Thursday, June 14, 2012

1966 - January

January 8th

Went to BBG-AZA mixer -- not half bad. Met swell girls. 1 from Woodlawn -- other from Pikesville drove me home. Great conversationalists.

January 9th

Algebra and French test tomorrow -- Ugh! Studied with Terri this afternoon. Saw Wizard of Oz -- great as ever. Wrote notes to Susan Sachs in Sunday School -- whoopee do.

In 1966 we still had a black and white TV so I didn't get to see this in color for a few more years.

January 10th

Think I failed the algebra test, but for some reason it doesn't bother me. Steve Walters is nuts! He's forever asking me how I'm doing. I wish it'd snow.

January 11th

I'm now on a big "beauty" kick. I bought a whole bunch of cometics and clothes; now the only thing lefts is spelled BOYS -- that's one thing money can't buy.

January 12th

President Johnson has a lot of nerve taking off Big Valley for his stupid State of the Union Message. If he'd only stop the war in Viet Nam it would've been worth it.

I was crazy about westerns in the 60's, especially ones about family like Bonanza and The Big Valley. Politics was far from my mind in 1966.

January 13th

Trip to Washington -- a bit of all right. Capitol -- disappointment; didn't see anyone. Stuart Wiles is a doll. -- it's a shame he's not Jewish.  He's so cute!

When I was growing up, I got the message that I was supposed to date only Jewish boys. This didn't really make sense to me since I knew I wouldn't be getting married for a number of years and as long as I married a Jewish guy, why did I have to limit who I dated? I kept getting crushes on the adorable blonds, which was very frustrating. 

January 14th

Faculty-faculty basketball game -- OK. Spent more time watching Mr. Reese and Mr. Haid and Mike Hoffman than I did following the game!

January 15th

2:15 -- Just saw "The Diary of Anne Frank". It was so moving I can't believe it really happened. It was a tragic yet beautiful story -- a classic.

January 16th

I'm really on a western TV kick! I'm crazy about Big Valley, Laredo and Bonanza & Gunsmoke. My bulletin board is really getting to be something! Almost filled...

I don't know what my bulletin board was getting filled *with* but over the years I used to tack up things that I enjoyed looking at. I would imagine that this one had photos from 16 magazine and Tigerbeat of western movie and TV stars, and musical groups.

January 17th

Detention was nothin' -- just 15 min. Wish I had a really best girlfriend, boyfriend too. Karen's the only one I can talk to -- I'm really looking forward to high school.

I always went deep with my thinking and there weren't many kids who wanted to go past the surface. Karen Brooks was one.

January 18th

Discovered my real problem with algebra -- I'm scared to death of it; might get a tutor. Sandy came over today -- she really turned out to be a great kid.

Math anxiety started for me in 4th grade when Mrs. Clark made me continue to stand at the blackboard, in front of a class of laughing kids, when I went blank on how to solve a word problem. This experience followed me all the way through college and even though I knew I had the aptitude, I felt truly dumb around anything involving numbers. I now understand that I have difficulty processing certain kinds of spatial directives and I compensate by taking my time or getting help. It's such a shame that this couldn't have been discovered in time for me to avoid all that pain in school.

January 19th

Linda was really great this evening. We had a wild time at the library -- we even got something done, believe it or not. I got a tutor -- first lesson Saturday morning 11:00.

January 20th

Uh oh -- separators for braces tomorrow, next Wednesday -- "B Day". Laredo was a scream! I love Chad and Jeremy. They were superb. Guidance appt. tomorrow.

Chad and Jeremy on The Patty Duke Show

I guess this was the time of my Braces Saga. *sigh* Some things I wish I could go backand do differently, now that I know how things turned out when I didn't follow directions. (This was my second time getting braces on because I didn't bite into the black thing every night when they came off and my teeth shifted.)

January 21st

Got my schedule settled for Woodlawn, gotta take chemistry. Ugh! Saw Peter Pan, now that I've gotten older it's lost some of its charm. Songs were still good.

This was the 1950s version with Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard. I loved "I Won't Grow Up", "Never Never Land" and "Tender Shepard."

January 22nd

I'm gettin' nice and sick of algebra -- been studyin' mornin' and night. Started snowing -- supposed to be 4 "! I sure hope there's no Sunday School tomorrow.

January 23rd

Snowin' like mad all mornin'. Us and the Marcuses went to the Hopkins Club and the Op Art Show at the museum -- had a blast. Richard's a panic (felt big walking with him).

