Saturday, June 23, 2012

1966 - June

June 1st

Hello! Yeah -- I'm feeling OK again, despite the fact that I'm still failing school. We're having an algebra test tomorrow like you have never seen in all your born days!! I went over Andy's and even *she* had trouble figuring the damn word problems out. On the way to Linda's to study for a science test (they may have to put me away), I met Danny coming out of hhis house. He volunteered his services to help me figure them out (he looked terrific). We sat on the curb for an hour and froze but at least he got something done. I tell ya, I would have willingly turned to ice if we could've stayed out there longer, but I couldn't help wishing a little that he'd ask me in. But what killed me is that even *he* had trouble and he's taking Algebra II and Trig! Warmkessel's flipped her lid this time. After about 45 minutes studying science, Linda and I finally figured out what unit we were in. Mr. Danish may be a science brain but he certainly is a crummy teacher.

Brian called tonight to find out a few things about the dance. Ever since that episode with Mike B last year, I've been afraid that my date will back out at the last minute. But I'm quite sure that it won't happen again. Of course I still think that I'd rather go with Danny but it's OK because I'm on good terms with him and I know that he feels bad.

Couples for the dance -- Ronnie Smelkinson and Karen M, Kar Brooks and Dennis Kravitz (8th gr.), Judy Flom and Marc Solomon, Mark Byers and Kathy Land, Consuelo and Neal, me and Brian, Linda and Darryl, Barb and Barry, Terri and Steve Cardin (?), Audrey and Herman Bauman, Marcy Miller and Arnold Stolberg, Simon and Margo, Judy B and Nick somebody, Hillary and Wayne Paul, Diane and Jeff, Shelley and Steve, Steve W and Joy Newman, Jean M. and Marc's brother, Jill and Frank. Don't ask me why I'm doing this. Anyway -- there's supposed to be a great turn-out. All Sudbrook girls asking outside boys. Stuart W and Ronnie Friedland aren't going. Jeff Colton says that it's "below" him. that's a joke!

This is for Linda -- "Hi, Jim!" There, it's done. I should be mad at her anyway. Neal came up to her in the hall and introduced her to Lee and now she knows them both. She likes Lee too. *sob* Andy's sister's cat is staying with her for awhile and it's precious. I'd love to have a decent pet. The US is in the process of sending a space probe to the moon and there are reports of UFOs following it. I suppose they could be spaceships? Man -- what a thought! It's supposed to land tomorrow. Cape Kennedy was supposed to try that docking thing again today but it flopped. Nobody cares much to listen to the blast-off anymore.

Bits of news corner --  I've go a straight A average in *art*. Beat that! I forgot what I was going to say...Oh yeah, Scott's cast comes off June 14th, Flag Day. The Fepelsteins got a beautiful German Shepherd. Sally's got a movie date this weekend, like I said somewhere before, I think. I'm in the mood to read a Jules Verne book.

June 2nd

I think I'm gonna throw up. I've really done it this time and I'm not being funny. My whole summer now depends on my final algebra exam next week. I get less than a C and poof -- no camp. I've been a darn fool with algebra this year, trying to bluff my way through it, actually. Now it's horrible to know that your life for 2 months is controlled by 50 lousy minutes. Maybe it's too late to do anything about it this year, but I've learned my lesson, the hard way. I've already started studying; the test is a week from Monday and I've gotta give my *all*. I better start praying and working!

June 3rd

Steve Kraus is going to the hospital for a hernia operation. He asked Barbara to go down and see him -- boy she didn't give him an argument about that! I think he goes in on the 14th. Things are looking up again -- up-down-up-down. Anyhoo...Oh yeah, Neal said hi to *me*! I wuz walking to French with Terri when I saw him come around the corner. I figured that it wasn't any use to say hi because I was pretty sure that he wouldn't answer. All of a sudden he said, "Hul-lo Sunny!" I almost fell right through the floor! It was *some* shock. Linda had told me that he said hi to her a couple of times like that, but I never figured he'd talk to me. I found out in gym that he was in a good mood because he and Consuelo like each other so much.

You know, about that party I was going to have, I decided to have it with Barbara over her house because I was afraid of crashers. I had already told Consuelo and Neal said that he would come. But we can't have it because (1) I don't have a date, and (2) Barb can't have it at her house because it's too close to her confirmation next Sunday. RATS!

TOMORROW NIGHT'S THE DANCE!!! I still wish, sorta, a little bit that I was going with "someone else" but Brian and I will have a great time. Lynne told me that Lee doesn't even know who I am!! How do you like that one? (snob). I've heard stories about him and Robyn and him and Carol that make me wonder if he's as shy as I thought. But I luv him anyway!

