Thursday, June 21, 2012

1966 - May

May 1st

I just saw the greatest program -- I forget the exact name but it had something to do with the history of broadcasting. The We Five were on and sang the most fantabulous song. I sure hope they release it...It's only 4:25, but I felt like writing something anyway. I feel so sorry for Andy Buchman, you can't imagine. She really deserved to win [her class election] and after all the time we spent on her campaign it was a real shame. I can't believe that it's May already. Yesterday I got my camp list -- boy this year went by fast! Ever since I spoke to Shack I haven't felt bad about going back to camp without Sally. But I still feel so sorry for her. I feel uncomfortable around her because I know that she's jealous and she's trying to cover it up. But I bet'cha by this time next year things will have changed and she will have found herself (I hope). Sue came over for a while last night. She put sleepers in her ears because her mother wouldn't let her go to the doctor to get them pierced. She looked like she was dying. By the way, Barry and Craig are moving to Pickwick. I hope somebody decent moves in. While I'm at it, I think I'll mention Ricky. He's another problem. He really is good lookin', but sort of dumb. He tries hard to be "in" with the kids but they don't bother with him. I'm so sick of this stupid weather I could scream. You'd think that heaven would be all rained out by now. I don't mean to ramble on like this but there's nothing else to do so I might as well finish up the page. There -- all done!

The We Five's song was "Beyond the Sea" -- a cover of the Bobby Darin hit.

May 2nd

Talk about Good Luck Monday -- WOW! Linda called to say that Neal said, "Hi, Sunny" to her in the hall. So he hasn't been ignoring me -- he thought Linda was me! (That could be taken both ways, but I won't think about that.)

May 3rd

I forgot to say that yesterday I tripped on a stool in Home Ec and went *splat* right on the floor. My arm feels like it's broken. That maniac Clarke [French teacher] is giving us the most impossible test tomorrow. It's so ridiculous, it's funny. (Ha Ha)

May 4th

I'm trying to decide whether to buy a Mrs. Miller record. That woman is a real honest-to-goodness panic. My horoscopes have been so true it's scary! All of them predicted May 4th as a problem day and boy was it! To start off -- Lee's going with somebody. (Agh! Die! Scream! Yell!) Her name is Barbara Checkett, in the 8th grade, and from what I hear she's a doll (looks and personality). Damn! So much for my dream world. Back to reality -- The 9th grade dance is coming up at the end of the month and I guess I'll ask Danny. I'll just die if he doesn't have his license by then! Connie and Neal will be there, too. (Only comment -- oy vey!) I still don't know what goes with Danny. He acts indifferent when we're out with the kids. Who knows? By the way, Neal said bye to me at my locker and I thought it was Connie, so I yelled, "Bye, Consuelo!". Oh brother. To top it off, Linda and I had studied for ages for that French test and -- you wouldn't believe it. My report card is going to look like this -- A, B, B, E. Karen is in the depths of doom and gloom too. Reason -- the dance. Sue seems to be doin' OK, though -- but I expected that sooner or later. We're getting friendly again. I've got a headache and I think that I'm miserable. Oh yeah, something good -- I've gotten 3 A's and 1 B on my shift so far. I can hardly believe it! Signing off --

Mrs. Miller was a novelty act -- an older woman who sounded like a very bad version of Ethel Merman. Her current hit was "Downtown".

May 5th

There was another big mess and I found out from Lynn Epstein that Barbara doesn't like Lee as much as she likes Neal! That puts me back in the picture! Had a good talk on the phone with Sally -- she's OK.

May 6th

You know it's funny, but I think that God has some sort of plan worked out for me. Danny and Sue were quite obnoxious tonight and I was in the depths of doom and gloom. But if not for that I wouldn't have become so friendly with Andy. So to get back to what I was saying, I think God is helping me to understand myself better and know where I'm going before I get real involved. P.S.  Lee might ask Barb to go steady and I said hi to Neal.

This is my first "sighting" of myself having an understanding of a Larger Picture.

