Friday, June 15, 2012

1966 - March

March 1st

Well, March certainly came in like a lion with near gale winds. Linda and I were both home today and we had a good time tying up the phone. last chance for awhile -- school tomorrow. Ychh!

March 2nd

Linda and I had a wild time over her house tonight. She showed me her letters from her English pen-pal, Tony. he sounds adorable. I asked him, in Linda's letter, to get me a pen-pal (boy). I can't wait for an answer.

March 3rd

Laredo was as cute as ever. I saw it over Linda's house. She was talking to Carl; I kept cutting in with remarks -- it washilarious! Algebra trouble again -- I've gotta pull my average up.

March 4th

So exhausted I can hardly see straight. Danny and Sandy came over tonight, and for the first time in ages -- they just seemed like old friends. It really feels great not to have that awful jealous feeling.

March 5th

I was in the mood to go to the movies today, but we couldn't get a lift so Linda and I went down to Danti's & the drugstore instead -- which reminds me that I'm starving...

March 6th

I forgot to mention that I went to the dentist Friday. I have 2 cavities -- shoot. Tomorrow is Jeff's birthday. I gave him his present today -- a $2.10 money tree. He's really an OK kid.

March 7th

Boy, time sure flies! 2 more weeks 'til spring. Went shopping today; got some adorable things. Karen and Linda came over tonight -- they're both nuts. I'm in a big "go camp" "anti-crowd" mood. I might write a letter to Miss Sandy.

March 8th

Some real news for a change -- Linda called Carl and he might be able to fix me up with someone named Gary. He's not supposed to be real cute, but I hear he has an A+ personality.

I was too young to know that this description of a guy is the kiss of death.  ;-)

March 9th

Talked to Warmkessel about my algebra and all the anxiety came out again; all my fears came back and my mind went blank. She's really great and wants to help but I might see Dr. Lizansky.

March 10th

Have you ever heard of getting a headache from luxury? Well I have one from watching TV over Linda's stretched out in front of a heater, with a piece of cake. Now that's the way to spend a school night.

March 11th

I'm now convinced that I'm a born psychologist -- first Linda and now the family. It really is a good feeling to know that you've helped somebody. By the way, Jeff is really improving.

This entry must be referring to the days when we were in family therapy to help Jeff. Working with the social worker was the first time I realized that I had a strong aptitude and interest in this area.

March 12th

The family isn't the only one with problems -- I've got some of my own. Most of the kids my age are making me slightly ill, but I'm too small to go around with the older ones. It's awful.

I had this problem before, in 6th grade, when Mrs. Berman talked to me about the fact that I was more mature than the other kids in the class and that they would catch up. I guess they hadn't caught up yet here...

March 13th

I just saw the musical, "Carousel", -- it was really fantastic. It *really* had to be to keep me up until 11:30 on a Sunday night. Seriously, it was the best. By the way, Herman came to visit today.

Herman was one of several code words for period.

March 14th

Some days it pays to stay in bed -- today was one of them. Everything that coul've possibly gone wrong happened -- it was just ducky. By the way, Gary wanted to come but he couldn't on count of he had to go to a Bar Mitzvah.

March 15th

Things picked up today even though I got marked off for conduct in Home Ec and failed the algebra test. I talked to Dr. Lizansky yesterday and he suggested that I get a tutor on a regular basis. It sounds like a pretty good idea and might do the trick.

March 16th

Launched two rockets in the space program today. But after the astonauts docked with the other craft, trouble developed and they had to come down. It was a real disappointment to everyone.

The "Space Race" was on in earnest in 1966. Kennedy had promised that we would be the first nation to put a man on the moon and he said it would be done by the end of the '60s. So every launch was significant.

March 17th

And a happy St. Patrick's Day to ye all! It was pretty happy at that, too. Linda talked to Carl, and he asked both of us over his house Saturday. He's having a "friend" over. This ought to be *some* weekend.

March 18th

Back in Jeff's room again, meaning Grandma's over. This was one week that I hope I don't have to repeat -- it couldn't have been much worse. Oh, by the way, a change in plans -- we're going over Carl's Sunday.

March 19th

Baby-sat for the Sandlers tonight. After Bernie was in bed, I remembered I had to give him some medicine, so I woke him up and managed to spill it on the bed -- what a night. Saw a good movie -- "The D. I". Came home at 1:30.

March 20th

Welcome spring, and good night to a dull day. Carl's cute but his friend is just too bad to mention. i'm not going to the dance. I figure that if I wait long enough, the "right" boy will come along. But believe me, it's a long hard wait.

