Saturday, June 30, 2012

1966 - November

November 1st

I cleaned out my looseleafs this evening and the whole mess gave me one hell of a headache. On top of that, I lost that overdue library book and The Pearl, which meant I couldn't do the English homework. Otherwise, Steve is great. He looked really good today -- white levi's, black dickie, yellow shirt. Stay tuned for tomorrow -- I have a surprise cooked up where he's concerned. I'm so glad that Terri's in the same boat. We can talk for hours on end just about Bob and Steve.

November 2nd

Me and Terri are real good friends now on account of Bob and Steve. Another Steve, Steve Dorff, I thought was cute until I found out that he's a snob. Cute and Jewish and going to Woodlawn -- can you beat that combination? Music assembly tomorrow and Bob's in it -- Terri's dying! I sure hope something good with Steve happens tomorrow. This not getting to meet him is frustrating.

When Steve Dorff was a senior (and I was a sophomore), he composed the music for an original Woodlawn musical, Protest Man. He grew up to be a well-known composer of TV show themes for "Growing Pains" and "Murphy Brown", among others.

November 3rd

It takes me long enough, as Linda says, but now I luv Ken Wally! I think he's precious 'cause he reminds me of the groups at the Civic Center...I got in school at 7:50 this morning and went to wait, as usual, in front of 113, Terri's homeroom, near the steps. About 8:05, lo and behold, who walks by but Steve with a friend. I started to get all the symptoms --  feeling hot, flushed, heart pounding, throat dry and brain reeling. I knew that if ever I had a chance to say hi, now was it. Instead, I stood there grinning at him like an idiot. To put it mildly, I felt delerious. He walked into the room across the hall and I thought he's never come out, but when he did he was headed straight for the steps. Well, here it is, I thought. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He was almost up to me now, so I forced, "Hi, Steve" out of my voice box. At first I thought he didn't hear me but then he turned around as if to see who had called his name. He looked at me, but did nothing to indicate I'd just said hello to him. So he turned back up the hall.

Talk about being crushed. I don't know what I expected since he doesn't even know me, but I felt bad anyway. I guess I just wanted him to smile or something. He is *so* cute. Later on today I practically ran smack into him when I came out of biology, but he was talking to somebody. I hoped I'd see him on the way to the bus so I could say hi again, or accidentally on purpose ram into him or something. Terri and me found Bob in the library classroom this morning and she almost died when he kissed a girl in there.

November 4th

After school I came home and changed real quick into my corduroy  levi's because Terri and Larry were supposed to pick me up to take me, Barb and Ronni plus them to the Woodlawn-Milford football game. They came about 3:40 and 2 other boys were in the car too. Terri and Ronni got in the front with Larry and I got in the back between Sheldon and Stuart. Last stop was Barb's and she sat on Stu's lap. So we got to Milford and parked 1/2 mile away from the football field. There we split up from the boys and said we'd meet at the end of the game.

The fence where we were was lined 3 deep with Woodlawners but I managed to find a place right up against the fence with Euler. Standing there for only about 3 minutes, suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear, "Sunny, Bob smokes!" I looked around and sure enough there was Bob. I was really amazed that Terri had found him in the crowd. Just after that, he headed over to Milford's side (their colors are green and white and they had bleachers!), so Terri and the other two followed him. I stayed because now I could finally see the game and I was hoping I might be able to get a glimpse of Steve. I found out from Ann that he would either be playing or timing.

I was standing next to Helene Toney and her boyfriend -- he was really cute. I watched all the way up through part of the half-time band show (Milford's band is good! Their precision marching is perfect; they did justice to our alma mater and I love the effect when the drums play alone). I was practically frozen in that one spot so I walked through the mud to the Milford side of the field. I saw Bob near the refreshment stand and followed him around until I saw him join hands with Karen Levin and race up to the bleachers. Poor Terri!

I just had to find her now, but I couldn't. All I noticed walking up and down there were the most gorgeous boys I've ever seen. The Milford kids must've died when they saw what Woodlawn brought over -- Ken Wally, Otts (ugh!), etc. And then there was always Dave Green, Stuart Wiles who shattered my whole day by running by with his arm around a girl -- he looked so tough, that snob Steve Dorff, Joel who's coming over Linda's to help her with French, Charles and jillions of others. I also saw Judy Flom and Sue Blumenthal and showed them my Raider pictures.

The thing that really upset me was seeing all my old friends with boyfriends. I'm so jealous you wouldn't believe it. I saw Sandy Smith with a boy, Rozzie with a boy, Brenda Bryant with a boy, Linda with 3 boys -- oh I felt horrible! What I wouldn't have given for a little male attention! It was sheer torture, I tell you. But to get on -- I finally found the kids back on our side with Steve Kraus. He really hasn't changed much -- just looked blue from cold. I still hadn't found Steve, but saw Ann with *another* boy! That really topped it off good.

We ran into Stuart Deckelbaum a little later (just Terri and me; Barb and Ronni had walked around again) and somehow he knew all about Bob and Larry. He began to get on my nerves, telling us that Bob wasn't worth a darn. He said since he was a boy, he knew Bob's kind. Just then, the heretofore unblemished hero walked past and Terri and me automatically followed him. Stuart came along, too, still talking in that superior way of his. When we stopped next to Bob at the fence, I really put down Stuart bad -- yelling it loud enough so everyone heard. I told him that since he wasn't a *girl* no one would expect him to know what Terri felt like. He turned around, really mad, and stalked off.

So Terri and me stood there. I knew it was near the end of the game and we were losing, but I still couldn't see a thing. Just then, the guy standing next to Bob turned around, stared down at me for second and said, "I feel sorry for you." I laughed a little until Bob said, sort of to himself, "Yeah, it's shame, a damn shame". That did it. It broke Bob's magic bubble, and I think Terri and me both realized it as we looked at each other. But the other boy still offered me a place at the fence and I gladly took it.

For the 10 minutes I stood there, Bob looked irritable and quite cold (we were all shivering to death as the sun had gone down) but managed to say a few witty things. It didn't matter, though. I saw him for what he was -- a conceited girl-lover. Still, I didn't want the game to end even though my feet hurt, because I was leaning against Bob's friend, and how often do I have the chance to get that close to a strange boy! But we lost the game, 13 to 6, when everybody expected us to win, and Terri and me tried to get back to the car.

All the while we were going down the wrong street (we were really scared that they had left without us) I was slowly but surely letting the air out of Terri's balloon. She didn't want me to tell her anymore, but I couldn't help it. I was disillusioned, too, and besides I was unhappy and cold. Still -- there was something I did like in that afternoon - the feeling of being at your own high school football game. That part was great.

Well, the 2 of us finally found the car and I had to sit on Stu's lap. There was another boy there -- the boy judo champ of something or the other, and Barb hadn't gotten there yet. So there were 8 of us in that little car. Bob and Pete Italiano drove by in a yellow mustang. I barely could look at him. Then (you'll die), Danny Z goes by and his eyes practically fell out of his head when he saw where I was. Then he shook his head, and I could've alternately laughed and killed him for acting know.

It was just about dark by now, as we dropped everyone off (I was sorry when Stu had to leave; I sort-of liked where I was sitting),and I began to notice something that I had been very wrong about before. Larry was miserable because he loved Terri. Terri didn't know it and was practically advertising Bob. It was a sad situation, and when Larry stopped off at his house for a minute, the 3 of us lit into Terri. I called a halt when I saw that she suddenly realized the situation.

I called her later after I got dropped off and the poor kid was so confused. So Dr. Plaine got right in there and told her that it's better not to get to know an idol too well because you usually get disillusioned. I also said to put things in their proper place and not to give up Larry because he's a sweet doll  and loves her.

November 5th

When Terri called me tonight to go to Teen Center, I knew I couldn't stay home one more Saturday night. Dad dropped me off over Terri's, where we spent an hour 'cause we didn't want to get up to Campfield until 8:30. She got dressed and I listened to records and read a Playboy. Then I wanted to see the yearbook, so we went across the street to look at one that this boy had (he was precious!). I saw Bob -- he looked pretty bad, but you wouldn't have believe Otts. he actually had short hair. As a matter of fact, so did all the other boys. The Mod look didn't come in big until this year. I can't wait to see *this* year's book!

We picked up Ronnie and then walked on up. I think it cost me 75 cents. I got stamped and then signed up for a card. I saw Judy Brown on the way to the lavatory -- same old Judy -- then we went into the gym with Linda. Boy was she shocked to see me there! I admit, my standards have gone down quite a bit since school started.

The Odd Lot was playing -- never heard of them before but they sure murdered Yellow Submarine. It was pretty dark in there but I managed to recognize Mike Hoffman and Bruce Stafford (2 of last year's idols) and I went up to say hi to Mike. Boy did he grow -- he had to bend down to talk to me! He is so precious -- I die for him. He wanted to know who I was going with, who I liked, etc. I told him he looked great and asked him how he was getting along. He's so sweet! Then Sue yells out, wanting to know how come I was there so I went over to talk to her.

By the time I'd said hi to Stuart, Harvey Parcover (he's going with Marlene Jacobs) and some other kids, it was time for a smoke break. I got a cigarette from one of Sue's friends and had my first public smoke. Once I practically choked to death and covered it up by saying I swallowed a piece of my braces. Smart. Back inside, the fun started. Linda was obviously looking for a pick-up, with her skirt 30" above her knees and flirting like crazy. A lot of girls were talking about her. Later she introduced me to Ian and when he put his arm around me I could swear I smelled beer. There was a boy who was so completely bombed that he practically had to be carried out.

There was a boy in the gym that reminded me a bit of Mike H, but I told Terri and Ronni that he looked like Steve. I wanted to meet him so I went up and asked him if his name was Steve. He smiled and said no, that his name was Jimmy Olsen. He was adorable and also very popular as I could see later. Walking around I saw Mike with Mara in his arms and I promptly got sick. What the hell is this -- torture weekend?
The whole evening went like this. Linda and me couldn't get a ride home so we went with a mental [crazy] cop.

Linda really looked cheap tonight and it embarrasses me that the girls are talking about her. I think I'll talk to her tomorrow...

November 6th

I talked to Linda, and she's really a mixed-up kid -- not bad, just confused. Her sense of values is all misplaced. For one thing, she thinks she's still in Canada. It was rough to have to tell her, but I think it helped.

November 7th

The French exam is really gonna be cute. That McGovern -- *whew*! Despite Linda's actions recently, I have to admit she's got a good figure. I still don't think she'll ever really be able to change, but she's making an effort.