May 7th

My arm's killing me from a typhoid booster shot I got at the dr.'s. I got a nice album, Righteous Brothers, some film and flashbulbs, and a mag. I spent most of the day over Karen's. Great weather today -- cooler than Friday. Danny's a pig. So's Sue. On the way back from Woodlawn, Mom, Jeff and me drove by the twins' house. I found out that Mom knows the Checketts -- holy coincidence! (Corny but proves the point.) Forgot to mention about the big rumor going around the city. It was said that that lady who predicts everything claimed that on Friday, May 6th, at 8:00, that Martians were going to come to Earth and take all of the teenage girls back to Mars. We had a wild time at school kicking that one around. Who knows? They could've all been Neal Malones!

 For some reason, I actually remember sitting in the car when we were driving up Buckingham Road..."Holy ___" was a currently popular phrase from the TV show, "Batman and Robin".

May 8th

We went to Danti's and I have the worst case of indigestion from 2 pieces of garlic bread and a big plate of spaghetti. That's really some place to go on a date! I'm sure that Friday night, when I was with Andy, Sue told Danny all about Lee. On top of that, I've completely given up on Lee. He asked her to the movies and gave her an ID for her birthday. Lynne called me up and said that Barb was a little mad because Sue told her that I was trying to get Lee away from her. Now that's the last thing I want! I'm not aiming to break anyone up, believe me. Anyway, today was Mother's Day and we went to Sunday School (ugh). I definitely don't want to go back there next year. I'm just not interested in any of the activities or anything and that's the point of the whole year. Then we went over the Hymans. I like their dog (name's Pepper) but all he does is lay there.

May 9th

Right now I'm listening to the song, "The Great Pretender" [Righteous Brothers]. God does that bring back memories! It's freezing again, and it was so hot yesterday. The Orioles played a double-header, won both games and Frank Robinson became the first man to hit a ball out of Memorial Stadium! By the way, they finally finished the bridge on Liberty Road. It sure feels funny to ride straight again. Let's see..what else is (k)new
...oh yeah, Neal told Consuelo that I looked like an egg -- nice. I was already in a bad mood, so you can imagine what that did! I'm including a list of my favorite boys this year -- Neal Malone, Lee Malone, Gordon Kaufman, Mike Hoffman, Bobby Johnson and Bruce Stafford. This year's qualifications consist mainly of blonde hair. The twins, Gordon and Mike are in 8th grade. The other 3 are in 9th. Bruce reminds me so much of Danny it isn't funny.

Well, it's Monday -- what lucky thing happened today? Well, if you can call this lucky -- Lynne told Andy that Barb doesn't like Lee anymore and that I can have him. What the heck am I going to do with him? "Action" was good today. They had Paul and Barry Ryan on, 17 year old English twins. I have a thing with twins this year. This Friday (the 13th -- ack!), the 9th grade is going on our field trip -- a ferry ride around the harbor and ride to Fort McHenry and the B&O museum. Maybe I can get a picture of Stuart. By the way, I was in his lab group today. At least somebody knew what they were doing. I tried to ignore Lee when he came in for books but it was tuff!

I'm on a big poetry binge -- Shakespeare and all that stuff. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm crazy! Mom and Dad paid a condolence call to the Zlotowitz's (their grandfather died) and Harriet told them a little about Woodlawn. I think I'll try for the Yearbook next year. [And from such ideas are life-changing actions taken.] Linda and me are starting to fight a lot. I hope she asks Carl to the dance. I'm still trying to get up enough courage to ask Danny...Well, it took me 6 years to find out but it was bound to happen. I've finally realized that Danny is too immature for me. He begged off with some silly excuse when I asked him to the dance, but he got so flustered and upset that later I felt sorry for him. That is, after I finished being hurt and angry. The thing is, though, that I don't give up so easy. I've just gotta get to that dance. But with whom?

My "persistence" was a big theme this Spring. And 2 teachers, Phys Ed and Home Ec, commented on it in my autograph book.

May 10th

I found him! Between Karen and Mom, I was finally convinced to ask Brian. The conversation was so quick that I don't really remember what we said, but I do know that he really sounded like he'd love to come. I can't help but wonder what it will be like after 2 years. I talked to Sue Reicher beforehand, and she said that in both looks and personality, he's great.

