they're worth some money now, but if they were mine I'd never give them away or sell them. When we got home we saw a film of Mom and Dad's wedding. They actually looked good! Mom hasn't changed a bit. Dad's just lost some of his hair and gotten a bit fatter.

I've gotta call that guy about Gray Rock but I'm scared. As of now I'm almost positive I want to go there instead of back to Tyrole. You know, CO-ED and all. Oh yeah, Driver's Ed starts in February -- Park School, 10 sessions, 2:30 to 5:30, 6 driving hours. Ack!! Do you realize that means I'll get my license in the summer?! GO! GO! GO!

At 16 I would be old enough to be a CIT at camp.

January 3rd

Well, it looks as though I'm failing everything but English. I got an A+ on a composition -- is that beautiful or is that beautiful? Remind me to tell you tomorrow about Mike and Robyn, OK?

January 4th

Sorry, I'm too sleepy tonight to write anything. I wanted to go to bed at 9:30 and now it's going on 11. Oh well. Say, I haven't told you about Tom or Sue yet, have I? Someday I'll get around to it.

January 5th

Let's see... Judi W was 16 today -- first one of us! I'm Activities Chairman of the yearbook for my homeroom. This year's book is gonna be a whopper! Since everybody gets write-ups, I would love to see a bunch of stuff by my name -- but there's that word procrastination. I hate myself. I'm joining a committee for the sophomore party so at least  I'll have one activity to put down.

January 6th

Boy! I sure look forward to the weekends. Why? So I can sleep! I guess I wouldn't hate getting up in the morning so much if I had something (or someone) to get up for. Durn it.

Here goes with that stuff I've been saving up : Robyn and Rick Kline broke up and so did Mara and Mike. So now it's Robyn and Mike. Thrills. No really, listen. You know how easy Robyn is and how her parents let her do just about anything. All the time she went with Rick ( as far as I know) her parents never told her to break up with him or anything like that. But last Monday night, Linda was over Sue's house and so were Robyn, Mike and a few other kids. Linda told me that Robyn had passion marks all over her neck. It seems that her mother saw them and forbade Mike to ever come in the house and she wanted Robyn to break up with him. Can you imagine what Robyn must have looked like for her mother to say that? Anyway, can you imagine making out with Mike Hoffman?!?!? Linda also said that Sue and Rick Levin broke up but that was a big farce to begin with. now she likes Kline but I can't see them together. As a matter of fact, I can't see her with anybody. Her and her loud mouth.

Now let's speed up the pace a little: Terri tells me at lunch today that Jackie and Don, Charles (algebra) and some other girl, and Pam (the little one) and some boy all hooked school yesterday. Where did they go? To bed -- yeah. They went over this boy's house and spent the day in three bedrooms. Boy, I must be kinda naive 'cause I was pretty shocked.  Not that I don't know what goes on, but because I know who these kids are! Jackie, I learned, is a big slut, and Don hates her. He's just using her for what he can get out of her. I stared at Charles all last period. Maybe I expected him to be wearing a sign saying "I went all the way yesterday."

I guess I haven't said anything about Little Charlie yet. He's as precious as anything. He's small like Davy, cute face, long hair, knee boots and a walk fasster than a locomotive. He's in Linda Waldorf's geometry class and she tells me all about him. I hear he's got a girlfriend in Milford but I luv him anyway! And Sue Tucker -- she's the weirdest and one of the nicest kids I've ever met. She's going with Del. We spend all algebra period writing notes, and she sings and talks to herself now and then. She knows just about every hick invented but she dresses normal and I think she's a doll.

Tom Mann -- my biology buddy. I started off writing "hi!" on my biology desk and it developed into a crazy correspondence! He's a senior with a wild sense of humor and we've been writing for a coupla weeks now. It's unbelievable, but so far nobody else has broken in. I made 50 cents yesterday writing an English composition for Linda. What an easy way to make money.

Bob Carter: another one. He's a sophomore, and sex appeal isn't the word. He usually sees history or biology movies at the same time as we do, so I sit there and look at him the whole time. I sort of imagine myself going out with him..sitting on his lap and watching the movie..Can you see yourself kissing *that*? Boots, oh *so* fine, and he wears the greatest looking vests, and his pants are real tight...Kurt Russell -- actor -- him too! And Clem (no last name yet). Ken still reminds me of Mia Farrow; it's sad.

