Thursday, June 28, 2012

1966 - October

October 7th

I guess I should've started a heck of a lot earlier, but somehow I just never got around to it. Anyhow, I'm in high school now -- Woodlawn (go Warriors!)  I'll give you a little (?) run-down on that first. High School is great!! Even though Woodlawn is a little hicky, Sudbrook can't be compared to it! It's bigger, for one thing -- 3 floors with a special music wing, cafeteria building and separate gym and locker rooms. Because of the traffic, there are special up and down staircases which were confusing at first. But you still wouldn't believe the horrible traffic jams.

I am secretary of my homeroom (#315, Mr. Gusic). I have never seen so many "P's" in my life! And such names! Nobody good-looking there, though. My first class every morning is English, my favorite, natch. Mr. Kilgallen, my teacher, looks like a young intellectual. He doesn't even own a TV! But he's an OK guy, even though all he assigns are "quantity" assignments, if you know what I mean. We do a lot of writing, though and hardly any grammar (so far). Next comes study, which is really good, or typing. My typing teacher, Mrs. Korz, is pretty nice, but not outstanding. I got pretty dizzy typing for awhile but it's geetting better now.

3rd period usually is either gym or study again, except on Tuesday I have a lab period. Gym is OK. My teacher, Miss Bristol, is a southerner and I love her accent. I'm a crummy hockey player but I like it. LUNCH(!) is next. It sorta makes the day longer, though, 'cause we eat at 11:05. Terri, Barb L, Barb E, Ronni. Judy W, me, Marcia and Gerri usually eat at the same table. We have 2nd - 6th graders at one end of the third floor, from Chadwick Elementary. They can't get in their new school yet, and it's so funny -- some are as big as I am and some are so tiny. *I* feel like an absolute midget -- everyone's so tall; I can only imagine how the little kids feel. They eat on A lunch.

After lunch is Biology. Stuart W is in my class. Miss Marck knows what she's talking about so it isn't too bad, but 5th period is French. DEAR MR McGOVERN is my sweet little French teacher (??). He's nuts. He's a fantastic French teacher and you've just gotta learn stuff from him, but he's nuts. I'm not doin' too good 'cause Weaver was so bad last year, and all McGovern *does* is speak French! When he's not scarin' you to death, though, he's as funny as all get out. History is next on the agenda -- Mr. Lehman is a real doll, even if he *is* quite boring. He likes me now because I volunteered so much the first couple of weeks.. Now I can get away with murder.

Algebra has to take the cake, though, for being *the* most boring, dull period of the day. At least in history I have something to look at! (I'll get to that later) but Walter's class? Everyone in there, just about, is *so*dumb you wouldn't believe it. Of course there's always Charlie (more about him later, too). Now for the kids. English -- I've gotten friendly with Ann O'Connell, a very cute cheerleader who looks exactly like Tina Sobel. She's also in my typing and Algebra classes and 2 of my studies. Simon is in here too, with Ronnie F and some other Sudbrook kids. Not many, though. Most kids here are from Woodlawn Jr. or Johnnycake.

Biology, like I said, has Stuart and some mice. Linda's in here, too, as well as in gym, French and one study. Margie Moritz is another one I know now from Linda. In French, there's Joel who is really funny, and History has the twins, Doug and Phil Edwards. They aren't cute at all, but you know how I like twins -- and I adore their names. Last period is Charlie, a precious junior. He's a riot trying to get the best of Walters. A lot of the boys here are good dressers, if you happen to like Mod clothes, which I do. Hair is really long, too. What a change from Sudbrook. Ken Wally, one of Linda's hicky loves (on *her* part) dresses neat -- suede boots, corduroy suits with turtleneck sweaters. i get a kick just lookin' at him.

Then there's Chuck whom Linda dies for, with a kind of pudding bowl haircut. And there's a guy I saw in the assembly with *the* most gorgeous blonde hair. I could devote a whole entry to the loves of Linda, Judy, Margie, Terri and Barb. Morning announcements are good -- they start them off with a current popular song. I like having gym right before lunch -- it gives ya more time. They really don't care what time you get down there. The food stinks and everybody gets up and stands around 5 minutes before the bell rings. Bill's our nutty bus driver who is trying to kill us all off.

October 9th

Bill picks us up about 7:40, but Linda and me walk down at about 7:30 and freeze for awhile. I usually get up at 6:00, 'cause my hair takes quite awhile. I'm wearing it with a small side part now instead of straight back and it looks better. Every single bingle morning I have hot chocolate and a banana or roll and a vitamin. Delicious. I always start my day better, too, if I listen to the radio at breakfast. Dad wakes me up by our little sign system. I have 4 different times written down and set out the one each night I want. So far it works pretty good. We have a bus-stop full of brains -- Dave Green (President of the Student Council), Janie Snyder, Harriet Z, Jimmy Payton (Hobart Rappody, reporter for WHS news), and some other folksies. We also have 2 soccer players, Billy Flax and Danny Z.