June 4th

Well, the 9th Grade Dance has come and gone. And get this -- I'm *glad* I didn't go with Danny. Brian's a living doll, and I mean it. Why should I bother with a make-believe Lee Malone when I've got a real-life Brian?  I have to admit though, Neal did look good tonight. Brian again? Well, he was just what I ordered. Why do good things have to go by so fast? We got our pictures taken. He told me to call him as soon as I get them back. Will I! I should be tired -- it's 1:40 now, but oh Brian, Brian, Brian.

June 5th

You'll never guess where I went today!! Horse-back riding! Kar, Linda, me and Ronnie went to the Lazy H. I rode something called the Buckskin Mare, western saddle. It was teriff!!

June 6th

I'm studying away for that exam. I've just gotta make it! Warmkessel still drives me crazy with that icy, robot attitude of hers. Something good -- I'm almost finished my shift...I wish that it was possible to turn back the clock to the night of the dance because now that I have had time to think about it, I had the best time I've ever had in my life, and I'm not exaggerating. I was *sure* that it would be pretty terrific, but I still didn't think that it could quite match up to the Poly dance. Well, as it happened, it far surpassed that. The entire atmosphere was totally different. I suppose I should start with the decorations.

Over the entrance was a thatched hut, and all along the wall on that side was a huge piece of black paper. On the paper, in Chinese lettering, was printed, "Paradise Lost". Over the clock, crossing each other were 2 fishnets and all around the back of the cafeteria were little paper fish hanging from the ceiling. Blue and green crepe paper covered the lights so that it was just dim enough, and there were these little machines that had different colored glass plates and rotated slowly, creating a not-too-bright spotlight effect. The band, The Malibu's, looked fabulous, and they stood on this grass-covered platform. Thei drum blinked different colors, too.

There were tables against the side of the room with bouquets of peonies and white tablecloths. There were free cokes served and also potato chips and pretzels. During the 2 intermissions (about 10 minutes or so), you could go outside and smoke. On the opposite wall was a long mural with a volcano and water and palm trees painted on it. Considering all of the teachers were invited, the turn-out was great. I mean there were hardly any of them there. I sort of avoided Mrs. Densmore [home ec].

I was wearing my new semi-formal -- the one with the blue crepe top, empire-waisted with 2 streamers coming down over a blue bottom. I had blue heels to match and a blue ribbon in my hair which died before the dance was over. Brian didn't know hardly anyone but he fit in well. Neal looked fantastic. So did Consuelo, but they kept to themselves most of the time. Leslie was eating her heart out. Barb Levin and her date, Barry Wendell, acted drunk. It was a real riot. Brian was fascinated with the current school scandals and we really made the rounds. He was an absolute doll to everybody, even if he did get a little sidetracked on the subjects of cars and lacrosse once in a while.

Everybody could tell that I was in 7th heaven. You wouldn't believe how some people change when they're at a dance. Steve and Shelley -- well, you wouldn't expect if from Shelley! Even Jeff Debois had his arm around a girl. Imagine -- Jeff! I really do like Brian now. He's changed since 7th grade -- but only for the better. He's grown up. I'd love to go with him. I was in a real knocking mood, especially at The 4 Lanterns later.

June 7th

Tomorrow's the make-up for that test we all did so well on last week. This time I know what I'm doing. If I do good, maybe it will lessen the pressure on my final.

June 8th

OH DARN!! What's wrong with me anyhow? I wasn't the least bit nervous on that test but I managed to mess it up anyway. I might as well give up.

June 9th

Today was the first day of reviewing for THE TEST. You know, I had forgotten all about factoring. The rest doesn't look too bad, so far. I better start praying early.

June 10th

You won't believe what happened today in Home Ec. I drove myself crazy trying to finish that dang blasted shift, and right at the end I put a hole in it!! I could've cried. Anyway, I had to stay a couple minutes after the bell rang. When I finally finished, 10 minutes later, I realized that I didn't have a late slip. By this time I was sure I was in for a nervous breakdown. So I walked the halls trying to figure out what to do. Finally I saw Mr. Reese and after explaining the whole mess, he wrote me one. He's such a doll! It said that I had been helping him out, which was a perfect lie, but Wilcox said it was OK and I was safe.

June 11th

I was bored, so I played ball with the biggest bunch of mental cases you've seen in your life! I was catcher -- believe me it was crazy. Later I met Diane and Jeff walking over Karen's.

June 12th

I have come to a momentous decision. It is not the end of the world if I have to go to summer school. Sometimes, Mom says, the worst things actually turn out for the best. You see, last year I really *needed* camp. I had to find myself (you know what I mean). but this year I have a better idea of who I am and so on. Besides, I don't think that it would be as good as last year. I *would* miss Sally, and it wouldn't be the same without Miss Amy. You may think that I'm rationalizing, but it's the honest, simple truth.