Let this go down in history as a red-letter day! You know what? I think my good luck Mondays are starting again! Today in English, Ann told me about a pajama party the cheerleaders had on Friday night. About 50 boys showed up and with them was Terry Hancock (that precious fraternity guy with the blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles!). They started liking each other! (That part isn't exactly great news, but it paves the way for what comes next.)

Anyhow, Ann was in a marvelous mood this morning -- well, who wouldn't be? When the bell rang we walked down the hall to Study in room 208. ON THE WAY, I saw little ol' Steve by his locker. Ann can't see too good in a crowd so she asked me if anyone was with him. I said no, not actually realizing what she was gonna do. All of a sudden she calls out -- "Hey Steve! Come here, I want you to meet someone." The moment I'd been waiting 3 weeks for was here, and now I didn't want it. I pretended not to notice and started to walk away, but Ann called me back. With my heart pounding again like crazy, I went over to them. "Sunny, this is Steve; Steve, this is Sunny". It was as simple as that. Then Steve broke out into one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen. I had to grin, just looking at him. In a split second he sort of looked me over, and his eyes lit up. On the way to Study I was walking in a dream. My face was burning red and I was SO HAPPY.

Then tonight, after dinner, Terri calls me up to tell me that she and Larry and Sheldon and me are doubling after Teen Center on Saturday night where they're playing. Larry had called her and asked her if one of her friends, besides Ronni would like to come. Ter, like a good pal, suggests me. Larry said that'd be great, and so it's settled. The only problem is -- what about poor Ronni? She likes Sheldon and you can't just tell her to her face what we're gonna do. It's a real problem alright, and we've gotta think of something before Saturday.

November 8th

We got off from school today for elections -- darn. Today's the only day I have lunch with Steve. For awhile I was worried there -- afraid Mahoney would win. But as of now, 10:45, it looks like Agnew will take it.

How much worse could Mahoney have been than Agnew turned out to be?  ;-)

November 9th

We're finally on something in gym that I can do -- badminton. Sunny the ol' pro here. Oh well -- I studied all evening for French but I don't feel like I've learned very much. DOWN WITH FRANCE!

Boy oh boy oh boy -- this is gonna be *some* Saturday. Get a load of this -- Jim asked Linda to go horsebackriding with him this Saturday morning (an awful lot has happened since her last year's crush on him; he's 19 now for one thing!) Anyhow, he asked her to bring along a friend for his 17 year old friend. He said to be sure to get someone who looked older. You'll never guess who Linda picked. I hope Jim's friend doesn't get a heart attack and that he's not 6 foot tall. I guess Jim told her that 'cause he's 19 and she's 15 he doesn't want the age difference to shock his friend, and so wanted someone to come along who looks 16 or 17. So here I am. Oh brother.

I'm excited, really, but in order for Mom to let me go, I have to tell her we're going with 2 of Linda's friends. I'll say Ian and Joel -- she's heard me mention them before. If she ever found out that I was going with 19 and 17 year old non-Jewish boys whom she hasn't met, she'd throw a fit. Saturday night it's been definitely settled that me, Sheldon, Larry and Terri are doubling after Teen Center. Two blind dates in one day! Sure hope that I can go riding and that it doesn't rain.

I was walking to Study with Anne today (what else?) when up comes Terry. I thought I was gonna die. Gorgeous, precious, fine-looking just aren't the words for that boy. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, staring like my eyeballs would fall out. He's so beautiful I could just hug him to death. Terry Terry Terry Terry, BUT I STILL LOVE STEVE!

November 10th

The French test was just winning. I left the room in a state of shock. Linda broke her contact lens -- lucky she's got them insured. Tomorrow ends the term, thank God. Come to think of it, though, it went by pretty quick.

Two or three items of minor (?) interest. #1 - Consuelo and Neal got caught in her trailer and now she can't go out with him anymore. That must've been cute. Neal will really be something when he's around 17, if you go by that picture taken at the 9th grade dance. He was only 13 then but boy does he know what he's doing. #2 - Report cards next Friday. Oh joy. I think I'll get an A in History, C's in French and typing and B's in everything else. #3 - Terry was going to take Ann to the Civic Center this Saturday night for something, but he got punished for cutting class and can't go. So they're going somewhere next week. I luv him! I don't know about Steve. I'm not that crazy about him anymore. Oh well, we'll see what develops.

About Saturday morning -- Like I said yesterday, Mom wouldn't let me go if she knew we were going with Jim, so I told her that 2 of Linda's friends from school, Jewish of course (Rick Kline and Joel Katz) are going to take us. She doesn't like the idea, but I can go if I introduce them to her first. Get that one! My stomach dropped 10 feet when I heard her say that. So what I'm going to have to do is tell Mom that we have reservations 15 minutes earlier than we really have them, so I can pretend that they're late. I'll have to rush over Linda's and by the time they get here, it'll be too late to bring them over. I sure hope it works. I don't feel guilty about doing it, just getting caught. I'm afraid that if Mom finds out she won't trust me. But I wanna go!

November 11th

Tomorrow's the day! Just pray that I can get out of the house OK and that everything will work out fine. Oh yeah, while you're at it, pray that it doesn't rain.

November 12th

What happened?!?! I told you to pray for sunshine! 3 guesses where I'm not going this morning. D__n it! I hope nothing happens to mess up tonight.

Oh brother -- another pretty pickle again. We went to the movies and get this -- Terri likes Sheldon and I like Larry! Sheldon is nice but has a few things against him as far as I'm concerned: sort-of on the dumb side, not too talkative or good-looking. I *really* like Larry, though. Only thing is -- he dies for Terri! Why is life always against me?

November 13th

Terri came over this afternoon. Frankie rode over with his guitar and then in walked Linda and Denise. Frank and me did some songs together on the piano -- sounded real good.

No I'm all mixed up. First of all, after last night, I don't think I want to go riding next Saturday with Linda, Jim and his friend. Maybe it's because I realize that he's not Jewish and even if I like him, nothing could ever come of it. Besides, I don't think that even one ride with *this* 17 year old boy would make up for everything I'd have to go through beforehand. About last night -- I talked to Terri this morning and let me tell you, I really felt bad. It's like this: Richard, Terri and maybe Sheldon all die for Terri. the thing is, though, Terri likes Sheldon (and Richard, not Larry). But *I* like Larry! Cute mess, isn't it?

Terri says that usually once she gets a boy she doesn't really like him that much anymore. With me, I like Larry 'cause he's tall, a junior, drives and is talkative. I'm not even sure I really like his personality yet. For one thing, I think he's too sensitive. Lately I think I've been getting a little too desperate. I mean, like about riding and Steve. I knew I couldn't get anywhere with either of them but I wanted to like a boy and have him like me *so* bad! I'm jealous of Terri but I've gotta keep in mind what Dr. Lizansky said. You just don't know how it feels though!

(I have no idea what Dr. Lizansky said, but it was probably encouragement to just hang in there. Lizansky was a friend of the Marcuses, and was our GP.)

November 14th

Forgot to say that Mom and Dad are in NY. It's good for us all to be separated for a little while. I luv Chuck, Ken, Terry, Steve (?) and Dino too! And somebody new -- he's got real long brown hair, is small, precious and reminds me of Davy Jones.

November 15th

Guess who's failing TYPING? Yeah, of all things. Maybe I can get an A in literature to balance it out sort-of -- I got an A+ on that composition comparing the 2 books... Well folks, I've decided that I'm a late bloomer. That's just gotta be the reason that millions of guys aren't already dropping at my feet. Nope -- sexpot I'm not -- It'll just take longer for my "inner qualities" to show through. Yeah. Only thing is -- I don't care to sit around and wait for the magic hour to come. Believe me, I *can't* stay home this New Year's Eve! I'll die first. I made that resolution last year and I aim to keep it -- even if I have to break someone's arm to get them to take me out.

You know...about Linda...Sometimes I like her and sometimes she makes me sick. Like take Richard, an A#1 hick and girl-chaser [player] -- she said she'd go steady if he asked her, and don't worry, he will! Gross -- what taste! And get this -- Jim's picking her up from school tomorrow. I better stop here or I'll puke. She looked so bad today -- she stops her make-up right at her chin and it looks terrible. Well, enough of that.

Gripes of the day -- Mental McGovern and Krazy Killgallon...Jeff's been real bitchy tonight -- the damn jerk. There, I feel better. Mom and Dad came home early. I sort of enjoyed the vacation. I'm dying for a cigarette -- sounds big, doesn't it? I'm irritable right now -- probably on account of the stupid rollers. School's been getting me a little down lately -- no Jews and all that. We get report cards Friday. Jump for joy.

November 16th

There was the scariest show on Stage '67 tonight. It was a musical about this disillusioned poet who tried to hide from the world in a department store and was eventually turned into a mannequin with a girl.

ABC Stage 67 was an ambitious hour long anthology series that aired on Wednesday night at 10pm/9 Central. Drama, variety, documentary, science fiction and original musicals were all featured in the one season it aired

November 18th

Got report cards and get this -- McGovern gave me a B! I got a C in typing -- what a relief. Linda and Judi got C's in the ol' dictator's class and Margie didn't fail. I wonder what he was feeling so charitable about.

Slept over Terri's house. I've been real mad at Linda lately. The way she's been acting -- yeech! She's supposed to go out with Richard tonight, and tomorrow some guy asked her to that frat party -- Lambda Theta Chi. Ann's supposed to go with Terri. Anyhow -- Terri, me and Ronni walked up to Campfield (sometimes Lee and Neal come up to those little dances for awhile). This year they're only for 6th and 7th graders. But the twins weren't there, just some little punks. (I should talk?) I recognized Fetter Rutley's little brother and he didn't believe I was in 10th grade. I felt big anyway. Terri told him we were waiting for our dates to pick us up here -- I only wish.

Then we walked back down to Ronni's. She's got a neat room -- like Terri's -- the only room on the top floor. We smoked a couple of cigarettes -- Half and Half -- they weren't bad, and read some magazines. I love Dino -- that boy has no right to be so gorgeous. It says that he's one of the hottest dates in town. Know something? I believe it!

November  19th

Terri's got an electric blanket and it sure felt good. Her dog, a dashound named Sammy is precious. Larry, Sheldon and 4 other boys picked us up at 10:15 and I watched them bowl for *2 solid hours*. I was bored stiff, and jealous as anything. Remember, I like Larry. In the meantime, Terri was calmly dying for Sheldon. I at least expected to go out to eat afterwards, but oh no -- the boys had to go home and watch the Notre Dame vs. Somebody football game. Getting home, though, was a panic and also dangerous as hell. There were so many people in the car that we had to stick Stuart D in the trunk.