"Optical Art" of the late 60's

January 24th

Algebra mid-year. Didn't get nervous, but careless mistakes goofed me up. This oughta be some week. A test everyday. Broke my back shoveling snow.

January 25th

Hallelujah! I got a 72 on my algebra exam. It may not sound too hot, but it sure helps my average! I'll probably get a C if Warmkessel's in a good mood.

January 26th

Snowin' like crazy! Got my braces on -- not half as bad as last time. School let out early -- supposed to be at least 12 "! Doubt if they'll have school tomorrow.

January 27th

Got my wish! 16" of that beautiful white stuff. Took a dozen pictures of all the kids sledding out back. It sure was great to get a vacation from those tests!

January 28th

Well, I've just decided that I'm no genius. I did a beautiful job of flunking three exams today. So did everybody else -- we really had a good laugh!

January 29th

Tam Rustler is a boy I invented -- really! I dreamt about him one night and now he's haunting me -- I'm sure that I'm going to run into someone with the same name.

January 30th

Today will go down in Maryland's history as the worst snowstorm ever -- 18" and gale winds -- it's real exciting and sorta funny -- no one can get off the street!

The Blizzard of '66!

January 31st

No school! Can't do much though, snow too deep. I've got a crummy cold so I spent the day reading "Ingenues". I've gotta do something with my hair...


Not the most spectacular month of the year; hope to see big changes in social status next month. Hah -- some chance. Oh well, as I always say, "Never be a defeatist."


Happiness is:
- boys who dress casually in tight levis and neatly for nice occasions; longish blonde hair; not too tall; polite and considerate with a good sense of humor and a liking for doing something different
- sleeping late in the mornings
- getting ou of algebra because of an assembly
- getting new clothes and makeup
- finishing something I start
- writing a good poem or story
- helping people in some way
- doing things on the spur-of-the-moment
- eating a good meal when I'm really hungry
- having something I plan turn out without a hitch
- babysitting for someone who has a color TV
- succeeding at something I really want to do
- being alone when I'm in the mood to read a good book
- walking at night when all the stars are shining
- making a wish and having it come true
- sitting in front of the fire and drinking hot chocolate on a cold day
- pictures, letters and sentimental things
- a breezy, spring day
- getting a late slip with no time on it
- beautiful scenery
- doing something special with someone you really like
- sloppy clothes when you're home alone
- having the whole house to myself
- discovering you've saved more than $5
- sleeping with my stuffed cat

Madness is:

- discovering that you've caught the strap of your schoulder bag on the bannister when you're part-way up the stairs and there's a million people behind you
- opening up your locker and having your books fall out
- forgetting the combinatin to your locker or having it jam just as the bus is ready to leave
- studying for a test and having nothing on it that you studied for
- having your hose tear first thing in the morning
- forgetting to bring back your gym suit
- studying like crazy for a test and then the next day find out that it won't be given until the following week
- losing new pens
- doing a tape perfectly in the language lab one day, without the teacher listening to you, and then having her grade you the time you goof up
- having clear skin except when you want to do something special
- having no  homework on a night when there's nothing good on TV, and being loaded with it when there is
- telling a joke and having no one laugh (AGONY)
- sewing something completely wrong and not finding out until it's too late to fix it
- making a fool of yourself when you want to impress somebody
- having to laugh with your mouth full of milk
- putting something in a safe place so you won't lose it and then forgetting where you put it
- remembering every morning of the week that you have to bring in something on Friday and then forgetting it on that day
- burping when everyone else is silent
- buttoning a lot of buttons and then finding out that you've misbuttoned them
- seeing a dress you adore and finding out that they don't have it in your size
- putting a project notebook together and realizing you've left out one page
- having company drop in while you're watching your favorite TV show
- having a news bulletin interrupt your favorite show
- having the most exciting news to tell your friend and getting a busy signal when you call her
- not being able to find something you need, after seeing it so often any other time
- deciding to clean out all of your drawers, but changing your mind after everything's on the floor
- expecting an important phone call and having someone else tie up the phone
- wanting to discuss something private with a friend on the phone, and having your parents turn up in whatever room you're talking in
- being in the hall when the bell rings and having everyone charge at you like a herd of buffalo
- having a pop quix on something you can't remember anything about
- discovering you've been sifting flour into the cannister of sugar
- knocking your open box of pins on the floor just as the bell rings

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