Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1967 - April

April 2nd

School tomorrow - UGH? I'll have to start thinking again. Say, ya know what? Helene wants to start going to a psychiatrist again. Isn't that great? If she sticks with it, maybe things can be a heck of a lot different.

April 3rd

Peter...die...ack... that boy is just too precious! With that innocent/dumb look, he sure shook me when he kissed Julie Newmar. Davy, my pint-sized performer, is a babydoll too.

April 4th

Yay Queersville! New game here -- "Queer's the Word". Inspired, of course, by Q.R., Judi and me have been in absolute hysterics! Gary & Sharon got married (she's guess what) last Wednesday and Russ (Redhead) and some girl tried to run away to get married. Found a new baby! He's small, a little shorter than Little Kurt with great lookin' blonde hair. He looks tough. I don't think he's a sophomore but I'm not sure. Anyway, he's presh!

April 5th

Thoughts -- I luv "Come Spy with Me" by the Miracles - outasite! Ya know, kids have been telling me that I have a good chance of becoming pres. if I run. Sue E has some problems. By the way, she and Kelby broke up.

April 7th

 I MIGHT GET MY BRACES OFF BEFORE THE TRIP! Wahoo! I went today to get a new plate -- I better keep my hands on this one. Darryl was on Kirby Scott with a cute girl. "MOD '67" is tonight. Guess who Terri went out with last nite? You'll die! -- Harry!! Fast isn't the word, baby. I wonder what Levin'll say. I have to admit, tho, she has been a heck of a lot nicer lately.

Darryl was a Forest Garden neighbor who was, I think, 2 years older. It turned out that he was gay. He went on to have a successful and amazing career in puppetry, but so sadly died in '92 from AIDS.

April 8th

Driver's Ed today. Say, you know, I'll drive in June! That kid that I think is Lee Coplan -- well, I'm not sure yet, but he's precious! I've gotta find out. "Damn Yankees" was on tonite -- Excellante!!

April 9th

Ah, freedom! Now that Terri's got her license she's in great demand. She, me and Ellen rode to the Plaza and over Sally's (what? yeah!). It was great, let me tell you. Can't wait to get mine!

Boy do I remember this. Terri drove a white Mustang and I always associate driving with her with the Rascals "Groovin'".

April 10th

Luv ya Davy...& Peter & Monkee Mickey & Mike. I hope you don't get too sick of this. There was an excellent new song on the show -- Davy played drums. I swear, sometimes he reminds me of McGovern! Got a *108* on a biology test and I'm about to pull another fast one on Kilgallon for excitement -- my vocab. notebook. Anything to relieve the monotony. Speaking of Kilgallon, Gerri told me that he's a fairy. Ooh gross...

OK -- another embarrassing entry, about Kilgallon. But, this was my first up close and personal experience with gays and clearly I didn't know anything about anything. So glad we've come at least as far as we have.

April 11th

Term ends this Friday -- Happy Days Are Here Again! Oh yeah -- I got some precious stuff at the Debby Shop yesterday. We'll just have to keep going 'til we get everything. Half the school cut today to see the Oriole opener. We won!

April 12th

Terri took me to Confirmation but first we went to the Plaza. Saw Jeff Abarbanel, a St. Bernard and went in the Leather People. Nelson is precious. Poor John is dead/onion cookies/spilt milk -- words for the day.

The Leather People was the first head shop that I ever went into and Nelson was it's very hip(pie) owner.

April 13th

Hiya. I should be getting dressed but I kinda don't want to move. This'll be a sort of haphazard note, one of my thought papers, OK?

LBG (Little Blonde Guy) is precious, and tough too! Guess what? Little Kurt is going with someone! Terri heard him tell Chuck Smith that he might ask her to go steady. Somehow I have trouble imagining him with a girl. Speedy's still around. Pill got a haircut -- ychh. Gary's back in school. McGovern better give me a B or I'll murder him. Tomorrow's an algebra test. I gotsta do good! I'm so damn lazy I could kill myself.

April 16th

Well, here we go again! Remember Bob & Steve and Terri and me? Well, folks, now it's Arthur & Randy baby. Blonde and a real little Texan for ya. I luv him! Tomorrow Terri tells him I like him.

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