Reisterstown Road was packed so as we crawled along, Stuart opened the back a little and waved to an old lady behind us. I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard at the expression on her face. The boys let me, Terri, Stuart and Cindy off at the Plaza and we ate at Stewart's. There was the cutest blonde boy there -- you know, Woodlawn type. Walking around later, I really began to feel bad -- like I want a boyfriend so bad. I even walked next to Deckelhead I was so desperate. It's a sad situation all right.

Richard copped out on Linda last night. She was really mad. Then tonight, that kid she was supposed to go out with never called. Stood up 2 nights in a row. One of the reasons I was so damn mad at her was 'cause I thought she was trying to take Terri away from me, on account of she was mad from the time I told her what everyone thought of her. Terri was sort of torn in between me and Linda and I felt like I was losing my only friend. So after I found out that Linda had asked Terri to sleep over, I ran out of the house over to Linda's. I was boiling. but everything got straightened out, naturally, even though her date still hasn't called.

I wasn't planning to go to Teen Center, but when Linda told me she was going I just had to go too, because in a way I was still a little afraid of what she might say to Terri about me. But I'm awfully glad I went because they had the best...(?)

Don't know where the rest of this entry went...

November 20th

Raked leaves all day with Linda, and burnt 'em, while I tried to think of a short story for her. Dad finally gave us an idea, after dinner, and I practically wrote it for her. I get carried away like that. In Sunday School I found out that we're gonna start meeting on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 now. Fun. The Colts lost -- fooey. What's got me mad is that I'm sure that the final kick in the championship game last year was bad, and that we won the game.

Burning fallen leaves used to be standard practice all over the country until we learned about pollution. We either burned them in piles at the curb, or in a stainless steel garbage can.

November 21st

I think Terry and Ann broke up. He asked somebody else to his frat party after he had told her that they were going out that night. Take's nerve. i don't blame her for being mad. Only 3 days of school this week. YAY!! That's exactly what I need -- a Thanksgiving vacation. By the way, I don't have the slightest idea what's comin' off in algebra, and I really don't care. I haven't done one homework assignment on my own in that class yet. I've copied them all. I figure I'll learn all the junk when it's time for a test. The Monkees shows are sort of getting dumber but the songs are better. They have 2 gold records so far and I love their new single.

November 22nd

I can't believe that it was 3 years ago today that Kennedy was shot. I remember that day as clearly as if the whole thing happened yesterday. I have never had such a horrible shock since that Friday in 7th grade...Terri and Larry broke up. Terri had told Sheldon on Saturday that she didn't like Larry as much as she used to, and even though Sheldon swore secrecy he told Larry. Larry's so sensitive to begin with that this must've killed him. He called Terri up in a complete rage. Terri was really upset, but sort of glad in a small way because she wanted to break up with him. Ronni was very happy, though, and it's no secret why.

November 23rd

Judi told me today that Dorothy Wenn had left school. She had been married a year, pregnant 6 months and I never knew it. I share a locker with her, yet! It gives me the creeps somehow.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

1966 - October

October 7th

I guess I should've started a heck of a lot earlier, but somehow I just never got around to it. Anyhow, I'm in high school now -- Woodlawn (go Warriors!)  I'll give you a little (?) run-down on that first. High School is great!! Even though Woodlawn is a little hicky, Sudbrook can't be compared to it! It's bigger, for one thing -- 3 floors with a special music wing, cafeteria building and separate gym and locker rooms. Because of the traffic, there are special up and down staircases which were confusing at first. But you still wouldn't believe the horrible traffic jams.

I am secretary of my homeroom (#315, Mr. Gusic). I have never seen so many "P's" in my life! And such names! Nobody good-looking there, though. My first class every morning is English, my favorite, natch. Mr. Kilgallen, my teacher, looks like a young intellectual. He doesn't even own a TV! But he's an OK guy, even though all he assigns are "quantity" assignments, if you know what I mean. We do a lot of writing, though and hardly any grammar (so far). Next comes study, which is really good, or typing. My typing teacher, Mrs. Korz, is pretty nice, but not outstanding. I got pretty dizzy typing for awhile but it's geetting better now.

3rd period usually is either gym or study again, except on Tuesday I have a lab period. Gym is OK. My teacher, Miss Bristol, is a southerner and I love her accent. I'm a crummy hockey player but I like it. LUNCH(!) is next. It sorta makes the day longer, though, 'cause we eat at 11:05. Terri, Barb L, Barb E, Ronni. Judy W, me, Marcia and Gerri usually eat at the same table. We have 2nd - 6th graders at one end of the third floor, from Chadwick Elementary. They can't get in their new school yet, and it's so funny -- some are as big as I am and some are so tiny. *I* feel like an absolute midget -- everyone's so tall; I can only imagine how the little kids feel. They eat on A lunch.

After lunch is Biology. Stuart W is in my class. Miss Marck knows what she's talking about so it isn't too bad, but 5th period is French. DEAR MR McGOVERN is my sweet little French teacher (??). He's nuts. He's a fantastic French teacher and you've just gotta learn stuff from him, but he's nuts. I'm not doin' too good 'cause Weaver was so bad last year, and all McGovern *does* is speak French! When he's not scarin' you to death, though, he's as funny as all get out. History is next on the agenda -- Mr. Lehman is a real doll, even if he *is* quite boring. He likes me now because I volunteered so much the first couple of weeks.. Now I can get away with murder.

Algebra has to take the cake, though, for being *the* most boring, dull period of the day. At least in history I have something to look at! (I'll get to that later) but Walter's class? Everyone in there, just about, is *so*dumb you wouldn't believe it. Of course there's always Charlie (more about him later, too). Now for the kids. English -- I've gotten friendly with Ann O'Connell, a very cute cheerleader who looks exactly like Tina Sobel. She's also in my typing and Algebra classes and 2 of my studies. Simon is in here too, with Ronnie F and some other Sudbrook kids. Not many, though. Most kids here are from Woodlawn Jr. or Johnnycake.

Biology, like I said, has Stuart and some mice. Linda's in here, too, as well as in gym, French and one study. Margie Moritz is another one I know now from Linda. In French, there's Joel who is really funny, and History has the twins, Doug and Phil Edwards. They aren't cute at all, but you know how I like twins -- and I adore their names. Last period is Charlie, a precious junior. He's a riot trying to get the best of Walters. A lot of the boys here are good dressers, if you happen to like Mod clothes, which I do. Hair is really long, too. What a change from Sudbrook. Ken Wally, one of Linda's hicky loves (on *her* part) dresses neat -- suede boots, corduroy suits with turtleneck sweaters. i get a kick just lookin' at him.

Then there's Chuck whom Linda dies for, with a kind of pudding bowl haircut. And there's a guy I saw in the assembly with *the* most gorgeous blonde hair. I could devote a whole entry to the loves of Linda, Judy, Margie, Terri and Barb. Morning announcements are good -- they start them off with a current popular song. I like having gym right before lunch -- it gives ya more time. They really don't care what time you get down there. The food stinks and everybody gets up and stands around 5 minutes before the bell rings. Bill's our nutty bus driver who is trying to kill us all off.

October 9th

Bill picks us up about 7:40, but Linda and me walk down at about 7:30 and freeze for awhile. I usually get up at 6:00, 'cause my hair takes quite awhile. I'm wearing it with a small side part now instead of straight back and it looks better. Every single bingle morning I have hot chocolate and a banana or roll and a vitamin. Delicious. I always start my day better, too, if I listen to the radio at breakfast. Dad wakes me up by our little sign system. I have 4 different times written down and set out the one each night I want. So far it works pretty good. We have a bus-stop full of brains -- Dave Green (President of the Student Council), Janie Snyder, Harriet Z, Jimmy Payton (Hobart Rappody, reporter for WHS news), and some other folksies. We also have 2 soccer players, Billy Flax and Danny Z.

Brian has been calling lately. I really wish he wouldn't. He's nice but too namby-pamby. He asked me to a dance which we decided not to go to (the Van Dykes played!) and so we're going to the movies some Saturday night. On the 12th, President Johnson spoke at the Social Security building and all of Woodlawn went to hear him. Over 20, 000 people were there! It was fantastic! I "almost" got to shake his hand. My locker is on the far end of the 3rd floor, so I keep my coat in Judy Wheeler's locker on the 1st floor. (Now wasn't that fact interesting?)

I'm starting to get to that point again where I'd love to get a boyfriend, but nix so far. There are a jillion boys I die for, but nothing's come up yet. Phil, Doug and Stuart aren't Jewish and I don't like anyone else at the moment that is. Oh well, c'est la vie? Oh brother! The Monkees is the most fantabulistic new show that's on! I die for it! Davy Jones is a 5'3" Englander with a groovy accent. Mike Nesmith's from Texas, and tough isn't the word! Mickey Dolenz is a nut who played Corky on "Circus Boy" and Peter is so innocent-looking! They're all so precious and *funny*? Yeah! Channel 4, 7:30 on Mondays, and Channel 11, 5:30 on Saturdays. I have their album (it's the greatest) and they're the first group I've *really* gone crazy over since the Beatles.

Other shows I like this season (mainly Westerns, of course) -- The Monroes (Mike Anderson, Jr. stars and the most adorable twins play his 13 yr. old brothers), Road West, Big Valley, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rounders, Star Trek and Stage 67. Sometimes I watch things like I Dream of Jeannie, the afternoon movies, Get Smart and Ed Sullivan. I still love Where the Action Is.

October 21st

Saw first football game after school against Catonsville, and watched Sally play our team in field hockey.

October 22nd

Today was a "do nothing" day. I ran around in curlers all afternoon and had my Saturday cigarette. Oh yeah, I taped The Monkees at 5:30 (I love 'em!) and then was supposed to go with Brian to the movies but it's postponed.

October 23rd

Loaded with homework -- ugh!  Mostly all either English or French. I saw Kurt Russell on a TV commerical and he looks about the same as he does in Judy's picture. Bonanza was lousy and I'm exhausted.

October 24th

I had sort of a depressing weekend but today was better. I got a 90 something on an algebra test so now I've got a B average in everything but French -- figures. Dave Green sprained his ankle, and for some reason I don't think Phil likes me.

October 25th

His name is Steve.. Blonde hair, blue eyes -- doesn't exactly sound Jewish, does he? But after all, I'm not gonna marry the guy. Ann knows him and said she'd introduce me. (Remember last year? Let's not!)

October 26th

Saw Steve only once. I want to show him to Linda but she can't see a thing in front of her nose. Maybe I should wait 'til Friday -- she gets her contacts. I'm taking Jeff to a Woodlawn play the same night with Terri and the kids...The Pikesville Snobs and the Woodlawn Hicks. Well, I've got a surprise for you. I've just seen some *gorgeous* hicks -- Ken Wally, Steve Johnson, Chuck Smith, Irving, Rich, blondie, Bill and quite a few others.

