Monday, June 18, 2012

1966 - April

April 1st

I luv Neal and Lee -- really! Me, Linda and Jeff saw some films over Linda's again. Danny came over later and we talked on the porch for awhile. He was quite "pensive" tonight -- different somehow. We launched 7000 balloons at school today -- what a blast!

April 2nd

Saw "Batman" over Linda's. We had a great time listening to records and filling up graph paper with Jim's, Neal's and Lee's. Gunsmoke was good, too, although it was a repeat. Good night!

April 3rd

Can't wait til tomorrow -- I'll see THEM again! I can't believe that tomorrow starts Passover already -- I love our little seders. I baby-sat for the Sandlers a little while this evening -- that Bernie's a panic.

Back then, Dad worked late except on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. So, often it would be just me, Mom and Jeff for seders and I would lead.

April 4th

I am so "stoned" I can't even see straight! Those 4 cups of wine really got to me!! I'll be going to school tomorrow though, because of my skirt. You wouldn't believe what I'm going through with that miserable hunk of cloth.

Sewing was my downfall. I'm not sure why (spatial difficulties?), but I had a terrible time in that class. I never gave up though.

April 5th

I love Neal I love Lee I love Neal I love Lee I love Neal I love Lee... I found out that Consuelo like them, too, especially Neal -- damn it! (if you'll pardon my French). Connie knows him real well and he might ask her to go steady!

April 6th

I made a deal with Consuelo, that if she would introduce me to Lee, I would (referring to Neal), leave him)alone ! (Very good, Sunny!) My whole life is beginning to revolve around them. By the way, I finished my skirt!!!

April 7th

Linda and me read a little bit our of each other's diaries -- now that's real friendship! Consuelo (after the biggest mess you've ever seen!) finally introduced me. God are they precious!! Neither of them made any big response, but at least they know my name now.

April 8th

Shoot! We can't go to the Washington Armory for the show because of the sky-high cab fare. It would've been great. Danny likes me -- whoopee do. A year ago I would've died but now he seems awfully babyish. If he were only Lee...

I have no idea what show I was referring to, but I can't imagine my parents letting me go to D.C. with the kids, especially at night!

April 9th

I went over Ricky's to play pool. Danny and Simon came, too, and Danny Z came over later. I haven't received that much attention in ages! Danny seems to have grown up a little. I finished another "Lee" paper tonight.

April 10th

I now know the 8th wonder of the world and that is how I can still like Danny, even a little bit, after all that's happened. It's probably the mood of the vacation, though (today's Easter Sunday) and when I get back to school it'll be Lee all the way.

April 11th

Right now I feel that I have to confide in someone. I finally brough out into the open to Danny how I feel about the TV bit. It took a lot of courage but now that I know he really likes me (I think), I'm going along with the game but I don't feel likewise...The tables have turned and now Jeff likes me and hates Mom and Dad. it's really rough on them but now they understand how I felt. By the way, the little kids broke another window playing baseball. That makes the second in one week.

My feelings about Danny were always romantic as opposed to physical and I never found making out with him to be very appealing. I always seemed to like him more when he wasn't interested in me. Hmmnnn...not a very good predictor for the future, huh?

April 12th

Spring Cleaning today and Oriole opener -- 5 to 4 in 13 innings. Linda is a "fair weather friend". I haven't heard from her since vacation started. I think the whole thing with Danny involves a matter of pride rather than like or dislike. I helped Andy with her campaign in the afternoon.

April 13th

It snowed today! I bought a birthday card for Danny and went to the movies with Andy. I thought that I'd seen the last of Carl but he popped up over Linda's tonight with another friend -- he was rather chubby but quite an improvement over Bernie, and his name was Lee!

I didn't know that I was manifesting things at this early age!  ;-)

April 14th

I think Danny is trying to prove something by avoiding me. I spent the day with Linda and got a Chad and Jeremy album. Shackman called to tell me that she, me, Vicki and maybe Jan are going up to camp early with the CITs -- isn't that fabulous?!!

April 15th

I took a long bike ride by myself this afternoon. I stopped by Terri's and Barbara's and then rode home by Seton. After that movie Wednesday, I wanted to talk to a nun. It's so quiet there -- you can really think. Danny came over before dinner to thank me for the card.