May 11th

Barb broke up with Lee -- yay! (I shouldn't say it but I think he still likes her. Sounds like my sort of luck.)  Big poetry test tomorrow -- Dad helped me study for it. That's his field all right! While I'm at it, I'll give Mom 3 cheers too. (yay! yay! yay!)

May 12th

I got THE most beautiful semi-formal for the dance. It'll be called "Paradise Lost" and will be done with huts, nets and trees in green and blue. They're having an intermission so you can smoke on the parking lot if you want. Boy am I clumsy! I fell flat on my face twice today -- once during tennis and then walking up my own front steps! Also, I think that I knelt in a bed of poison ivy -- cute. Oh well, anything to make life interesting.

May 13th

Hey, dig this one -- guess where I'm going tomorrow? To the Lyric! No, not for a rock concert, but to see an opera! Imagine me sitting through Carmen! Don't ask me how the Marcuses got me into this one...Friday the 13th -- and I almost broke a mirror. Just what I'd need -- 7 years of bad luck! Today was the field trip and it was pretty darn good. Only part I sort of minded was when everybody paired up -- Shelley and Steve, Karen and Jerry, Diane and Jeff, Stuary and Cindy, Judy and Stuart, Barbara and Steve, Simon and Margot, etc. The tour on the Port Welcom had absolutely perfect weather. I took a couple of pictures. It was great sitting in the old-fashioned stage coaches and trains -- well, you know how I love westerns! I slept over Sally's tonight. That Richard's a real pain. I think maybe Sally's getting a little bit better. I love Pepe [their miniature poodle]. Oh, if only...We went over some guy's house for Sally's bridge group -- it was pretty boring. I am so exhausted -- 'night! P.S. Only 20 some days 'til vacation! First I gotta live through my shift, and a French and Algebra final plus who knows what else! Lord Give Me Strength! [my mother's favorite prayer ;-)]

May 14th

Now I'm on a big reading and piano kick. Oh shoot, I just remembered I've got 30 algebra problems for homework...Surprise, surprise!! I went to that opera and it turned out to be fantabulous! It turned out to be more like a Broadway play than an opera, and besides, it was done in English. You wouldn't have believe those voices -- just fantastic. You know, I can really talk toAunt Marilyn -- she's a great guy! As I was riding home from the Millers with Mom and Jeff, I saw something whiz by me on a Honda -- it was some boy and Linda! When I got up the street, Sue and a bunch of boys were standing around in front of Andy's house. What was happening was that Larry had a bunch of fraternity brothers down from Drexel for an all-night party. I was just dying to ride that thing but you know the story. I would've, too, after Mom and Dad went back over the Millers, but the dumb guy that owned it rode it away. There was another good lookin' sports car there, too.

Oh yeah, Karen had to wear some crazy thing around her neck because she wrenched a muscle. She's still miserable about the dance.  I wasn't too happy, either -- my braces were cutting me. Later, Sue and Linda (by the way, Sue is going with David Rosenberg, the one who got suspended because of Nancy Hauswald) came over and ran out of the house with my pretzels. About 15 mins. later we started to go down to Kar's for some cigarettes but we met Danny. (He had told Karen  that he didn't accept my invitation because he didn't want to go to the dance with me. That hurt, but it proves how immature he is.) I didn't feel like staying out there so I went in and read one of the 5 books I got from the library.

May 15th

The family went to the Hopkins Club today. It was beautiful out but I had to stay home and copy over a dumb Core notebook. Linda came over, and later Sue. We finished up my roll of film.

May 16th

Spring Fever time again --- meaning I can't study worth a darn! Only 21 more days of school. My thumb is asleep from copying my Core notebook over. (Oh yeah, remind me to say something about CORE and Jeff tomorrow.)...Remember Darryl? Well, Linda's going to the dance with him (my brilliant suggestion, thank you.) Over the phone he sounds more immature than ever, but he really is a different guy at a dance -- 'sides he drives. You know, he told us that he bleached his hair. Ack!! Larry's friend with the Honda came back over today -- man was I dying for a ride. But don't you worry -- I'll get one yet and Mom knows it. Sandy came over after a coupla billion years. She hasn't changed any.