A Typical School Day, Part I: got up this morning at 6 after the most fantabulous dream I've had in ages. It starred Chuck Smith and -- he liked me! I was so angry when I woke up and found out that it wasn't true. I went to the bathroom and combed out my hair for about 25 minutes and then came back to dress. 7:00 is breckfast and this morning I had cocoa as usual, juice, vitamin, donut and black bread. I read the paper 'til 7:25 when Linda came over but it took longer than usual to get down the street (most always we're first). Today Bill made us show our bus cards (anything to make life more difficult!). I always sit 2 or 3 seats behind the driver, Linda in front or in back of me.

Bill has 3 ways of getting to school -- beltway, St. Luke's Lane or Flannery Lane. Flannery is the shortest and I like it because it goes by Gwynn Oak. so here we are in front of school now, and in I go. I share Judi W's locker (522, near Ken Wally's!) and by the time I get from the 1st floor to the 3rd, it's still only 8:00. Mr. Gusic usually doesn't open the door 'til 5 or 10 after, but today I was lucky and got in almost right away. I got a notice from the library -- I like owe them a million dollars. Ellen went down there with me.

At the bottom of the steps, I saw Chuck across the hall. I could've died -- I felt so weird after that dream. I wanted to run up and say hi! Somehow I managed to get across in front of the library, but when I saw *Steve* go down the hall I stopped dead. I luv him! So the rest of the morning went -- I showed Steve to Terri, Linda, Ellen and Barb from a distance and they agree that he's cute. Upstairs again, I took attendance, heard the announcements, and made pleasant conversation. 8:35 -- off to English!

October 27th

Montclairs are good, in case you're interested. So are Tarytons, but Trues are lousy and Marlboros are too strong. I'm not really a smoker -- just experimenting. I still haven't lit a cigarette in public yet and don't plan to.

October 28th

I LUV HIM! It's been a long time since I've had a crush on anyone and I've forgotten that excited feeling -- wanting to see him all the time. Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve!

October 29th

I wish that I could put down exactly how I feel, but it's impossible. I get so excited when I think about him and my heart pounds like crazy. This may sound like a corny soap opera, but it's true..."More Than Welcome" was so much better than I expected, it was unbelievable. Bob was one of two supposedly identical 17 year old twins, and if that part of the story *alone* didn't clinch it, then his performance certainly did. Sitting there, I could see exactly why Terri dies for him. He really is something -- acts, sings, has looks -- what more could you ask? (Get rid of his girlfriend!)...Linda was absent from school today. She got her contacts.

I was quite bored this evening, so since everyone else was busy, I decided to "wish" Danny over. Boy, I must have some power, 'cause over he came. He seems to think we're back where we left off, but at least he was someone to talk to.

STEVE! All weekend, practically, all I've been thinking about is how great it would be to go with him. Would that be excellent or would that be excellent? Trick or treaters started around tonight. I wish I could still go. Went to the library today and got 5 good books. There's only *one* Jalna book I haven't read and it spans a period of about 30 years. Figures the library wouldn't have it. My friend sort of skipped this month (just sayin' that so I can keep my dates straight).

I think I'm going to Teen Center next week. Linda tells me Lee Malone was there, and Stuart too.

October 30th

Can't wait to see Steve! that's the only thing good about tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to McGovern and I've got a history and algebra test. I'm a little depressed now because the season has finally arrived, but I'll pull out of it.

"Friend" and "season" were two more euphimisms for that time of month.

October 31st

It got dark early tonight because daylight savings time is over, and ever since 5:00 I've been running to the door for trick or treaters. I never thought I'd be glad to see Halloween over before!

I borrowed Terri's Turtle album and it's fantastic! One of the songs, "Eve of Destruction", even though it's old still makes you stop and think. I wonder what's the world gonna be like when I read this 25 years from now? (If it's still around, that is.) Will the Viet Nam War, protest songs, demonstrations, draft-card burnings and all that be passe? Well, to get back to my own little world, I talked to McGovern and shook to pieces this morning. I've got a chance for a B, so he tells me. I sure hope I can get it.

Linda's sort of getting popular lately -- after all, she does fit in quite nicely with the hicks, but it's not for me to knock her 'cause I'm not doin' too well myself. I saw Steve again this morning -- he looked great, as always. Ann (she's back again with Phil) said she's gonna try and get me introduced to Steve by degrees. Today she found out that he doesn't like anyone in particular and isn't going with anyone -- great! Today, our daily pilgrimage happened to take me and Terri by Bob's homeroom. This evening she called to tell me that her next door neighbor is gonna introduce her to him Thursday morning during the music assembly. I'm so glad that there's someone I can talk to who feels the same way I do.

The Monkees was really good tonight. Davy was precious as a jockey in part of it, and his accent plus size -- I luv him! (But I luv Steve more, natch!) Barb L's been bothering me lately. I don't think I like her anymore. Terri and me have gotten closer though.


The first thing that comes to my mind when I want to write something about this past October is...(you'll never guess)...Steve, baby! Yeah, I hope you'll be hearing more about him in November!


- Colors -- pastels, plum, burnt orange and gold, celery green, navy & white
- Cars -- sting rays
- Boys -- Steve, Phil & Doug Edwards, Dave Green, Charles, Chuck, Ken Wally, Stewart
- TV Shows -- Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Monkees, The Road West, Big Valley, Monroes, Star Trek, The Rounders, Action
- Radio Stations -- WCAO, WSID, WEBB, WINN
- Dogs -- cocker spaniels
- Hobbies -- reading, scrapbooking, listening to the radio and collecting records and fan magazines, writing, playing uke and piano, tape recording, photography
- Sports -- field hockey, watching surfing
- Actors - Pat Wayne, Monkees, Kurt Russell
- Singers -- Beatles, Stones, 4 tops, Miracles, Temptations, Bobby Hebb, Raiders, Chad & Jeremy, Supremes, Troggs, Walker Brothers, Dusty Springfield, The Association, Young Rascals, Beach Boys, Standels, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Petula Clark
- Songs -- What Become of the Brokenhearted, It's Alright, If You Can't Say Anything Nice, I'll Be There, Beauty's Only Skin-Deep, Cherish, She's Got the Way to Move Me, Bus Stop, Black is Black, Flamingo
- Foods -- Tandy cakes, London broil and flank steak, hamburgers & french fries & coke, cucumbers and sour cream, grape juice, potato chips, sliced egg sandwiches, coffee cake, Oreos, orange juice, marshmallows, candied sweet potatoes, crab cakes, corn on the cob, Gino burgers and milkshakes, bagels and lox and cream cheese, rice krispies, homemade chicken soup with noodles, bananas, pizza, ice cream sandwiches, pancakes, swiss cheese, herring, brocolli, rice

- classical music
- stew
- dark brown, purple, gray

Saturday, June 23, 2012

1966 - June

June 1st

Hello! Yeah -- I'm feeling OK again, despite the fact that I'm still failing school. We're having an algebra test tomorrow like you have never seen in all your born days!! I went over Andy's and even *she* had trouble figuring the damn word problems out. On the way to Linda's to study for a science test (they may have to put me away), I met Danny coming out of hhis house. He volunteered his services to help me figure them out (he looked terrific). We sat on the curb for an hour and froze but at least he got something done. I tell ya, I would have willingly turned to ice if we could've stayed out there longer, but I couldn't help wishing a little that he'd ask me in. But what killed me is that even *he* had trouble and he's taking Algebra II and Trig! Warmkessel's flipped her lid this time. After about 45 minutes studying science, Linda and I finally figured out what unit we were in. Mr. Danish may be a science brain but he certainly is a crummy teacher.

Brian called tonight to find out a few things about the dance. Ever since that episode with Mike B last year, I've been afraid that my date will back out at the last minute. But I'm quite sure that it won't happen again. Of course I still think that I'd rather go with Danny but it's OK because I'm on good terms with him and I know that he feels bad.

Couples for the dance -- Ronnie Smelkinson and Karen M, Kar Brooks and Dennis Kravitz (8th gr.), Judy Flom and Marc Solomon, Mark Byers and Kathy Land, Consuelo and Neal, me and Brian, Linda and Darryl, Barb and Barry, Terri and Steve Cardin (?), Audrey and Herman Bauman, Marcy Miller and Arnold Stolberg, Simon and Margo, Judy B and Nick somebody, Hillary and Wayne Paul, Diane and Jeff, Shelley and Steve, Steve W and Joy Newman, Jean M. and Marc's brother, Jill and Frank. Don't ask me why I'm doing this. Anyway -- there's supposed to be a great turn-out. All Sudbrook girls asking outside boys. Stuart W and Ronnie Friedland aren't going. Jeff Colton says that it's "below" him. that's a joke!

This is for Linda -- "Hi, Jim!" There, it's done. I should be mad at her anyway. Neal came up to her in the hall and introduced her to Lee and now she knows them both. She likes Lee too. *sob* Andy's sister's cat is staying with her for awhile and it's precious. I'd love to have a decent pet. The US is in the process of sending a space probe to the moon and there are reports of UFOs following it. I suppose they could be spaceships? Man -- what a thought! It's supposed to land tomorrow. Cape Kennedy was supposed to try that docking thing again today but it flopped. Nobody cares much to listen to the blast-off anymore.

Bits of news corner --  I've go a straight A average in *art*. Beat that! I forgot what I was going to say...Oh yeah, Scott's cast comes off June 14th, Flag Day. The Fepelsteins got a beautiful German Shepherd. Sally's got a movie date this weekend, like I said somewhere before, I think. I'm in the mood to read a Jules Verne book.

June 2nd

I think I'm gonna throw up. I've really done it this time and I'm not being funny. My whole summer now depends on my final algebra exam next week. I get less than a C and poof -- no camp. I've been a darn fool with algebra this year, trying to bluff my way through it, actually. Now it's horrible to know that your life for 2 months is controlled by 50 lousy minutes. Maybe it's too late to do anything about it this year, but I've learned my lesson, the hard way. I've already started studying; the test is a week from Monday and I've gotta give my *all*. I better start praying and working!

June 3rd

Steve Kraus is going to the hospital for a hernia operation. He asked Barbara to go down and see him -- boy she didn't give him an argument about that! I think he goes in on the 14th. Things are looking up again -- up-down-up-down. Anyhoo...Oh yeah, Neal said hi to *me*! I wuz walking to French with Terri when I saw him come around the corner. I figured that it wasn't any use to say hi because I was pretty sure that he wouldn't answer. All of a sudden he said, "Hul-lo Sunny!" I almost fell right through the floor! It was *some* shock. Linda had told me that he said hi to her a couple of times like that, but I never figured he'd talk to me. I found out in gym that he was in a good mood because he and Consuelo like each other so much.