Kurt Russell

Yearbook's gonna be great! We get 'em in August. But what do we write -- "Have a good summer!" ? I can't wait to show Mom Charlie and Chuck's, Ott's, Bill's and Ken's pictures. She'll die! I dread next year though -- NO SENIORS! *sob*

That's Kurt Russell, above. He grew up and married Goldie Hawn. The reference to Mia Farrow was about her pixie haircut.

January 7th

I was up at school all day today -- yeah, a Saturday! Workin' on the yearbook -- GO TOTEM!  Harriet Z is pretty darn smart, I'll give her that much, but she sure is stuck up in ways. Work work work -- birds birds birds. I could bop Marck right in the nose. Oh well. What a weird day out -- humid and rainy, just like April. Candid Camera was a riot for once.

January 8th

Boy, have you ever seen a weekend go by so fast? Say, I sorta cut my last class today. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. This has been a day...

January 9th

State of the Union message was on TV tonight, but to be honest I have to say that I enjoyed "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" more. Ha Ha, I made a funny. (Oh brother.)

January 10th

My little friend arrived today, thank the Lord -- that's one less worry. Guess what? I'm entering the Action contest to spend a weekend in London! All ya have to do is write a one-page letter. I'll do OK if I can just get down a first line.

January 11th

You know, I can get away with anything with Mr. Kramer; I guess he sorta likes me, huh?  Wow -- I saw *the* best movie tonight - "A Summer Place" with Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee. I die for the theme song. I just got my Chad and Jeremy album back from Sandy and I'm playing it. "Summer Song" reminds me of so much it's sad. Oh well. Kurt Russell -- I luv him! My little movie idol -- all 15 years of him. As for Terry and Charlie -- feast your eyes, Sunny! Ugh -- in about 10 minutes I gotta go to Chizuk Amuno. Darn. I'm sleepy.

Awwww...looks like some of Sue Tucker is rubbing off on me. Go Cowboy. Yeah, that's what I want to be -- a cowboy...I'm a beautiful staller and filler-up of pages...

Mr. Kramer was my piano teacher. He came to the house to give lessons. I don't know who I thought I was fooling here. Getting away with not practicing only hurt me, not him.

January 13th

Say, for Friday the 13th, this was a downright lucky day! I was in a real wild mood and John actually walked me down the hall -- beat that one! Only part that worried me was when I heard this morning about the big fire in Jamaica, Queens in NY. That's where Debbie Lempke lives! I'm supposed to get a letter from her Tuesday so I'll find out what happened.

Debbie was a friend from camp.

January 14th

Boy oh boy oh boy -- talk about frustration. I got my hair cut and set at Margo Lynn this afternoon was then wasted the whole beautiful job on Mom and Dad at night. It appears as if I didn't wish Danny over hard enough.

January 15th

Hey look at this -- Last year today I was babysittin' for the Sandlers, and today I was doin' it again. ALL AFTERNOON (the damn brats). I was trying to write a story for school but I didn't succeed too well.

January 16th

Boy! (How do you like the way I begin all my entries?) My heart was sure in my mouth this morning -- I faked being sick so's Icould write a decent short story and have it typed in time to hand in. Mom, however, thought I had strep throat and wanted to take me to the doctor's.*That* would have been cute. Dad sorta knew and I won't try that trick again in the near future.

January 17th

Oh, a-dissecting we will go...Yup -- lab today and oh fun -- we tore apart a poor, dead mother frog. We even managed to get to the poor thing's eyeballs. Would you believe I had lunch next?

This is a photo of "Get Smart", a successfulTV show (spy spoof) at the time. One of the popular catchphrases it produced was, "Would you believe..."

January 18th

Rabbi Crain gives me a pain. All he does is yell at us and tell us what crummy Jews we are. I supposed we don't exactly help matters much, but when he starts cussing at us...

January 19th.

I feel drugged -- really! For some strange reason I slept until 9:00 after dinner, on a school nite, too! Beats me. Typing exam tomorrow -- Kill Korz Kill Korz.

January 20th

Guess what? Two guesses. One -- I flunked the typing test. I can type alright but I failed because I can't add. Makes sense. Two -- talked to my baby this morning!!