The movie I watched was "The Trouble with Angels" with Hayley Mills. She was a student at a convent school and I was fascinated by the nuns' depth of spirituality. I decided to look for a nun at Seton, the convent off of Paterson Avenue, but I didn't see anyone on the grounds.

April 16th

Leslie called to tell me that her friend had a party and invited the twins -- what I wouldn't have given to be there. I'm sick of Danny but he's getting his license soon, so it pays to be friendly. I had a fight with Linda 'cause i didn't want to see Jim today.

April 17th

We took Sally out to Peter Pan's and really had a terrific time. Linda is still mad at me -- I wouldn't walk down there today either. School tomorrow -- I have mixed feelings -- like Lee...and algebra (ugh!!).

Peter Pan's was a restaurant that was a long drive out to western Maryland. But I loved it because they had peacocks on the grounds and the meals were country-style with amazing biscuits with apple butter, and corn fritters. Dad, especially, loved that place.

April 18th

"Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles"...Danny asked me to a dance at Poly. We're doubling with a friend who drives. It really does pay to be friendly! The Academy Awards were on tonight -- a little boring at times but a terrific improvement over last year.

April 19th

What a day! Had a good time in Washington with the French classes. Meal at Napoleon's wasn't half-bad either. The trip coming home was hilarious. Joked around with Stuart, as a friend this time. Came back too late to catch the bus so Linda and me walked to Campfield. At Campfield we saw Neal taking drum lessons and Lee - clarinet. I was so choked up just looking at them that I couldn't speak. So Linda talked me into writing a short, funny note to stick on Neal's bike. But Lee would see us do it, so I gave it to him to give to Neal. Of course he read it. If I can get enough courage, I'll say hi to them tomorrow.. I guess that I'm just afraid of being snubbed. They're so precious!!!

April 20th

Sob sob. Everything's turning out backwards. Neal practically ignored me all day but said hello to Linda! I get all choked up everytime I hear the song "If I Loved You" [Chad and Jeremy's version]. It's so perfect for "our" song.

April 21st

I LUV LEE! The whole situation is hilarious but Terri and the gang are getting a bit embarrassing. Tomorrow's the big day. I go up to Lee and say, "Hi, Lee" -- that oughta shock him! Tomorrow night...I'm scared! We're doubling with Jimmy Gammerman and Renee Strauss.

April 22nd

1:15 -- Danny kissed me. It was an almost unexpected ending to a great evening. Jimmy was a real panic and Renee a doll. After going to Poly's dance, Sudbrook seems like nursery school! The band was teriffic and everybody there seemed to be crazy about each other, if you know what I mean. Afterwards we went to The Steak Pub and Danny and I shared an order of fish 'n 'chips.

The only thing I actually remember now about the evening was trying to dance to "Good Lovin'" by the Rascals and the fact that it was too fast.

April 23rd

Linda and I rode our bikes over to see the twins' house on Queen Anne's Road. We found the house but didn't see them. We also ran into Stuart Wiles who is still ignoring me. Last night was so absolutely fantabulous that it's gotten me thinking about Danny again.

April 24th

Karen came over tonight, and I like Danny again. I just know that it can't work out though. Herman's come again, and Sue and I are "friends". I still like the twins and I'm determined that something's going to happen tomorrow. I might stay after to watch the Spanish rehearsal.

April 25th

The Spanish rehearsal was cancelled so Leslie and I walked to her house. The twins were ahead of us and we tried to catch up but didn't make it. It was really hot today and some of us stayed out for awhile after dinner. Jeff and Tommy saw a giant meteorite that flew across 7 states and was in the news...I like Danny a lot; no guess-work there. But I have complete (?) control over myself, except for an occasional (?) glance in his direction. I'm really curious though (that's putting it mildly) to know how he feels about me. But there's no way I can find out -- I don't trust anyone to find out from him. You can never find out what that guy's thinkin'! But if Friday night was any indication then I've got a chance...Lee is still in the running though -- very much so. I still haven't said hi yet but who knows -- maybe tomorrow? I luv them!!!!...9:25 -- I just got off the phone with Sue Shackman, and the second miracle has occurred in one week. We started talking when I began to realize that I was almost talkin' to myself. Remember how upset I was a while back because I thought that I was different from everyone I knew? Well, I have such a wonderful, warm feeling now; I know that God's with me somehow. Camp is going to be a new experience this year. We've all grown up and now I've found someone who truly knows how I feel. I want to leave a mark on Tyrole before I leave but nothing I can ever do to Tyrole will compare with what it has done for me. Camp, this year more than ever, is going to affect me as an individual and I have a feeling that I'm going to be a better person for having gone to Tyrole.