You know, about that party I was going to have, I decided to have it with Barbara over her house because I was afraid of crashers. I had already told Consuelo and Neal said that he would come. But we can't have it because (1) I don't have a date, and (2) Barb can't have it at her house because it's too close to her confirmation next Sunday. RATS!

TOMORROW NIGHT'S THE DANCE!!! I still wish, sorta, a little bit that I was going with "someone else" but Brian and I will have a great time. Lynne told me that Lee doesn't even know who I am!! How do you like that one? (snob). I've heard stories about him and Robyn and him and Carol that make me wonder if he's as shy as I thought. But I luv him anyway!

June 4th

Well, the 9th Grade Dance has come and gone. And get this -- I'm *glad* I didn't go with Danny. Brian's a living doll, and I mean it. Why should I bother with a make-believe Lee Malone when I've got a real-life Brian?  I have to admit though, Neal did look good tonight. Brian again? Well, he was just what I ordered. Why do good things have to go by so fast? We got our pictures taken. He told me to call him as soon as I get them back. Will I! I should be tired -- it's 1:40 now, but oh Brian, Brian, Brian.

June 5th

You'll never guess where I went today!! Horse-back riding! Kar, Linda, me and Ronnie went to the Lazy H. I rode something called the Buckskin Mare, western saddle. It was teriff!!

June 6th

I'm studying away for that exam. I've just gotta make it! Warmkessel still drives me crazy with that icy, robot attitude of hers. Something good -- I'm almost finished my shift...I wish that it was possible to turn back the clock to the night of the dance because now that I have had time to think about it, I had the best time I've ever had in my life, and I'm not exaggerating. I was *sure* that it would be pretty terrific, but I still didn't think that it could quite match up to the Poly dance. Well, as it happened, it far surpassed that. The entire atmosphere was totally different. I suppose I should start with the decorations.

Over the entrance was a thatched hut, and all along the wall on that side was a huge piece of black paper. On the paper, in Chinese lettering, was printed, "Paradise Lost". Over the clock, crossing each other were 2 fishnets and all around the back of the cafeteria were little paper fish hanging from the ceiling. Blue and green crepe paper covered the lights so that it was just dim enough, and there were these little machines that had different colored glass plates and rotated slowly, creating a not-too-bright spotlight effect. The band, The Malibu's, looked fabulous, and they stood on this grass-covered platform. Thei drum blinked different colors, too.

There were tables against the side of the room with bouquets of peonies and white tablecloths. There were free cokes served and also potato chips and pretzels. During the 2 intermissions (about 10 minutes or so), you could go outside and smoke. On the opposite wall was a long mural with a volcano and water and palm trees painted on it. Considering all of the teachers were invited, the turn-out was great. I mean there were hardly any of them there. I sort of avoided Mrs. Densmore [home ec].

I was wearing my new semi-formal -- the one with the blue crepe top, empire-waisted with 2 streamers coming down over a blue bottom. I had blue heels to match and a blue ribbon in my hair which died before the dance was over. Brian didn't know hardly anyone but he fit in well. Neal looked fantastic. So did Consuelo, but they kept to themselves most of the time. Leslie was eating her heart out. Barb Levin and her date, Barry Wendell, acted drunk. It was a real riot. Brian was fascinated with the current school scandals and we really made the rounds. He was an absolute doll to everybody, even if he did get a little sidetracked on the subjects of cars and lacrosse once in a while.

Everybody could tell that I was in 7th heaven. You wouldn't believe how some people change when they're at a dance. Steve and Shelley -- well, you wouldn't expect if from Shelley! Even Jeff Debois had his arm around a girl. Imagine -- Jeff! I really do like Brian now. He's changed since 7th grade -- but only for the better. He's grown up. I'd love to go with him. I was in a real knocking mood, especially at The 4 Lanterns later.

June 7th

Tomorrow's the make-up for that test we all did so well on last week. This time I know what I'm doing. If I do good, maybe it will lessen the pressure on my final.

June 8th

OH DARN!! What's wrong with me anyhow? I wasn't the least bit nervous on that test but I managed to mess it up anyway. I might as well give up.

June 9th

Today was the first day of reviewing for THE TEST. You know, I had forgotten all about factoring. The rest doesn't look too bad, so far. I better start praying early.

June 10th

You won't believe what happened today in Home Ec. I drove myself crazy trying to finish that dang blasted shift, and right at the end I put a hole in it!! I could've cried. Anyway, I had to stay a couple minutes after the bell rang. When I finally finished, 10 minutes later, I realized that I didn't have a late slip. By this time I was sure I was in for a nervous breakdown. So I walked the halls trying to figure out what to do. Finally I saw Mr. Reese and after explaining the whole mess, he wrote me one. He's such a doll! It said that I had been helping him out, which was a perfect lie, but Wilcox said it was OK and I was safe.

June 11th

I was bored, so I played ball with the biggest bunch of mental cases you've seen in your life! I was catcher -- believe me it was crazy. Later I met Diane and Jeff walking over Karen's.

June 12th

I have come to a momentous decision. It is not the end of the world if I have to go to summer school. Sometimes, Mom says, the worst things actually turn out for the best. You see, last year I really *needed* camp. I had to find myself (you know what I mean). but this year I have a better idea of who I am and so on. Besides, I don't think that it would be as good as last year. I *would* miss Sally, and it wouldn't be the same without Miss Amy. You may think that I'm rationalizing, but it's the honest, simple truth.

This was, I think, the first time that I got majorly hoisted by my own petard. Yes, I was rationalizing, but at the same time I was learning that I had to accept the fallout from my own (bad) choices. Mom's advice, as usual, was what I needed to hear and it fit in with my own basically optimistic philosophy of life.

June 13th

Now I *gotta* face it -- I'm going to summer school -- but it doesn't really bother me now. I didn't get the mark I needed, but thank goodness I could see Patty's paper or I wouldn't have gotten hardly anything right.

June 14th

It's Tuesday and time for the cute science unit test on electronics. "Cute" is the word alright. I mean, after all, there's nothing better than cathode electron guns, grids and scanners.

June 15th

Last test of the year!! Wilcox was the one to give it to us, naturally. This is also the last full day and the last lunch -- no more Malones. *sob sob*

June 16th

We get out at 12:00 today but there's still tomorrow left. The office has been suspending people right and left for wearing sandals, dungarees and t-shirts. This place is turning into a real nut house.

June 17th

SCHOOL'S OUT!!!  At least for a week. They're supposed to send me a postcard that tells me when I start, what room, etc. It oughta be fun in a way but I can wait 'til it starts.

June 18th

Went bowling tonight with Danny. I think that I really got to know him for the very first time, although I never could be crazy about him again. I had a good time, almost better than I expected, but I didn't feel anything when he kissed me.

June 19th

I'm really mixed up this time!! I saw Nancy Steinhorn over Sue's today and she told me that Danny likes me -- a lot. Now that I know, almost for sure, I think I'm starting to like him again. I don't know *what* the heck is going on. Darn that Nancy! Just when I had convinced myself that being friends was the limit, along she comes. I like him? YEAH!

June 20th

I luv him! The only thing is, he's got the type of personality where he's afraid to show too much of what he feels in public. But I know he likes me... and I LIKE HIM!! You know, the strangest thing happened today, and it's driving me nuts! I went down to Price's with Linda and while I was gone Catherine told me I got a call. She knows that it was a boy, but he didn't leave his name, saying he'd call back later. Catherine is positive that it wasn't Brian, and I've checked with Danny and Darryl, the only other possible ones. Right now it's 10:45 so I guess he's not calling back. But this is torture. Who could it be?

June 21st

I baby-sat for the Cohens tonight. Danny and Simon came in. (You can't say I complained.) We watched a good movie on TV -- The Gazebo. Danny sat next to me and...yeah... I wonder when the heck I'm going to get something about summer school. It starts this Monday and I haven't heard a thing. I finally think that I've just about outgrown camp. I'd much rather stay home and be with the kids (boys) and stuff like that, than spend a month in the woods with a bunch of girls. It was fantastic while it lasted, but now..Maybe I've just rationalized it because I can't go, but still, this summer already feels different from all the rest. I hate to admit it, but I've also outgrown those great summers. But in a way, I sorta don't mind. There are other things to take the place of softball and hide-and-go-seek. P.S. I finally found out who it was that called yesterday -- SUE! Beat that one.

June 22nd

Man, WHAT A DAY!!! It started at about 12:45 when everybody got here.. There were 12 of us -- me, Lee, Lynn, Brian, Danny, Danny Z, Jay, Ronnie, Darryl, Andy, Karen and Linda. We divided into 2 cars (one was Darryl's convertible Malibu) and off we went to the Lazy H. We got there, and finally managed to climb up on those flea-bags. Really -- Lee had an excellent one, a beauty. He can really ride. I had one called Duke something. We all started off together, but that's where it ended. At the top of that big hill, Duke reared up in the air and practically scared me to death. Brian was excellent for his first time.

Well, we got going again and came to the stream. Here's where the riot began. Danny Z had Spot -- and that needs no explanation. It was the funniest thing to see him, Danny, Darryl and Jay sitting there cussing out those animals. I really wish I'd had a camera. One of the guys finally helped them out and we were off for the umpteenth time. I tried to stay near Danny for some of it but it didn't work. Going up a hill, one of the Lazy H boys charged past me and nearly ripped my ankle off. Anyhow, Duke started to canter. Was that great or was that great? Smooth as anything -- gives ya the neatest feeling.  On the way back to the barn, there was a real big field and..Hi-Oh Silver, Away!! I actually galloped!!! Man, we were just tearing along there. (I hung on for dear life.) I was in 7th heaven though. Lee looked the best ever. He was dressed all in black -- socks, t-shirt, *tight* Levis. With that hair and freckles -- Mmm BOY! So we left the place and ended up at County General Hospital to see Denise. (She had a nose job.) She looked like the monster to beat all monsters. After that, we drove to Gino's (Brian treated me) and then home. But that's not all.

After a quick change, we piled into the cars again, and sailed off for Patapsco Park. We played softball there until 5:30 and then decided we'd better head back. AND, on the way back, Lee falls asleep. I had the most tremendous urge to hug him it was unbelievable. His head was practically on my shoulder, and that was *some* impulse I had to fight. All in all it was one fantabulous day. Only part I minded was Danny -- I guess I like him alright. Oh well, who knows. The evening isn't over yet, although I'm pooped...