I have no idea which "baby" I was referring to.  ;-)

January 21st

I stayed home and watched the novelty today. Fun. Set my hair with beer for the first time. Sorry, but it tastes rotten. Tried to teach Jeff to smoke. Lost cause there.

I believe that "the novelty" was a small, portable TV set that my father brought home from his store. We were allowed to watch it on weekends.

January 22nd

I LOVE KURT RUSSELL! I have a headache. I should go and take some aspirin but it's too much trouble to get up. Linda -- oh boy. I talked to her this afternoon. She's a real greaseball -- like Dad's word. She's tellin' me about the game Friday night, and the guy she met from Catonsville College. He wanted to take her home (of course). She likes him, but said that she "didn't want to be used". Since when? I think Ann still likes Terry. In fact I'm sure of it or else she wouldn't talk about him so much. Sally, I hear, might go back to Tyrole which'll be absolutely fine for her. As for me, I think maybe Happy Acres, if I can ever get the letter off. Even if I were considering Tyrole before, I wouldn't go now -- not with little Miss All-Around Best Camper possibly going back. Uh uh.

Happy Acres was the nursery school, kindergarten and camp that I attended for 3 years.

January 23rd

Well, folks, it's pretend makeout time again. I can't believe that Leslie Parcover nad Spencer..never mind. I'll try not to get depressed.

January 24th


January 25th

The weather's beautiful and I'm knockin' my brains out studyin'. Figures. When exams are over we'll probably have a nice little 45' blizzard. That *would* be my luck.

January 26th

Dino, Desi and Billy were on the Dean Martin Show. Dino...You wouldn't believe this beautiful spring weather we're having! 75 degrees today -- honest!

January 27th

The second half of the French exam was a joke - ha ha ha. The speaker on the tape in the Lab sounded like he had a mouthful of mush. I got the new Monkees album -- it's great!

January 28th

GUESS WHAT?? I'm going out west this summer!! Really!! Can you believe it?? I'll fill you in on all the details tomorrow, but it's one of those teen tour things. WOW!!

January 29th

Went over Jan Hurwitz's today to see some literature on the tour that looks best. It's called the "Frontier Tour" -- does that sound great or does that sound great?

January 30th

Hey -- how'd ya like this? A year ago was the blizzard! Today we're off from school, thank God. It was a pretty good day. Linda was over and we listened to my Monkees album.

California -- her I come! And Chicago and Houston and Denver and Salt Lake City and San Francisco and Phoenix and Houston and New Orleans and Miami...HOLY COW!! Everybody just eats their little 'ol hearts out when I tell them.

January 31st

Go school! (UGH) Now that I cant wair for summer to come, school seems like it'll go on forever. My grades are too depressing to talk about. I decided to take Davy's advice though and "laugh".

I'm having twin problems again. I can't seem to get Phil out of my dreams! I have these continuing dreams that make it miserably depressing to wake up in the morning. And today in history -- oy vey! He and his brother were sitting together near me and I couldn't keep my eyes off them!


Well, as months go, this one wasn't too bad. I just pray that I won't start liking Phil. Oh well -- onwards February!



Colors - hot pink, burnt orange, gold, pastels, celery green, navy, baby blue
Cars - Mustangs, Sting rays, motor scooters, Super sports
Boys - Phil Edwards, Steve Johnson, Terry Hancock, Ronnie Manser, Bob Carter, Charlie Durochier
TV Shows - Gunsmoke, Monkees, Monroes, Star Trek
Dogs - German shepherds, collies, Saint Bernards, toy dogs
Hobbies - boys, records, scrapbooking, writing, reading, photography
Sports - swimming, sledding, badminton, horseback riding, spectator sports (football, baseball, basketball, surfing, ice hockey)
Actors - Kurt Russell, Dino Martin, Jr., Mike Anderson, Jr., Jay North, Monkees, John Wayne, Dean Martin, Julie Andrews
Foods - Tandy cakes, cucumbers and sour cream, grape juice, egg salad sandwiches, cooked marshmallows, cabbage, roast chicken, corn on the cob, Great Shakes, bagels&lox&creamcheesewith tomato slice, swiss cheese and mustard, turkey and mayonnaise, Rice Krispies, chocolate chip cookies, chicken soup, pizza, herring, revelation, Honeysuckle turkey roast

Music - "Winchester Cathedral"
Foods - asparagus, cream of anything soup
Colors - dark brown, green or red plaids

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