Brian has been calling lately. I really wish he wouldn't. He's nice but too namby-pamby. He asked me to a dance which we decided not to go to (the Van Dykes played!) and so we're going to the movies some Saturday night. On the 12th, President Johnson spoke at the Social Security building and all of Woodlawn went to hear him. Over 20, 000 people were there! It was fantastic! I "almost" got to shake his hand. My locker is on the far end of the 3rd floor, so I keep my coat in Judy Wheeler's locker on the 1st floor. (Now wasn't that fact interesting?)

I'm starting to get to that point again where I'd love to get a boyfriend, but nix so far. There are a jillion boys I die for, but nothing's come up yet. Phil, Doug and Stuart aren't Jewish and I don't like anyone else at the moment that is. Oh well, c'est la vie? Oh brother! The Monkees is the most fantabulistic new show that's on! I die for it! Davy Jones is a 5'3" Englander with a groovy accent. Mike Nesmith's from Texas, and tough isn't the word! Mickey Dolenz is a nut who played Corky on "Circus Boy" and Peter is so innocent-looking! They're all so precious and *funny*? Yeah! Channel 4, 7:30 on Mondays, and Channel 11, 5:30 on Saturdays. I have their album (it's the greatest) and they're the first group I've *really* gone crazy over since the Beatles.

Other shows I like this season (mainly Westerns, of course) -- The Monroes (Mike Anderson, Jr. stars and the most adorable twins play his 13 yr. old brothers), Road West, Big Valley, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rounders, Star Trek and Stage 67. Sometimes I watch things like I Dream of Jeannie, the afternoon movies, Get Smart and Ed Sullivan. I still love Where the Action Is.

October 21st

Saw first football game after school against Catonsville, and watched Sally play our team in field hockey.

October 22nd

Today was a "do nothing" day. I ran around in curlers all afternoon and had my Saturday cigarette. Oh yeah, I taped The Monkees at 5:30 (I love 'em!) and then was supposed to go with Brian to the movies but it's postponed.

October 23rd

Loaded with homework -- ugh!  Mostly all either English or French. I saw Kurt Russell on a TV commerical and he looks about the same as he does in Judy's picture. Bonanza was lousy and I'm exhausted.

October 24th

I had sort of a depressing weekend but today was better. I got a 90 something on an algebra test so now I've got a B average in everything but French -- figures. Dave Green sprained his ankle, and for some reason I don't think Phil likes me.

October 25th

His name is Steve.. Blonde hair, blue eyes -- doesn't exactly sound Jewish, does he? But after all, I'm not gonna marry the guy. Ann knows him and said she'd introduce me. (Remember last year? Let's not!)

October 26th

Saw Steve only once. I want to show him to Linda but she can't see a thing in front of her nose. Maybe I should wait 'til Friday -- she gets her contacts. I'm taking Jeff to a Woodlawn play the same night with Terri and the kids...The Pikesville Snobs and the Woodlawn Hicks. Well, I've got a surprise for you. I've just seen some *gorgeous* hicks -- Ken Wally, Steve Johnson, Chuck Smith, Irving, Rich, blondie, Bill and quite a few others.

A Typical School Day, Part I: got up this morning at 6 after the most fantabulous dream I've had in ages. It starred Chuck Smith and -- he liked me! I was so angry when I woke up and found out that it wasn't true. I went to the bathroom and combed out my hair for about 25 minutes and then came back to dress. 7:00 is breckfast and this morning I had cocoa as usual, juice, vitamin, donut and black bread. I read the paper 'til 7:25 when Linda came over but it took longer than usual to get down the street (most always we're first). Today Bill made us show our bus cards (anything to make life more difficult!). I always sit 2 or 3 seats behind the driver, Linda in front or in back of me.

Bill has 3 ways of getting to school -- beltway, St. Luke's Lane or Flannery Lane. Flannery is the shortest and I like it because it goes by Gwynn Oak. so here we are in front of school now, and in I go. I share Judi W's locker (522, near Ken Wally's!) and by the time I get from the 1st floor to the 3rd, it's still only 8:00. Mr. Gusic usually doesn't open the door 'til 5 or 10 after, but today I was lucky and got in almost right away. I got a notice from the library -- I like owe them a million dollars. Ellen went down there with me.

At the bottom of the steps, I saw Chuck across the hall. I could've died -- I felt so weird after that dream. I wanted to run up and say hi! Somehow I managed to get across in front of the library, but when I saw *Steve* go down the hall I stopped dead. I luv him! So the rest of the morning went -- I showed Steve to Terri, Linda, Ellen and Barb from a distance and they agree that he's cute. Upstairs again, I took attendance, heard the announcements, and made pleasant conversation. 8:35 -- off to English!

October 27th

Montclairs are good, in case you're interested. So are Tarytons, but Trues are lousy and Marlboros are too strong. I'm not really a smoker -- just experimenting. I still haven't lit a cigarette in public yet and don't plan to.