10:30 I've had it. I finally exploded. I'm up to here with getting knocked constantly about Jeff, and I've taken my last dig from Danny Z. The next time he says just one little lousy thing, I'm gonna shut him up but good. Between him, Sue, Scott and Jay, I'm going crazy. I just love the way Sue just waltzes over and monoplizes the conversation and all of the people. You know, if it wasn't for Sue this summer, I probably would be able to get somewhere with Danny but as it is, Goddamn it! I wish she's go to hell with Zlotowitz. I talked to Mom and she says that I'm more mature than these kids and I've skipped the stage they're going through. But skipped it or not, I've gotta go through it with them or have no friends. But I sure wish they'd grow up enough for me to talk to them -- meaning Danny. I just want to know where I stand. But I guess he hasn't reached that stage yet.

I don't remember how I managed to get all my favorite guys together to go horseback riding. I do know that it was one of my most masterful manifestations ever.  ;-)

June 23rd

Went out to the Club with Linda and had a real good time. Got waited on at the canteen by the cutest boy with blonde hair -- precious! Had a bar-b-que when we got home.

June 24th

Today was a real scorcher -- 97 degrees! I started reading GWTW again and got involved with the characters. Like I've said -- it's one fabulous book. I was dying all day for Danny to come over and he finally did, just as we were about to eat dinner. I had been reading GWTW when I went to the door and I was sort of feeling like Scarlett O'Hara, so I calmly dismissed him. He didn't come back until 9:30, even when I had been sitting on the porch "trying to cool off" for an hour. When he did come, we took a walk around the block. The thing is though, I'm crazy about him when I'm not with him, and when I'm with him I don't feel anything. Usually there are long lapses in our conversation and I am so sick of small talk. But you just can't discuss anything like I want to with him. It's impossible! I hope, in fact I fervently pray, that I'll meet somebody half decent on Monday. I have the 10:15 shift in room 113. Dad is getting me a fan because it is absolutely impossible to sleep in my room now. (I wish I could wear a bikini.)

June 25th

11:30 AM -- I really tossed and turned before I got up this morning. Why? Tyrole opened today and the Baltimore kids left. It's not that I want to go so much this year. In fact, in a way I'd rather not. But when you've done something for half a decade, you feel kinda funny when you stop. What I'm really "campsick" for are the good times *last year* with the whole PU gang and Miss Amy. I feel very queer right now and I can't explain it. I hope it wears off pretty soon, but I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the summer. Karen and Linda will be gone. So will Simon, David, Jimmy, Tommy, Jeff, Stevie and Ricky. I'll have my 2 *dearest* friends -- Sue and Danny Z to keep me company though. (OH BROTHER.) I think maybe I'll sleep the summer through?...Baby-sat for the Sandlers and nearly had a heart-attack when the TV went on the blink. I thought I'd miss Gunsmoke and the movie -- but again the Plaine know-how saved the day.

June 26th

Jeff and me went out to Silver Birch with the Millers. Danny, Danny Z, Ronnie and Scott were there. Danny looked excellent. I only wish that he were more outgoing and took the initiative. When Jeff and me got home, we sat on the proch and read. Within 45 minutes, billions of cars started going up our street. Seems that there were 2 big adult shindigs. We (all the kids) went in the street and tried to charge 25 cents a parking space. It was an absolute riot. Karen wanted to order crabs but it seemed that everyone was broke so we postponed  it until a later date.

June 27th

School started again today. Algebra's going to be a snap -- I have a class full of real dummies and for once I feel smart. 9th - 11th grade. Our teacher is human again, thank God, not a walking icicle. I was hoping Danny would come over all evening and when I finally gave up, over he came. We watched TV -- the most precious boy had this show that took the place of Andy Williams for the summer [John Davidson]. Danny wanted to make out. I did have a big urge to throw my arms around him and hug him to death. If only he were a different type of boy, because I know he likes me and it really could be great.

June 29th

Went riding today with Andy, Linda, Jan Rosenthal and the twins. I had *the* most excellent horse -- neck-trained and raring to gallop. Man, we really took off over that field. Boy did the twins look precious -- perfect "loving brothers". Hah! They're immature and don't use the nicest language but they're still cute in their own way.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

1966 - May

May 1st

I just saw the greatest program -- I forget the exact name but it had something to do with the history of broadcasting. The We Five were on and sang the most fantabulous song. I sure hope they release it...It's only 4:25, but I felt like writing something anyway. I feel so sorry for Andy Buchman, you can't imagine. She really deserved to win [her class election] and after all the time we spent on her campaign it was a real shame. I can't believe that it's May already. Yesterday I got my camp list -- boy this year went by fast! Ever since I spoke to Shack I haven't felt bad about going back to camp without Sally. But I still feel so sorry for her. I feel uncomfortable around her because I know that she's jealous and she's trying to cover it up. But I bet'cha by this time next year things will have changed and she will have found herself (I hope). Sue came over for a while last night. She put sleepers in her ears because her mother wouldn't let her go to the doctor to get them pierced. She looked like she was dying. By the way, Barry and Craig are moving to Pickwick. I hope somebody decent moves in. While I'm at it, I think I'll mention Ricky. He's another problem. He really is good lookin', but sort of dumb. He tries hard to be "in" with the kids but they don't bother with him. I'm so sick of this stupid weather I could scream. You'd think that heaven would be all rained out by now. I don't mean to ramble on like this but there's nothing else to do so I might as well finish up the page. There -- all done!

The We Five's song was "Beyond the Sea" -- a cover of the Bobby Darin hit.

May 2nd

Talk about Good Luck Monday -- WOW! Linda called to say that Neal said, "Hi, Sunny" to her in the hall. So he hasn't been ignoring me -- he thought Linda was me! (That could be taken both ways, but I won't think about that.)

May 3rd

I forgot to say that yesterday I tripped on a stool in Home Ec and went *splat* right on the floor. My arm feels like it's broken. That maniac Clarke [French teacher] is giving us the most impossible test tomorrow. It's so ridiculous, it's funny. (Ha Ha)

May 4th

I'm trying to decide whether to buy a Mrs. Miller record. That woman is a real honest-to-goodness panic. My horoscopes have been so true it's scary! All of them predicted May 4th as a problem day and boy was it! To start off -- Lee's going with somebody. (Agh! Die! Scream! Yell!) Her name is Barbara Checkett, in the 8th grade, and from what I hear she's a doll (looks and personality). Damn! So much for my dream world. Back to reality -- The 9th grade dance is coming up at the end of the month and I guess I'll ask Danny. I'll just die if he doesn't have his license by then! Connie and Neal will be there, too. (Only comment -- oy vey!) I still don't know what goes with Danny. He acts indifferent when we're out with the kids. Who knows? By the way, Neal said bye to me at my locker and I thought it was Connie, so I yelled, "Bye, Consuelo!". Oh brother. To top it off, Linda and I had studied for ages for that French test and -- you wouldn't believe it. My report card is going to look like this -- A, B, B, E. Karen is in the depths of doom and gloom too. Reason -- the dance. Sue seems to be doin' OK, though -- but I expected that sooner or later. We're getting friendly again. I've got a headache and I think that I'm miserable. Oh yeah, something good -- I've gotten 3 A's and 1 B on my shift so far. I can hardly believe it! Signing off --

Mrs. Miller was a novelty act -- an older woman who sounded like a very bad version of Ethel Merman. Her current hit was "Downtown".

May 5th

There was another big mess and I found out from Lynn Epstein that Barbara doesn't like Lee as much as she likes Neal! That puts me back in the picture! Had a good talk on the phone with Sally -- she's OK.

May 6th

You know it's funny, but I think that God has some sort of plan worked out for me. Danny and Sue were quite obnoxious tonight and I was in the depths of doom and gloom. But if not for that I wouldn't have become so friendly with Andy. So to get back to what I was saying, I think God is helping me to understand myself better and know where I'm going before I get real involved. P.S.  Lee might ask Barb to go steady and I said hi to Neal.

This is my first "sighting" of myself having an understanding of a Larger Picture.

May 7th

My arm's killing me from a typhoid booster shot I got at the dr.'s. I got a nice album, Righteous Brothers, some film and flashbulbs, and a mag. I spent most of the day over Karen's. Great weather today -- cooler than Friday. Danny's a pig. So's Sue. On the way back from Woodlawn, Mom, Jeff and me drove by the twins' house. I found out that Mom knows the Checketts -- holy coincidence! (Corny but proves the point.) Forgot to mention about the big rumor going around the city. It was said that that lady who predicts everything claimed that on Friday, May 6th, at 8:00, that Martians were going to come to Earth and take all of the teenage girls back to Mars. We had a wild time at school kicking that one around. Who knows? They could've all been Neal Malones!

 For some reason, I actually remember sitting in the car when we were driving up Buckingham Road..."Holy ___" was a currently popular phrase from the TV show, "Batman and Robin".

May 8th

We went to Danti's and I have the worst case of indigestion from 2 pieces of garlic bread and a big plate of spaghetti. That's really some place to go on a date! I'm sure that Friday night, when I was with Andy, Sue told Danny all about Lee. On top of that, I've completely given up on Lee. He asked her to the movies and gave her an ID for her birthday. Lynne called me up and said that Barb was a little mad because Sue told her that I was trying to get Lee away from her. Now that's the last thing I want! I'm not aiming to break anyone up, believe me. Anyway, today was Mother's Day and we went to Sunday School (ugh). I definitely don't want to go back there next year. I'm just not interested in any of the activities or anything and that's the point of the whole year. Then we went over the Hymans. I like their dog (name's Pepper) but all he does is lay there.

May 9th

Right now I'm listening to the song, "The Great Pretender" [Righteous Brothers]. God does that bring back memories! It's freezing again, and it was so hot yesterday. The Orioles played a double-header, won both games and Frank Robinson became the first man to hit a ball out of Memorial Stadium! By the way, they finally finished the bridge on Liberty Road. It sure feels funny to ride straight again. Let's see..what else is (k)new
...oh yeah, Neal told Consuelo that I looked like an egg -- nice. I was already in a bad mood, so you can imagine what that did! I'm including a list of my favorite boys this year -- Neal Malone, Lee Malone, Gordon Kaufman, Mike Hoffman, Bobby Johnson and Bruce Stafford. This year's qualifications consist mainly of blonde hair. The twins, Gordon and Mike are in 8th grade. The other 3 are in 9th. Bruce reminds me so much of Danny it isn't funny.

Well, it's Monday -- what lucky thing happened today? Well, if you can call this lucky -- Lynne told Andy that Barb doesn't like Lee anymore and that I can have him. What the heck am I going to do with him? "Action" was good today. They had Paul and Barry Ryan on, 17 year old English twins. I have a thing with twins this year. This Friday (the 13th -- ack!), the 9th grade is going on our field trip -- a ferry ride around the harbor and ride to Fort McHenry and the B&O museum. Maybe I can get a picture of Stuart. By the way, I was in his lab group today. At least somebody knew what they were doing. I tried to ignore Lee when he came in for books but it was tuff!