Saw Lee and Neal again (well, what did you expect? I haven't mentioned them in 5 days). Lee looked great. Bobby Gordon and Mike are still the same (thank God!). I don't know whether I've said it or not, but I think that me and Brian will come back over here after the dance...Right now (it's 10:30), there's a terrible fire in Highland Town on Fayette St. It's 12 alarms and still out of control! 65 fire engines are there. The poor owner of the paper company estimates the damage at 1/2 million dollars.

I though I'd include a list of my current favorite songs: The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore, Batman's Grandmother, Red Rubber Ball, You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, Green Grass, Painted Black, Groovy Kind of Love. This Wednesday is orientation night at Woodlawn. I'm really looking forward to it. Last Saturday I went to the library to get 1 book for a book report. I ended up with 5. My room is starting to look like a book store!

May 17th

Another miracle! I got a B+ on the zipper of my shift! Boy, she must've been in a good mood when she marked that thingy. Would you believe that algebra actually bores me now? Well, would you believe, just a little? Neal Malone is a RAT. I got out of Phys Ed to go to the Student Council meeting. It just so happens that he came today, too. Barb and me sat down behind him and Jan Rosenthal. I said, "Hi, Neal" twice before he heard me and then he gave me a look and turned around again without saying anything. THAT's manners for you!

CORE, that Civil Rights movement, has come to Baltimore for the summer. I hope we don't have any riots. Dad's store is in a bad area for that type of thing. I think that Jeff has reached his lowest point. I mean it just can't get any worse! It's him against the world.

I have done less homework and studying this term than I've done in my life, and I've got practically straight A's in every subject except French. I wish it would work like that all year round!

May 18th

Thought I'd so some more mentioning. Polok (Polish people) jokes are in now. I take it that no one likes them (Poloks) very much. Darryl didn't really bleach his hair -- but Ricky still thinks he did.

May 19th

Laredo wasn't on tonight (darn darn darn). B ut they had a hysterical program on instead about politics. Exactly 21 days of school left and 4 weekends. I don't think I'll be able to make it. I got pictures back from the trip last week. Most of them really turned out great, especially the ones of Stuart W and Steve. Karen ran away with the one I took of her and Roger. I forgot to say that 2 days ago, Danny found out that Darryl was going to the dance and he decided that now he wanted to go with me. For once, Sue used her head and told him tough luck -- I already have a date. (That bastard -- pardon my French again.)

I talked to Brian last night and he made me carry the entire conversation for the whole 3 minutes we were on the phone. I think he felt uncomfortable since we've seen each other only twice this winter...The funniest thing is watching Danny trying to park -- crashing into garbage cans and running over tulips! That Glen is an absolute panic. The things he says! Ricky is getting more touchy every day -- at least it's better than him just standing there.

I really should go and study for my algebra and French test but I just can't bring myself to do it. It's so much like summer outside that it's unbearable. Guess what I'm interested in? TENNIS -- me, Linda, Barbara and Terri had the wildest time playing today in gym.' Sides there was a cute boy playing on the court next to us.

May 20th

Grandma's over -- oh wow. Wanna hear a riot? Sue and Danny and Darryl and Sandy went out tonight. Only thing is that Sandy and Sue are going steady. Well, looks like the Immature Four are back together again. Linda, Terri and Karen are sick, sort-of (colds probably). I went down Karen's -- it's amazing how we can talk to each other. Tomorrow is Campfield's May Fair; I might go. Tomorrow night I baby-sit for the Sandlers. P.S. Jeff was really good tonight.

May 21st

The weather has really been boiling hot lately! Summer is definitely here and I'm beginning to get campsick, especially when I hear certain songs. I'm staying home this Wednesday for Shavuot.