October 28th

I LUV HIM! It's been a long time since I've had a crush on anyone and I've forgotten that excited feeling -- wanting to see him all the time. Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve!

October 29th

I wish that I could put down exactly how I feel, but it's impossible. I get so excited when I think about him and my heart pounds like crazy. This may sound like a corny soap opera, but it's true..."More Than Welcome" was so much better than I expected, it was unbelievable. Bob was one of two supposedly identical 17 year old twins, and if that part of the story *alone* didn't clinch it, then his performance certainly did. Sitting there, I could see exactly why Terri dies for him. He really is something -- acts, sings, has looks -- what more could you ask? (Get rid of his girlfriend!)...Linda was absent from school today. She got her contacts.

I was quite bored this evening, so since everyone else was busy, I decided to "wish" Danny over. Boy, I must have some power, 'cause over he came. He seems to think we're back where we left off, but at least he was someone to talk to.

STEVE! All weekend, practically, all I've been thinking about is how great it would be to go with him. Would that be excellent or would that be excellent? Trick or treaters started around tonight. I wish I could still go. Went to the library today and got 5 good books. There's only *one* Jalna book I haven't read and it spans a period of about 30 years. Figures the library wouldn't have it. My friend sort of skipped this month (just sayin' that so I can keep my dates straight).

I think I'm going to Teen Center next week. Linda tells me Lee Malone was there, and Stuart too.

October 30th

Can't wait to see Steve! that's the only thing good about tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to McGovern and I've got a history and algebra test. I'm a little depressed now because the season has finally arrived, but I'll pull out of it.

"Friend" and "season" were two more euphimisms for that time of month.

October 31st

It got dark early tonight because daylight savings time is over, and ever since 5:00 I've been running to the door for trick or treaters. I never thought I'd be glad to see Halloween over before!

I borrowed Terri's Turtle album and it's fantastic! One of the songs, "Eve of Destruction", even though it's old still makes you stop and think. I wonder what's the world gonna be like when I read this 25 years from now? (If it's still around, that is.) Will the Viet Nam War, protest songs, demonstrations, draft-card burnings and all that be passe? Well, to get back to my own little world, I talked to McGovern and shook to pieces this morning. I've got a chance for a B, so he tells me. I sure hope I can get it.

Linda's sort of getting popular lately -- after all, she does fit in quite nicely with the hicks, but it's not for me to knock her 'cause I'm not doin' too well myself. I saw Steve again this morning -- he looked great, as always. Ann (she's back again with Phil) said she's gonna try and get me introduced to Steve by degrees. Today she found out that he doesn't like anyone in particular and isn't going with anyone -- great! Today, our daily pilgrimage happened to take me and Terri by Bob's homeroom. This evening she called to tell me that her next door neighbor is gonna introduce her to him Thursday morning during the music assembly. I'm so glad that there's someone I can talk to who feels the same way I do.

The Monkees was really good tonight. Davy was precious as a jockey in part of it, and his accent plus size -- I luv him! (But I luv Steve more, natch!) Barb L's been bothering me lately. I don't think I like her anymore. Terri and me have gotten closer though.


The first thing that comes to my mind when I want to write something about this past October is...(you'll never guess)...Steve, baby! Yeah, I hope you'll be hearing more about him in November!


- Colors -- pastels, plum, burnt orange and gold, celery green, navy & white
- Cars -- sting rays
- Boys -- Steve, Phil & Doug Edwards, Dave Green, Charles, Chuck, Ken Wally, Stewart
- TV Shows -- Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Monkees, The Road West, Big Valley, Monroes, Star Trek, The Rounders, Action
- Radio Stations -- WCAO, WSID, WEBB, WINN
- Dogs -- cocker spaniels
- Hobbies -- reading, scrapbooking, listening to the radio and collecting records and fan magazines, writing, playing uke and piano, tape recording, photography
- Sports -- field hockey, watching surfing
- Actors - Pat Wayne, Monkees, Kurt Russell
- Singers -- Beatles, Stones, 4 tops, Miracles, Temptations, Bobby Hebb, Raiders, Chad & Jeremy, Supremes, Troggs, Walker Brothers, Dusty Springfield, The Association, Young Rascals, Beach Boys, Standels, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Petula Clark
- Songs -- What Become of the Brokenhearted, It's Alright, If You Can't Say Anything Nice, I'll Be There, Beauty's Only Skin-Deep, Cherish, She's Got the Way to Move Me, Bus Stop, Black is Black, Flamingo
- Foods -- Tandy cakes, London broil and flank steak, hamburgers & french fries & coke, cucumbers and sour cream, grape juice, potato chips, sliced egg sandwiches, coffee cake, Oreos, orange juice, marshmallows, candied sweet potatoes, crab cakes, corn on the cob, Gino burgers and milkshakes, bagels and lox and cream cheese, rice krispies, homemade chicken soup with noodles, bananas, pizza, ice cream sandwiches, pancakes, swiss cheese, herring, brocolli, rice

- classical music
- stew
- dark brown, purple, gray

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