I'm on a big poetry binge -- Shakespeare and all that stuff. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm crazy! Mom and Dad paid a condolence call to the Zlotowitz's (their grandfather died) and Harriet told them a little about Woodlawn. I think I'll try for the Yearbook next year. [And from such ideas are life-changing actions taken.] Linda and me are starting to fight a lot. I hope she asks Carl to the dance. I'm still trying to get up enough courage to ask Danny...Well, it took me 6 years to find out but it was bound to happen. I've finally realized that Danny is too immature for me. He begged off with some silly excuse when I asked him to the dance, but he got so flustered and upset that later I felt sorry for him. That is, after I finished being hurt and angry. The thing is, though, that I don't give up so easy. I've just gotta get to that dance. But with whom?

My "persistence" was a big theme this Spring. And 2 teachers, Phys Ed and Home Ec, commented on it in my autograph book.

May 10th

I found him! Between Karen and Mom, I was finally convinced to ask Brian. The conversation was so quick that I don't really remember what we said, but I do know that he really sounded like he'd love to come. I can't help but wonder what it will be like after 2 years. I talked to Sue Reicher beforehand, and she said that in both looks and personality, he's great.

May 11th

Barb broke up with Lee -- yay! (I shouldn't say it but I think he still likes her. Sounds like my sort of luck.)  Big poetry test tomorrow -- Dad helped me study for it. That's his field all right! While I'm at it, I'll give Mom 3 cheers too. (yay! yay! yay!)

May 12th

I got THE most beautiful semi-formal for the dance. It'll be called "Paradise Lost" and will be done with huts, nets and trees in green and blue. They're having an intermission so you can smoke on the parking lot if you want. Boy am I clumsy! I fell flat on my face twice today -- once during tennis and then walking up my own front steps! Also, I think that I knelt in a bed of poison ivy -- cute. Oh well, anything to make life interesting.

May 13th

Hey, dig this one -- guess where I'm going tomorrow? To the Lyric! No, not for a rock concert, but to see an opera! Imagine me sitting through Carmen! Don't ask me how the Marcuses got me into this one...Friday the 13th -- and I almost broke a mirror. Just what I'd need -- 7 years of bad luck! Today was the field trip and it was pretty darn good. Only part I sort of minded was when everybody paired up -- Shelley and Steve, Karen and Jerry, Diane and Jeff, Stuary and Cindy, Judy and Stuart, Barbara and Steve, Simon and Margot, etc. The tour on the Port Welcom had absolutely perfect weather. I took a couple of pictures. It was great sitting in the old-fashioned stage coaches and trains -- well, you know how I love westerns! I slept over Sally's tonight. That Richard's a real pain. I think maybe Sally's getting a little bit better. I love Pepe [their miniature poodle]. Oh, if only...We went over some guy's house for Sally's bridge group -- it was pretty boring. I am so exhausted -- 'night! P.S. Only 20 some days 'til vacation! First I gotta live through my shift, and a French and Algebra final plus who knows what else! Lord Give Me Strength! [my mother's favorite prayer ;-)]

May 14th

Now I'm on a big reading and piano kick. Oh shoot, I just remembered I've got 30 algebra problems for homework...Surprise, surprise!! I went to that opera and it turned out to be fantabulous! It turned out to be more like a Broadway play than an opera, and besides, it was done in English. You wouldn't have believe those voices -- just fantastic. You know, I can really talk toAunt Marilyn -- she's a great guy! As I was riding home from the Millers with Mom and Jeff, I saw something whiz by me on a Honda -- it was some boy and Linda! When I got up the street, Sue and a bunch of boys were standing around in front of Andy's house. What was happening was that Larry had a bunch of fraternity brothers down from Drexel for an all-night party. I was just dying to ride that thing but you know the story. I would've, too, after Mom and Dad went back over the Millers, but the dumb guy that owned it rode it away. There was another good lookin' sports car there, too.

Oh yeah, Karen had to wear some crazy thing around her neck because she wrenched a muscle. She's still miserable about the dance.  I wasn't too happy, either -- my braces were cutting me. Later, Sue and Linda (by the way, Sue is going with David Rosenberg, the one who got suspended because of Nancy Hauswald) came over and ran out of the house with my pretzels. About 15 mins. later we started to go down to Kar's for some cigarettes but we met Danny. (He had told Karen  that he didn't accept my invitation because he didn't want to go to the dance with me. That hurt, but it proves how immature he is.) I didn't feel like staying out there so I went in and read one of the 5 books I got from the library.

May 15th

The family went to the Hopkins Club today. It was beautiful out but I had to stay home and copy over a dumb Core notebook. Linda came over, and later Sue. We finished up my roll of film.

May 16th

Spring Fever time again --- meaning I can't study worth a darn! Only 21 more days of school. My thumb is asleep from copying my Core notebook over. (Oh yeah, remind me to say something about CORE and Jeff tomorrow.)...Remember Darryl? Well, Linda's going to the dance with him (my brilliant suggestion, thank you.) Over the phone he sounds more immature than ever, but he really is a different guy at a dance -- 'sides he drives. You know, he told us that he bleached his hair. Ack!! Larry's friend with the Honda came back over today -- man was I dying for a ride. But don't you worry -- I'll get one yet and Mom knows it. Sandy came over after a coupla billion years. She hasn't changed any.

Saw Lee and Neal again (well, what did you expect? I haven't mentioned them in 5 days). Lee looked great. Bobby Gordon and Mike are still the same (thank God!). I don't know whether I've said it or not, but I think that me and Brian will come back over here after the dance...Right now (it's 10:30), there's a terrible fire in Highland Town on Fayette St. It's 12 alarms and still out of control! 65 fire engines are there. The poor owner of the paper company estimates the damage at 1/2 million dollars.

I though I'd include a list of my current favorite songs: The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore, Batman's Grandmother, Red Rubber Ball, You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, Green Grass, Painted Black, Groovy Kind of Love. This Wednesday is orientation night at Woodlawn. I'm really looking forward to it. Last Saturday I went to the library to get 1 book for a book report. I ended up with 5. My room is starting to look like a book store!

May 17th

Another miracle! I got a B+ on the zipper of my shift! Boy, she must've been in a good mood when she marked that thingy. Would you believe that algebra actually bores me now? Well, would you believe, just a little? Neal Malone is a RAT. I got out of Phys Ed to go to the Student Council meeting. It just so happens that he came today, too. Barb and me sat down behind him and Jan Rosenthal. I said, "Hi, Neal" twice before he heard me and then he gave me a look and turned around again without saying anything. THAT's manners for you!

CORE, that Civil Rights movement, has come to Baltimore for the summer. I hope we don't have any riots. Dad's store is in a bad area for that type of thing. I think that Jeff has reached his lowest point. I mean it just can't get any worse! It's him against the world.

I have done less homework and studying this term than I've done in my life, and I've got practically straight A's in every subject except French. I wish it would work like that all year round!

May 18th

Thought I'd so some more mentioning. Polok (Polish people) jokes are in now. I take it that no one likes them (Poloks) very much. Darryl didn't really bleach his hair -- but Ricky still thinks he did.

May 19th

Laredo wasn't on tonight (darn darn darn). B ut they had a hysterical program on instead about politics. Exactly 21 days of school left and 4 weekends. I don't think I'll be able to make it. I got pictures back from the trip last week. Most of them really turned out great, especially the ones of Stuart W and Steve. Karen ran away with the one I took of her and Roger. I forgot to say that 2 days ago, Danny found out that Darryl was going to the dance and he decided that now he wanted to go with me. For once, Sue used her head and told him tough luck -- I already have a date. (That bastard -- pardon my French again.)

I talked to Brian last night and he made me carry the entire conversation for the whole 3 minutes we were on the phone. I think he felt uncomfortable since we've seen each other only twice this winter...The funniest thing is watching Danny trying to park -- crashing into garbage cans and running over tulips! That Glen is an absolute panic. The things he says! Ricky is getting more touchy every day -- at least it's better than him just standing there.

I really should go and study for my algebra and French test but I just can't bring myself to do it. It's so much like summer outside that it's unbearable. Guess what I'm interested in? TENNIS -- me, Linda, Barbara and Terri had the wildest time playing today in gym.' Sides there was a cute boy playing on the court next to us.

May 20th

Grandma's over -- oh wow. Wanna hear a riot? Sue and Danny and Darryl and Sandy went out tonight. Only thing is that Sandy and Sue are going steady. Well, looks like the Immature Four are back together again. Linda, Terri and Karen are sick, sort-of (colds probably). I went down Karen's -- it's amazing how we can talk to each other. Tomorrow is Campfield's May Fair; I might go. Tomorrow night I baby-sit for the Sandlers. P.S. Jeff was really good tonight.

May 21st

The weather has really been boiling hot lately! Summer is definitely here and I'm beginning to get campsick, especially when I hear certain songs. I'm staying home this Wednesday for Shavuot.

Today I went to the May Fair with Terri. For the first 45 minutes, the best part was some cotton candy that I got. Then I decided to try and knock down some bottles for a prize. Just as I threw, I saw Stuart W and some friends. Of course I missed with all 3 balls. Then we met Leslie and walked off to watch another game. As I was standing there, Stuart came up behind me and practically scared me to death. Then he grabbed hold of my balloon, tied it to my pocketbook and started squeaking it. I tried to get it back (he's so tall and great-looking!) and at this point Terri sort of disappeared (good girl!). Then Stuart and Buzzy tied the balloon to one of my pigtails and cut off the string. Then they pulled off my rubberbands.

I had won a little rubber knife which he cut up and then let go of my balloon. I felt so fabulous being with them -- everyone was staring. Then it was time to go back to Terri's so Mom could pick me up. I kept threatening Stuart that I would beat him up Monday. We were a little bit down Alter when Stuart and the guys caught up with us. He took away my comb and then teased up my hair real crazy. He had a heck of a time trying to comb it out. He put his arm around me and started to walk me past Terri's house, but I broke loose and told him that I just had to go. He waved and said he'd see me Monday. When I stopped to analyze the situation, I could've killed myself for not walking on with him. Imagine me walking up Forest Garbage with THAT!

The only thing that's curious is that Buzzy kept making references to Judy Brown and telling me that she'd be jealous. Stuart got real mad and told him to shutup. Is it because he likes Judy or can't stand her? I don't know, but I kept hoping that I'd hear from him again this weekend. Of course not, but I had such a swell time.