Today I went to the May Fair with Terri. For the first 45 minutes, the best part was some cotton candy that I got. Then I decided to try and knock down some bottles for a prize. Just as I threw, I saw Stuart W and some friends. Of course I missed with all 3 balls. Then we met Leslie and walked off to watch another game. As I was standing there, Stuart came up behind me and practically scared me to death. Then he grabbed hold of my balloon, tied it to my pocketbook and started squeaking it. I tried to get it back (he's so tall and great-looking!) and at this point Terri sort of disappeared (good girl!). Then Stuart and Buzzy tied the balloon to one of my pigtails and cut off the string. Then they pulled off my rubberbands.

I had won a little rubber knife which he cut up and then let go of my balloon. I felt so fabulous being with them -- everyone was staring. Then it was time to go back to Terri's so Mom could pick me up. I kept threatening Stuart that I would beat him up Monday. We were a little bit down Alter when Stuart and the guys caught up with us. He took away my comb and then teased up my hair real crazy. He had a heck of a time trying to comb it out. He put his arm around me and started to walk me past Terri's house, but I broke loose and told him that I just had to go. He waved and said he'd see me Monday. When I stopped to analyze the situation, I could've killed myself for not walking on with him. Imagine me walking up Forest Garbage with THAT!

The only thing that's curious is that Buzzy kept making references to Judy Brown and telling me that she'd be jealous. Stuart got real mad and told him to shutup. Is it because he likes Judy or can't stand her? I don't know, but I kept hoping that I'd hear from him again this weekend. Of course not, but I had such a swell time.

I was with Linda for most of the evening We were pretty bored, but had a *good* boring time. About 8:30, she went in and I stayed on the porch to wait for Mr. Sandler. Danny, Danny and Jay came over and sat on the porch, and when Danny lost his seat, he wanted to sit on the lounge chair with me. He's a night-time romeo if I've ever seen one. I enjoyed the attention anyway.

The Orioles are doing crummy, in case you're interested, and we had our first really good thunderstorm tonight. I saw a real sad movie and came home at 1:30.

May 22nd 

The Emmy awards were on tonight. Bill Cosby is the absolute greatest. I got out of Sunday School this morning -- I was "sick". It took me about 3 hours, but I finally finished my book report. Now to see how I can get out of giving it tomorrow!

May 23rd

StuartStuartStyartStuartStuartStuartStuartStuart...Here I go again -- this time it's tall, blonde and handsome Stuart Wiles. (Sunny -- you're impossible!) I don't know whether to talk myself out of this one or not. Incidentally, he likes Judy, or loves her. I'm not sure which. But I truly doubt if he hates her. Why do I always pick *those* types? Now for some little tidbits -- Neal ate over Consuelo's house yesterday for dinner. They make a good couple, even if he *is* a pig. I got a 44 on an algebra test -- there goes my straight A average. Would you believe that Jeff Colton is "fast"? Little itty bitty baby Colton! I almost died when Karen told me. She still doesn't have a date for the dance -- she might just have to settle for Jerry or Mark. Oy vey. I'm practicing my autograph [interesting...]...Oh yeah, Mom says that Danny really doesn't hate me. We're both as mixed up as the other one.

May 24th

Stuart is another Carl -- everybody's friend and nobody's boyfriend. I might, just might have a party. I'd invite Karen and tell her to bring a date, Consuelo (she'd bring Neal), Barbara and Steve, Leslie and Terri only if they could bring dates. Oh yeah -- Linda and Carl. I'd ask Stuart. I don't want to have it, though, if he can't come. I'll have to think about it.

Now I'm over Sally's. I know it's Wednesday, but don't get shook up. Tomorrow is Shavuos and I'm going to Har Sinai with her. I have been doing more bike riding lately! We went up to the Chizuk and rode slalom. I've never been up there when it's been so very quiet. We came home and played 1 minute of ping pong. Later she typed while we listened to records. I didn't have a bad time, considering, but I would've maybe rather been with Linda. Like I said before -- I'm on a tennis kick and she asked me to go with her and her parents to play at Woodlawn. Richard is...Richard and that's about all. Maybe college will change him.

May 25th

Oh God, the most terrible things are happening again. First Marcy's mother, and now Karen's father just had a heart attack. I feel so sorry for her.