March 21st

Thought I'd include some notes me and Linda wrote in art. I'm getting a bad cold and I'm very discouraged at the moment. These last 3 months are going to seem endless -- it's next year that I'm waiting for. It'll be heaven compared to this.

March 22nd

Stayed home today. I think, in fact I know that I've got a nice little case of the flu. About 7:30 i got a temperature of about 102 and right now I feel 10 times worse than awful.

March 23rd

Dr. Tramer came out today and gave me the same junky medicine I get every time I have an infected throat. I saw "The Dating Game" -- it's adorable. By the way, we have termites -- nice.

March 24th

Sally just joined the ranks of the elite coughers and sore throat sufferers. Right now I don't exactly feel like climbing Pike's Peak. Oh yeah, Sue Molofsky got a color TV.

March 25th

Dad jumped on the bandwagon today and kept me company through a *very* boring Friday. I'm so far behind in sewing I might as well give up and I'm sure there's a deficiency waiting for me when I get back to algebra.

March 26th

This weekend's shot completely. I'm feeling better but I have no appetite what-so-ever. "Batman" was good today. I also saw "Where the Boys Are". We all had a good laugh

March 27th

The Millers, Linda and Karen all paid me a visit. Karen bought a hysterical comedy album by Bill Cosby. Linda and I heard her Raiders' album -- it's the greatest. Shoot -- school tomorrow.

March 28th

Listening to albums now. It's 9:50 but I'm in the mood for it. The song that's on reminds me of last year and Danny, I sure was crazy about him. Saw some films over Linda's -- I loved 'em. Wish we had a projector and camera.

March 29th

Just finished reading a surfing magazine and drying my hair. It really makes you want to hop a plane out to CA. Algebra is getting much easier. I'm beginning to relax. My skirt is driving me nuts!!

March 30th

Making progress on my skirt. I LOVE BATMAN AND ROBIN!! (thought I'd stick that in). I'm not doing as good as far as grades go but I have one little help (teensy pills that I can take to calm me down before a test).

My parents sure pulled a good one over on me here. I discovered, years later when I was packing to move to Charles St, that my diary keys were stored in a plastic pill bottle with a label. The label read "PLACEBO". Well, what can I say -- for a time they really worked!

March 31st

Neal and Lee Malone -- they are my two adopted twins (more about them later). Tonight Mom, Dad and me had a great discussion about the dimension of time and about teachers. I was surprised how much I learned and how smart *they* are.

My discovery of Neal and Lee was the beginning of my year-long crush on two sets of twins...


Lee and Neal are precious -- really adorable. Linda found out and is blackmailing me but they'll never find out the real reason I like them. My work habits have been steadily improving but my lack of responsibility sometimes worries me.


- Colors -- pastels, mainly powder blue
- Cars -- Mustangs, Malibus, '66 Impalas
- Friends -- Linda, Karen, Sue
- TV Shows -- Gidget, Laredo, Where the Action Is, Batman, Get Smart
- Dogs -- poodle, daschunds, terriers, collies
- Hangouts -- Liberty Pharmacy, Dantis, Prices, Plaza
- Hobbies -- boys, reading and writing, music (records, piano, uke), collecting magazines and pix
- Sports -- spectator sports, swimming, ice-skating, horseback riding, skateboards, badminton, bike-riding
- Singers -- British groups, Paul Revere and the Raiders, James Brown, Beach Boys, Dino, Desi & Billy
- TV Actors -- Jay North, Chris Jones, Troy Donahue, Burt Ward & Adam West, David McCallum, Peter Brown, William Smith, Bob Random, Lee Majors, Robert Vaughn, Mike Landon, David Hedison, Chris Connelly
- Songs -- Nowhere Man, Batman & Miranda, 19th Nervous Breakdown, Sad Day, Daydream
- Movie Actors -- Sean Connery, Mike Anderson Jr., James Stewart, John Wayne, Beatles
- Foods -- pistachio nuts, fried chicken, Ameche's Powerhouses, steak subs, tuna fish, eggs, angel food cake, spaghetti, cherry tomatoes

- stupid people
- people in crowds who act like snobs
- veal cutlet, meat loaf, cheese and meat casserole, onions
- getting up in the morning
- exams and homework
- teachers who refuse to answer questions or admit they're wrong
- Wayne Newton, Liberache, The Lawrence Welk Show
- damp, humid, rainy weather
- having an argument with someone
- looking so young, at times
- ugly girls who do nothing to help themselves
- people who knock others less fortunate than themselves

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