This was, I think, the first time that I got majorly hoisted by my own petard. Yes, I was rationalizing, but at the same time I was learning that I had to accept the fallout from my own (bad) choices. Mom's advice, as usual, was what I needed to hear and it fit in with my own basically optimistic philosophy of life.

June 13th

Now I *gotta* face it -- I'm going to summer school -- but it doesn't really bother me now. I didn't get the mark I needed, but thank goodness I could see Patty's paper or I wouldn't have gotten hardly anything right.

June 14th

It's Tuesday and time for the cute science unit test on electronics. "Cute" is the word alright. I mean, after all, there's nothing better than cathode electron guns, grids and scanners.

June 15th

Last test of the year!! Wilcox was the one to give it to us, naturally. This is also the last full day and the last lunch -- no more Malones. *sob sob*

June 16th

We get out at 12:00 today but there's still tomorrow left. The office has been suspending people right and left for wearing sandals, dungarees and t-shirts. This place is turning into a real nut house.

June 17th

SCHOOL'S OUT!!!  At least for a week. They're supposed to send me a postcard that tells me when I start, what room, etc. It oughta be fun in a way but I can wait 'til it starts.

June 18th

Went bowling tonight with Danny. I think that I really got to know him for the very first time, although I never could be crazy about him again. I had a good time, almost better than I expected, but I didn't feel anything when he kissed me.

June 19th

I'm really mixed up this time!! I saw Nancy Steinhorn over Sue's today and she told me that Danny likes me -- a lot. Now that I know, almost for sure, I think I'm starting to like him again. I don't know *what* the heck is going on. Darn that Nancy! Just when I had convinced myself that being friends was the limit, along she comes. I like him? YEAH!

June 20th

I luv him! The only thing is, he's got the type of personality where he's afraid to show too much of what he feels in public. But I know he likes me... and I LIKE HIM!! You know, the strangest thing happened today, and it's driving me nuts! I went down to Price's with Linda and while I was gone Catherine told me I got a call. She knows that it was a boy, but he didn't leave his name, saying he'd call back later. Catherine is positive that it wasn't Brian, and I've checked with Danny and Darryl, the only other possible ones. Right now it's 10:45 so I guess he's not calling back. But this is torture. Who could it be?

June 21st

I baby-sat for the Cohens tonight. Danny and Simon came in. (You can't say I complained.) We watched a good movie on TV -- The Gazebo. Danny sat next to me and...yeah... I wonder when the heck I'm going to get something about summer school. It starts this Monday and I haven't heard a thing. I finally think that I've just about outgrown camp. I'd much rather stay home and be with the kids (boys) and stuff like that, than spend a month in the woods with a bunch of girls. It was fantastic while it lasted, but now..Maybe I've just rationalized it because I can't go, but still, this summer already feels different from all the rest. I hate to admit it, but I've also outgrown those great summers. But in a way, I sorta don't mind. There are other things to take the place of softball and hide-and-go-seek. P.S. I finally found out who it was that called yesterday -- SUE! Beat that one.

June 22nd

Man, WHAT A DAY!!! It started at about 12:45 when everybody got here.. There were 12 of us -- me, Lee, Lynn, Brian, Danny, Danny Z, Jay, Ronnie, Darryl, Andy, Karen and Linda. We divided into 2 cars (one was Darryl's convertible Malibu) and off we went to the Lazy H. We got there, and finally managed to climb up on those flea-bags. Really -- Lee had an excellent one, a beauty. He can really ride. I had one called Duke something. We all started off together, but that's where it ended. At the top of that big hill, Duke reared up in the air and practically scared me to death. Brian was excellent for his first time.

Well, we got going again and came to the stream. Here's where the riot began. Danny Z had Spot -- and that needs no explanation. It was the funniest thing to see him, Danny, Darryl and Jay sitting there cussing out those animals. I really wish I'd had a camera. One of the guys finally helped them out and we were off for the umpteenth time. I tried to stay near Danny for some of it but it didn't work. Going up a hill, one of the Lazy H boys charged past me and nearly ripped my ankle off. Anyhow, Duke started to canter. Was that great or was that great? Smooth as anything -- gives ya the neatest feeling.  On the way back to the barn, there was a real big field and..Hi-Oh Silver, Away!! I actually galloped!!! Man, we were just tearing along there. (I hung on for dear life.) I was in 7th heaven though. Lee looked the best ever. He was dressed all in black -- socks, t-shirt, *tight* Levis. With that hair and freckles -- Mmm BOY! So we left the place and ended up at County General Hospital to see Denise. (She had a nose job.) She looked like the monster to beat all monsters. After that, we drove to Gino's (Brian treated me) and then home. But that's not all.