April 26th

Went to the Spring concert this evening. Lee and Neal were in the band but I didn't have a very good view. As I was leaving, I saw Lee in front of me and nearly had a fit (I luv him!) Stuart is really impossible.

April 27th

Some little details -- I just finished cutting out my material for my shift (here we go again!). I got my second E in French in 2 days (that stuff is absolutely impossible!) Core was a panic today. The boys were actually funny (for once) when they gave their campaign speeches. I goofed up another chance to say hi to Lee going to Science this morning, but you don't know how I felt when I saw him! He is such a doll, but worlds different from his brother. Neal is more extraverted around girls, particularly Consuelo (poor Leslie). Lee is supposed to be smarter but not as good a dancer. He's real polite though. On the way to my locker after school, he brushed right by me but I didn't recognize who it was until it was too late. I mentally kicked myself all over Sudbrook. On the bus I saw the twins again and I wished that I was walking home because Lee was walking by himself (he looked so innocent). Stuart is another problem. What started out as a joke doesn't seem that way now. He really acts serious! I'm sure that I haven't done anything to make him mad and I just can't understand the whole thing. I should probably say something to him and find out what's going on -- but it's the same thing again. I get close enough to say something and then suddenly I can't! He *is* good looking and the whole situation is getting frustrating. Well, I suppose I can try again tomorrow.

April 28th

You'll never guess where I am now -- over Linda's! Yeah -- on a school nite. She's convinced that her mother will kill her when she finds out. I was in the mood to do something crazy, so here I am! Today Leslie, Consuelo, Linda and I ate right across from THEM. I could've died -- as it was I lost my appetite, which really is something. Consuelo was driving me crazy by telling me everything that Lee did when she went over to Neal and Elliott. Neal is as conceited as anything -- I think he knew all along how we planned everything. Consuelo told me what happened swhen she asked Lee to take Elliott's place in the Spanish assembly. he said, "What? Me dance? Never!" I still didn't say hi but now I have another idea. On the way out of the cafeteria, Lee almost rammed into me again. It actually felt good (sort-of). Anyhoo, if I get the courage, and if the time is right, I'm going to go up to him (right I am) and say, "Lee Malone (oh that name!), do you know that you almost crippled me?". And he'll look at me like I'm nuts (which I probably will be if I go through with it). And then I'll say, "Do you know that twice in 2 days you've crashed into me in the halls?" He'll give me another blank stare and I'll say, "That's OK, I forgive ya." Don't ask me what comes after that.

April 29th

Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Danny was over twice today -- you know it's funny, but I like him more when I'm not with him than when I am (sort-of).
Anyhow, I found myself wondering why he hasn't worn his I.D. lately and staring at his Poly jacket with the varsity letter and monogrammed name. Jeff has got *some* sense in his head. I told him to say hi to Consuelo at the Pre-Teen Center. When he got home he came downstairs (Danny was over) to tell me what she said. He started to say something about me writing LEE over everything, but he stopped just in time. I almost had a cow! Guess what? I got a 90 on my algebra unit test. I'm so thrilled I could bust!!!!

April 30th

I forgot 2 things from yesterday -- Stuart and I are friends again and Grandma's over. So much for that. It was raining again today so I had a nice relaxed afternoon listening to records. Hey -- it suddenly hit me that we only have a little over a month left of school!!


Jeff is beginning to reach his lowest point. Believe me, he can't get much worse. This month certainly picked up my social life off of the floor. Even algebra is improving. But really -- this was 'The Month of the Malones".

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