Went to synagogue with Sally to see the confirmation. I guess that I'll probably go back -- that's my sense of moral obligation speaking. Barbara's confirmation is June 12th and the dance is June 4th. That's the extent of my social life. I'm feeling a little depressed -- I think it's almost that time of the month again.

Hey -- I forgot to tell ya. We met Andy Buchman and Lynne at services. Lynne told me that Lee had given up on Barb but that he had asked *her* out! That's a cute one. He asked her to a party this Saturday night but she couldn't make it. So he's takin' her to the movies instead. But that's not all. Since Lynn can't do this Saturday, she's going to casually suggest me, if Lee wants another date! That's the Plaine scheming mind working again. He'll probably throw up when she mentions my name after what Neal's told her from Consuelo about me. Oh well, it's worth a try and after all, there's only 17 days of school left. What??!! 17! Yippee!! No more Warmkessel, Danish, Wilcox, Roberts, Shrieberg, Clarke, Densmore, algebra, Core, Mr. George, Mr. Herrera, Feiser, Reese (hey, what am I talkin' about? He's GREAT!!), gym, art, French, science, detention, book reports, exams, locker rooms, Miss Schaeffer, morning announcements, Charpentiers, language lab, sick jokes, electronics, economics, zippers and facings, bus 139, Weekly News Reviews, Science Worlds, etc. Oh yeah -- also, NO MORE SUDBROOK!! (You know something? I might even miss it, a little.)

May 26th

Danny, me, Sue, Andy and Linda borrowed the game Twister from Marilyn. Danny spun the thingy but didn't play 'cause he wasn't wearing socks. I wish he would've. It would have been hysterical! Neal is a pig and now so is Stuart. So far, Danny and Lee have managed to stay out of the mud. I thought about Lynne and Lee this morning and told her to forget it. It's a good thing I caught her before she talked to him. Like I said, Danny and me are both nuts. He came over today at 4:30. All right -- don't look at me that way but can a person help how she feels?

I have so much that I should be doing and plenty of time to do it in. No, that's wrong in a way. I just can't seem to get around to it. You know, stuff like name tapes and more camp stuff, cleaning out my notebook, fixing up my cabinets, doing my homework, etc. Enough of that!!

Sally got her first date. Yeah, she's doubling with Shirley Marcus to the movies. Richard fixed it up. Way to go! The weather is starting to get icky out even though it's getting cooler. Oh my golly -- I forgot about writing my book report! See ya!

May 27th

I got a deficiency in algebra this morning and when I read it I went into a nice little state of shock. Mrs. Warmkessel suggested that it would be "advantageous" for me to go to summer school. And miss camp? NEVER!! Besides, it isn't that I don't know the work, I just get nervous on tests! Danny was over tonight. I might just as well get used to the fact -- I'm going to like him forever.

May 28th

Linda and me went bike riding this evening. We got up near Sudbrook when POW -- my tire got flat. I had to walk it practically all the way home. We saw Gordon Kaufman on Campfield Road. I was hoping we'd run into Stuart on Carol but we didn't. Durn it!

 May 29th

We're moving. When I first heard about it I was shocked and then I really got upset. Leaving good ol' Forest Garbage and the kids seemed years in the future and now all of a sudden, it's here. I just don't know where to begin. How can you explain what living in the greatest neighborhood for 11 years is like? Growing up with Karen, Sue, Danny, etc. It's just awfully hard to accept that you'll be leaving them. Well, it won't be like I'll never see them again. We're probably going to move up the street from Sally in the same type of house the people across the street from her live in. I might just have the whole upstairs apartment to myself -- bedroom, study, sitting room. As time goes on, iImight get my own TV and telephone! Plus ping pong table (we have 2 rec rooms), color TV, air conditioners, etc. Imagine us -- the "poorhouse Plaines"!

The reason we're moving is because the value of our house and property is going down because of the location, meaning the Negros are moving up. I hate saying that, like it's something terrible, but you know how it is. Oh yeah -- we might get a dog! Already I'm worrying about if it can be *my* dog and if Jeff will mind me having the whole upstairs. I wonder what will happen if a Negro family tries to buy our house. I mean, you jst can't say "no, I don't want you living in my old house", but if we sell it to them the neighbors will never forgive us.