After a quick change, we piled into the cars again, and sailed off for Patapsco Park. We played softball there until 5:30 and then decided we'd better head back. AND, on the way back, Lee falls asleep. I had the most tremendous urge to hug him it was unbelievable. His head was practically on my shoulder, and that was *some* impulse I had to fight. All in all it was one fantabulous day. Only part I minded was Danny -- I guess I like him alright. Oh well, who knows. The evening isn't over yet, although I'm pooped...

10:30 I've had it. I finally exploded. I'm up to here with getting knocked constantly about Jeff, and I've taken my last dig from Danny Z. The next time he says just one little lousy thing, I'm gonna shut him up but good. Between him, Sue, Scott and Jay, I'm going crazy. I just love the way Sue just waltzes over and monoplizes the conversation and all of the people. You know, if it wasn't for Sue this summer, I probably would be able to get somewhere with Danny but as it is, Goddamn it! I wish she's go to hell with Zlotowitz. I talked to Mom and she says that I'm more mature than these kids and I've skipped the stage they're going through. But skipped it or not, I've gotta go through it with them or have no friends. But I sure wish they'd grow up enough for me to talk to them -- meaning Danny. I just want to know where I stand. But I guess he hasn't reached that stage yet.

I don't remember how I managed to get all my favorite guys together to go horseback riding. I do know that it was one of my most masterful manifestations ever.  ;-)

June 23rd

Went out to the Club with Linda and had a real good time. Got waited on at the canteen by the cutest boy with blonde hair -- precious! Had a bar-b-que when we got home.

June 24th

Today was a real scorcher -- 97 degrees! I started reading GWTW again and got involved with the characters. Like I've said -- it's one fabulous book. I was dying all day for Danny to come over and he finally did, just as we were about to eat dinner. I had been reading GWTW when I went to the door and I was sort of feeling like Scarlett O'Hara, so I calmly dismissed him. He didn't come back until 9:30, even when I had been sitting on the porch "trying to cool off" for an hour. When he did come, we took a walk around the block. The thing is though, I'm crazy about him when I'm not with him, and when I'm with him I don't feel anything. Usually there are long lapses in our conversation and I am so sick of small talk. But you just can't discuss anything like I want to with him. It's impossible! I hope, in fact I fervently pray, that I'll meet somebody half decent on Monday. I have the 10:15 shift in room 113. Dad is getting me a fan because it is absolutely impossible to sleep in my room now. (I wish I could wear a bikini.)

June 25th

11:30 AM -- I really tossed and turned before I got up this morning. Why? Tyrole opened today and the Baltimore kids left. It's not that I want to go so much this year. In fact, in a way I'd rather not. But when you've done something for half a decade, you feel kinda funny when you stop. What I'm really "campsick" for are the good times *last year* with the whole PU gang and Miss Amy. I feel very queer right now and I can't explain it. I hope it wears off pretty soon, but I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the summer. Karen and Linda will be gone. So will Simon, David, Jimmy, Tommy, Jeff, Stevie and Ricky. I'll have my 2 *dearest* friends -- Sue and Danny Z to keep me company though. (OH BROTHER.) I think maybe I'll sleep the summer through?...Baby-sat for the Sandlers and nearly had a heart-attack when the TV went on the blink. I thought I'd miss Gunsmoke and the movie -- but again the Plaine know-how saved the day.

June 26th

Jeff and me went out to Silver Birch with the Millers. Danny, Danny Z, Ronnie and Scott were there. Danny looked excellent. I only wish that he were more outgoing and took the initiative. When Jeff and me got home, we sat on the proch and read. Within 45 minutes, billions of cars started going up our street. Seems that there were 2 big adult shindigs. We (all the kids) went in the street and tried to charge 25 cents a parking space. It was an absolute riot. Karen wanted to order crabs but it seemed that everyone was broke so we postponed  it until a later date.

June 27th

School started again today. Algebra's going to be a snap -- I have a class full of real dummies and for once I feel smart. 9th - 11th grade. Our teacher is human again, thank God, not a walking icicle. I was hoping Danny would come over all evening and when I finally gave up, over he came. We watched TV -- the most precious boy had this show that took the place of Andy Williams for the summer [John Davidson]. Danny wanted to make out. I did have a big urge to throw my arms around him and hug him to death. If only he were a different type of boy, because I know he likes me and it really could be great.

June 29th

Went riding today with Andy, Linda, Jan Rosenthal and the twins. I had *the* most excellent horse -- neck-trained and raring to gallop. Man, we really took off over that field. Boy did the twins look precious -- perfect "loving brothers". Hah! They're immature and don't use the nicest language but they're still cute in their own way.


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