Friday, June 15, 2012

1966 - February

February 1st

More snow, no school again tomorrow.Danny W. came over tonight, the pig. Linda was over; we were havin' a ball 'til he came. He just stayed until Danny Z. came home. Can't say I was sorry he didn't stay longer.

My on-again, off-again romance with Danny. This was apparently an off-time.

February 2nd

I'm in a great mood -- no school tomorrow. Washed my hair -- turned out swell. I'm on a big photography binge -- found some old family slides. they're a panic!

February 3rd

Sleepin' over Karen's; good thing -- I was gettin' stir crazy! Just reminiscing over the good old neighborhood, what idiots we were! (no school again tomorrow).

February 4th

Tomorrow night is the Colt-Faculty basketball game and we haven't even flown our balloons yet! It ought be pretty good. I'm taking Sally -- hope she likes it.

Back in the day, before we became enlightened about environmental concerns, we used to have annual Balloon Ascensions. We would release hundreds of helium balloons, each with a tag from the sender. (I believe this was a fund-raiser.) It was fun to see if someone, somewhere, would return your tag. There were prizes for the furthest returns. Mine was returned this time, from Ocean County, NJ.

February 5th

Basketball game -- pretty darn good; can't say as much for the dance. Left after 15 minutes. Slept over Sally's and read a few comics. Seems like I haven't seen one in years!

February 6th

Launched a "Jeffrey campaign". I shut up for the day and let him be in the limelight. Took Sally and Kar to Chizuk dinner. OK -- wish more people would've shown up, though.

I see early elements here of my networking/matchmaking tendencies -- bringing Sally and Karen together at Chizuk Amuno (the intersection of three very different worlds).

February 7th

I heard about the most terrible thing today. Carol Hamburger, who was in my 7th grade class, was hit and killed by a car yesterday -- it's so hard to believe that such a thing could ever happen.

This must've been my first experience of the death of a contemporary.

February 8th

I was in a real nutty mood today. I decided that I'm taking judo, fencing, and buying a set of drums. I'm also becoming first woman astronaut, moving to L.A...

Of these ideas, there's been only one that I've actually done -- I took fencing for a semester in college.

February 9th

I wasn't kidding about what I wrote yesterday! The family joined the J.C.C. [Jewish Community Center] and I'm taking judo & maybe swim lessons -- crazy! Also got new spread, rug and curtains -- great lookin'.

February 10th

I think I just got a best friend -- Linda. We had the best time after school today. We're gonna have a great time at the JCC. We can't take judo so we might try fencing.

February 11th

Baby-sat for Glen -- what an experience! Had to bathe him and dress him for bed, and read to him -- he's really some character. The Trosch's color TV was great.

February 12th

Got some great books at the library. I think I'm "rehabilitating" Linda -- her mother thinks that I'm a good influence. She's a good kid, in spite of Jim.

February 13th

Linda and I are sort of becoming best friends. It can't last too long though -- I just have that feeling, but I can't explain it. Read The Diary of Anne Frank tonight -- terrific.

February 14th

I'm in a real nostalgic mood. I wish people didn't have to grow up. Everybody's changed so. I'd give anything for just one summer day in the old neighborhood.

February 15th

Didn't feel well today -- stayed home. Dad brought home 5 color travel posters.  I have a Switzerland one on my wall -- it looks great! Report cards tomorrow...

Dad's posters were from his shoe store display windows. When he changed the windows he brought them home.

February 16th

Darn it! I wish sometimes that I wouldn't look so young! Some of the cutest boys look at me as though I were 10...Got report cards, more about that tomorrow.

February 17th

I was upset at first because I didn't get all A's in CORE, but Wilcox explained how she graded me, and everything's OK. My favorite TV show now is Laredo -- it's precious!

February 18th

Had to sleep in Jeff's room 'cause Grandma's over. I'm in a mood to listen to records all night -- especially the Stone's "Blue Turn to Gray" -- it's beautiful. (Linda's a great friend.)

February 19th

Baby-sat for Glen again tonight. The Trosh's color TV is the greatest. Walked down to Danti's, Prices and Liberty Pharmacy in the afternoon -- felt like spring. Had a pretty good time.

These 3 places were our hangouts before Reisterstown Plaza -- Italian food, ice cream, comics and candy.

February 20th

Went to JCC with Linda. Went swimming, saw Brian, played ping pong and got something to eat. It's a swell place. Sandy typed my science report -- it looks great and it was really nice of her to do it.

Brian was my 7th grade boyfriend. He moved and started going to Pikesville in 8th grade, so I hadn't seen him in quite awhile.

February 21st

Andy Buchman coached me for algebra -- she's some brain! Linda and I got detention in art for a week, naturally we were discussing Jim. The Hymans got a little dog; I'd give anything for one...

My parents had gotten me a beagle puppy when I was in 5th grade, but it didn't work out. My mother clained she was allergic, but I think the dog was just too much work.

February 22nd

I'm in the process of reading Gone With The Wind, or rather, living it. I think it is the most fantastic book ever written. I especially love the way of life in the south before the Civil War.

GWTW was my mother's favorite book and I read her original copy, given to her when it came out in the 30's.

February 23rd

Things picked up a bit today. Mr. Reuling told me he wanted more copies of my poem, "Build a Wall", for himself and "a certain person" whom he wouldn't mention. I'm dying of curiosity. I got Sue and Linda to make up. I don't know why.

Back when I wrote poetry...

February 24th

Today things really took off! Jackie Hess told me that Mr. Reuling is sending my poem to the News-American and he's putting it on the front page of the literary paper. Also, several teachers want copies -- such excitement!

February 25th

Entered letter-writing contest to spend a day with the crew of "Action". I'd really give anything in the world to go. Had a real good day today. I understood the algebra and Snodderly left -- hallelujah!

"Where the Action Is" was a favorite after-school TV program where Paul Revere and the Raiders were  frequent guests. Mr. Snodderly was the school vice principal and disciplinarian.

February 26th

I was just thinking how great it would be to have an older brother or two. They'd be great to borrow clothes off of. Terri, maybe Linda and I are going to the JCC tomorrow. I hope I see Brian.

February 27th

I think I caught something from Linda 'cause we're both sick. The only part I mind is having to stay in bed. I'd like to get up and see some TV. I decided that I'm sick of "the crowd" -- they all look like carbon copies of one another.

February 28th

Stayed home today -- pretty boring. Saw Jay North on "The Lucy Show" at night. gosh, he sure has changed a lot since "Dennis the Menace". He's 15 and adorable.


Boy, this sure was a quick month! Biggest accomplishment was friendship with Linda. I think I'm growing up -- least wise I'm changing a lot, as far as I can see, for the better. Jeff is becoming more of a problem and harder to deal with. But it is the "little moments" that really count; like when he admits what he really feels deep down -- he's making progress. Boys is a subject I'd rather not say much about -- actually there isn't much to say. I'm really looking forward to next year -- all those new people. I'm really getting sick of Sudbrook.

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