I guess I'll go to Pikesville next year. Even if we move 6 months later than we're planning to (the lot I'm speaking of may be too close to the beltway), I'll still start there instead of switching from Woodlawn. I'm looking forward to the Jewish boys which I probably couldn't find in Woodlawn but I dread being in the same school with The Crowd again. Sally says I'll find my own group. Say, that's right -- I'll be in the same school with her -- competition again. Well, I won't let that bother me now. I don't expect any fantastic neighborhood or anything, but Mom says that more kids will pay attention to me now that didn't before because of where I live.

Dad is so excited. he says that our house will be much finer than the Marcus's or the Hyman's. It practically killed me to keep from telling Linda. I wonder how everyone will take it. I'm really gonna miss everybody -- but I think I just might miss Danny and Karen most of all. You know, all the things about this place that I took for granted before, I'm starting to notice. I've had a very trying day and right now my head is killing me. I've gotta go to school tomorrow (Memorial Day & Dad's birthday) but when I get home we're going out to Stevenson. Oh gosh, dear diary, I'm all mixed up. I'm sad, and happy. I just feel like I'm in some crazy kind of dream.

We celebrated Dad's birthday this morning. He really looked happy. This afternoon, after hearing THE NEWS I was a bit shook up so Linda and me went to play tennis at Sudbrook. We saw Danny and Stuart.

The "Poorhouse Plaines" -- my father always made us believe that, even though it wasn't true, as I came to find out many years later.

May 30th

Memorial Day and where do ya think I was? IN SCHOOL! Boy, they better not pull this trick again! We had some sort of stupid assembly. Lee and Neal were in the band -- that part was good.

May 31st

Oh Lordy, am I depressed. I've never felt as bad as this. Life is horrible. Linda is starting to like Lee a lot since she was introduced to him. I'm failing school. Home Ec, algebra and French are lost causes. On top of all this, Sally called up to tell me all the great stuff that's happening to her. I really snapped at her. I didn't mean to but oh God, I feel so miserable. I'm in the mood to slam a right in Jeff's face. Somebody shut him up!! Mom wants to understand and Dad does too, but no one can pull me out of this but me.

Allright, I'll admit it -- I'm feeling sorry for myself. Mom says that after you hit a low, things are bound to pick up. Yeah, I can imagine what would happen next -- Linda will run off with Lee and heaven knows what else. Linda really is a good kid and I know she wouldn't get involved with the Malones deliberately to hurt me. OH HELL!! That's about as close as I can get to the mood I'm in now. Something good happen -- please!


Another month gone already. Needles to say, the last few days were a doozy. 13 may be an unlucky number, but that's how much of school is left.


- Color -- pastels (pink, blue, yellow)
- Cars -- Mustangs, motor scooters
- Boys -- Neal & Lee Malone, Bobby Johnson, Mike Hoffman, Gordon Kaufman, Bruce Stafford
- TV Shows -- Gidget, Laredo, Gunsmoke, Batman, Bonanza
- Radio stations -- WCAO
- Dogs -- wire-haired fox terriers, german shepherds, toy poodles, beagles
- Hobbies -- reading, playing piano and uke and singing with Karen and Linda, photography, scrapbooking, badminton, tennis, swimming, collecting records
- Actors --Jay North, Michael Anderson Jr., Dino Martin, Jr., Peter Brown, William Smith, Sally Field, Julie Andrews, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Burt Ward, Bob Random, John Wayne
-  Singing Groups -- Simon & Garfunkel, Dino, Desi & Billy, 5 Americans, Paul Revere & the Raiders, James Brown, Tijuana Brass, Mamas & Papas
- Songs -- Batman's Grandmother, Red Rubber Ball, Painted Black, Believe Me, Groovy Kind of Love, Message to Michael
- (New) Foods -- hot sauerkraut, Pepsi, chocolate chip and peach ice cream, lemonade, iced tea

Dislikes (new):
- opera, Wayne Newton, the song "Mama"
- asparagus
- Colors -- brown, light gray, purple
- Subjects -- math and every science except for biology and psychology

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