I was with Linda for most of the evening We were pretty bored, but had a *good* boring time. About 8:30, she went in and I stayed on the porch to wait for Mr. Sandler. Danny, Danny and Jay came over and sat on the porch, and when Danny lost his seat, he wanted to sit on the lounge chair with me. He's a night-time romeo if I've ever seen one. I enjoyed the attention anyway.

The Orioles are doing crummy, in case you're interested, and we had our first really good thunderstorm tonight. I saw a real sad movie and came home at 1:30.

May 22nd 

The Emmy awards were on tonight. Bill Cosby is the absolute greatest. I got out of Sunday School this morning -- I was "sick". It took me about 3 hours, but I finally finished my book report. Now to see how I can get out of giving it tomorrow!

May 23rd

StuartStuartStyartStuartStuartStuartStuartStuart...Here I go again -- this time it's tall, blonde and handsome Stuart Wiles. (Sunny -- you're impossible!) I don't know whether to talk myself out of this one or not. Incidentally, he likes Judy, or loves her. I'm not sure which. But I truly doubt if he hates her. Why do I always pick *those* types? Now for some little tidbits -- Neal ate over Consuelo's house yesterday for dinner. They make a good couple, even if he *is* a pig. I got a 44 on an algebra test -- there goes my straight A average. Would you believe that Jeff Colton is "fast"? Little itty bitty baby Colton! I almost died when Karen told me. She still doesn't have a date for the dance -- she might just have to settle for Jerry or Mark. Oy vey. I'm practicing my autograph [interesting...]...Oh yeah, Mom says that Danny really doesn't hate me. We're both as mixed up as the other one.

May 24th

Stuart is another Carl -- everybody's friend and nobody's boyfriend. I might, just might have a party. I'd invite Karen and tell her to bring a date, Consuelo (she'd bring Neal), Barbara and Steve, Leslie and Terri only if they could bring dates. Oh yeah -- Linda and Carl. I'd ask Stuart. I don't want to have it, though, if he can't come. I'll have to think about it.

Now I'm over Sally's. I know it's Wednesday, but don't get shook up. Tomorrow is Shavuos and I'm going to Har Sinai with her. I have been doing more bike riding lately! We went up to the Chizuk and rode slalom. I've never been up there when it's been so very quiet. We came home and played 1 minute of ping pong. Later she typed while we listened to records. I didn't have a bad time, considering, but I would've maybe rather been with Linda. Like I said before -- I'm on a tennis kick and she asked me to go with her and her parents to play at Woodlawn. Richard is...Richard and that's about all. Maybe college will change him.

May 25th

Oh God, the most terrible things are happening again. First Marcy's mother, and now Karen's father just had a heart attack. I feel so sorry for her.

Went to synagogue with Sally to see the confirmation. I guess that I'll probably go back -- that's my sense of moral obligation speaking. Barbara's confirmation is June 12th and the dance is June 4th. That's the extent of my social life. I'm feeling a little depressed -- I think it's almost that time of the month again.

Hey -- I forgot to tell ya. We met Andy Buchman and Lynne at services. Lynne told me that Lee had given up on Barb but that he had asked *her* out! That's a cute one. He asked her to a party this Saturday night but she couldn't make it. So he's takin' her to the movies instead. But that's not all. Since Lynn can't do this Saturday, she's going to casually suggest me, if Lee wants another date! That's the Plaine scheming mind working again. He'll probably throw up when she mentions my name after what Neal's told her from Consuelo about me. Oh well, it's worth a try and after all, there's only 17 days of school left. What??!! 17! Yippee!! No more Warmkessel, Danish, Wilcox, Roberts, Shrieberg, Clarke, Densmore, algebra, Core, Mr. George, Mr. Herrera, Feiser, Reese (hey, what am I talkin' about? He's GREAT!!), gym, art, French, science, detention, book reports, exams, locker rooms, Miss Schaeffer, morning announcements, Charpentiers, language lab, sick jokes, electronics, economics, zippers and facings, bus 139, Weekly News Reviews, Science Worlds, etc. Oh yeah -- also, NO MORE SUDBROOK!! (You know something? I might even miss it, a little.)

May 26th

Danny, me, Sue, Andy and Linda borrowed the game Twister from Marilyn. Danny spun the thingy but didn't play 'cause he wasn't wearing socks. I wish he would've. It would have been hysterical! Neal is a pig and now so is Stuart. So far, Danny and Lee have managed to stay out of the mud. I thought about Lynne and Lee this morning and told her to forget it. It's a good thing I caught her before she talked to him. Like I said, Danny and me are both nuts. He came over today at 4:30. All right -- don't look at me that way but can a person help how she feels?

I have so much that I should be doing and plenty of time to do it in. No, that's wrong in a way. I just can't seem to get around to it. You know, stuff like name tapes and more camp stuff, cleaning out my notebook, fixing up my cabinets, doing my homework, etc. Enough of that!!

Sally got her first date. Yeah, she's doubling with Shirley Marcus to the movies. Richard fixed it up. Way to go! The weather is starting to get icky out even though it's getting cooler. Oh my golly -- I forgot about writing my book report! See ya!

May 27th

I got a deficiency in algebra this morning and when I read it I went into a nice little state of shock. Mrs. Warmkessel suggested that it would be "advantageous" for me to go to summer school. And miss camp? NEVER!! Besides, it isn't that I don't know the work, I just get nervous on tests! Danny was over tonight. I might just as well get used to the fact -- I'm going to like him forever.

May 28th

Linda and me went bike riding this evening. We got up near Sudbrook when POW -- my tire got flat. I had to walk it practically all the way home. We saw Gordon Kaufman on Campfield Road. I was hoping we'd run into Stuart on Carol but we didn't. Durn it!

 May 29th

We're moving. When I first heard about it I was shocked and then I really got upset. Leaving good ol' Forest Garbage and the kids seemed years in the future and now all of a sudden, it's here. I just don't know where to begin. How can you explain what living in the greatest neighborhood for 11 years is like? Growing up with Karen, Sue, Danny, etc. It's just awfully hard to accept that you'll be leaving them. Well, it won't be like I'll never see them again. We're probably going to move up the street from Sally in the same type of house the people across the street from her live in. I might just have the whole upstairs apartment to myself -- bedroom, study, sitting room. As time goes on, iImight get my own TV and telephone! Plus ping pong table (we have 2 rec rooms), color TV, air conditioners, etc. Imagine us -- the "poorhouse Plaines"!

The reason we're moving is because the value of our house and property is going down because of the location, meaning the Negros are moving up. I hate saying that, like it's something terrible, but you know how it is. Oh yeah -- we might get a dog! Already I'm worrying about if it can be *my* dog and if Jeff will mind me having the whole upstairs. I wonder what will happen if a Negro family tries to buy our house. I mean, you jst can't say "no, I don't want you living in my old house", but if we sell it to them the neighbors will never forgive us.

I guess I'll go to Pikesville next year. Even if we move 6 months later than we're planning to (the lot I'm speaking of may be too close to the beltway), I'll still start there instead of switching from Woodlawn. I'm looking forward to the Jewish boys which I probably couldn't find in Woodlawn but I dread being in the same school with The Crowd again. Sally says I'll find my own group. Say, that's right -- I'll be in the same school with her -- competition again. Well, I won't let that bother me now. I don't expect any fantastic neighborhood or anything, but Mom says that more kids will pay attention to me now that didn't before because of where I live.

Dad is so excited. he says that our house will be much finer than the Marcus's or the Hyman's. It practically killed me to keep from telling Linda. I wonder how everyone will take it. I'm really gonna miss everybody -- but I think I just might miss Danny and Karen most of all. You know, all the things about this place that I took for granted before, I'm starting to notice. I've had a very trying day and right now my head is killing me. I've gotta go to school tomorrow (Memorial Day & Dad's birthday) but when I get home we're going out to Stevenson. Oh gosh, dear diary, I'm all mixed up. I'm sad, and happy. I just feel like I'm in some crazy kind of dream.

We celebrated Dad's birthday this morning. He really looked happy. This afternoon, after hearing THE NEWS I was a bit shook up so Linda and me went to play tennis at Sudbrook. We saw Danny and Stuart.

The "Poorhouse Plaines" -- my father always made us believe that, even though it wasn't true, as I came to find out many years later.

May 30th

Memorial Day and where do ya think I was? IN SCHOOL! Boy, they better not pull this trick again! We had some sort of stupid assembly. Lee and Neal were in the band -- that part was good.

May 31st

Oh Lordy, am I depressed. I've never felt as bad as this. Life is horrible. Linda is starting to like Lee a lot since she was introduced to him. I'm failing school. Home Ec, algebra and French are lost causes. On top of all this, Sally called up to tell me all the great stuff that's happening to her. I really snapped at her. I didn't mean to but oh God, I feel so miserable. I'm in the mood to slam a right in Jeff's face. Somebody shut him up!! Mom wants to understand and Dad does too, but no one can pull me out of this but me.

Allright, I'll admit it -- I'm feeling sorry for myself. Mom says that after you hit a low, things are bound to pick up. Yeah, I can imagine what would happen next -- Linda will run off with Lee and heaven knows what else. Linda really is a good kid and I know she wouldn't get involved with the Malones deliberately to hurt me. OH HELL!! That's about as close as I can get to the mood I'm in now. Something good happen -- please!


Another month gone already. Needles to say, the last few days were a doozy. 13 may be an unlucky number, but that's how much of school is left.


- Color -- pastels (pink, blue, yellow)
- Cars -- Mustangs, motor scooters
- Boys -- Neal & Lee Malone, Bobby Johnson, Mike Hoffman, Gordon Kaufman, Bruce Stafford
- TV Shows -- Gidget, Laredo, Gunsmoke, Batman, Bonanza
- Radio stations -- WCAO
- Dogs -- wire-haired fox terriers, german shepherds, toy poodles, beagles
- Hobbies -- reading, playing piano and uke and singing with Karen and Linda, photography, scrapbooking, badminton, tennis, swimming, collecting records
- Actors --Jay North, Michael Anderson Jr., Dino Martin, Jr., Peter Brown, William Smith, Sally Field, Julie Andrews, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Burt Ward, Bob Random, John Wayne
-  Singing Groups -- Simon & Garfunkel, Dino, Desi & Billy, 5 Americans, Paul Revere & the Raiders, James Brown, Tijuana Brass, Mamas & Papas
- Songs -- Batman's Grandmother, Red Rubber Ball, Painted Black, Believe Me, Groovy Kind of Love, Message to Michael
- (New) Foods -- hot sauerkraut, Pepsi, chocolate chip and peach ice cream, lemonade, iced tea

Dislikes (new):
- opera, Wayne Newton, the song "Mama"
- asparagus
- Colors -- brown, light gray, purple
- Subjects -- math and every science except for biology and psychology