Friday, September 14, 2012


January 11th

Today was the day of the annual Tyrole Camp Reunion at Paul's Restaurant. it was the best reunion I've ever been to! The new kids seemed to like me and I liked them. Even Miss Sandy called on me to lead a song -- I wasn't expecting it and was my face red! The games were great. Sally and me were partners in one, and in another I got the only points that our team ended up with. I [sic] was a great day!

January 19th

I am writing by flashlight because Dad said to turn out my light. Today we went to the Hopkins Club with Nana and Papa. We had a private room. It was pretty good. Jeff is such a pest lately that I can't stand it. Everything I do or say he contradicts. I may sound like a complaining machine but Dad and Mom won't get off my back. Do this. Do that. Stand up straight. Oh well.

January 20th

Today in school we had our english mid-year exam. I think that I did fairly well but I'm not sure. When I got home from school, Sue came over and we played jacks and listened to records. When Mom came in she said that Papa is in the hospital with a heart attack, but as far as I know he's OK. Nana ate dinner over and she's pretty composed. There was a tiny field mouse in the utility room. Boy did Mom scream!

January 21st

I am so worried about Papa. I prayed real hard for him to get better. I sure hope my prayers reach God. I do love him so much. I can't wait for this Exam Week to be over. I feel guilty because I haven't prepared enough. I won't make this mistake again! I want to get in the Eccelerate [Accelerated] Program real bad, but I probably won't make it. I'm very pessimistic. Mom and Dad are going to be disappointed.

January 22nd

It seems as though nothing is going right lately. Today we had our Mid-Year in Math and I flunked it. I started to cry right in front of Mr. Lominsky and he said that he'd see what he could do. Otherwise, I got an 88 on my Art Quiz and I also bought an ant farm for my science project. I am real worried about this report card. I just know that I'm not going to make the Merit List. I wish I could disappear!

January 24th

Sally, Sue, Carol and I had loads of fun this evening! We played gossip, charades and hide-and-go-seek. We might go ice skating tomorrow. After Sue and Caro left, Aunt Marilyn talked about the competition in private schools and colleges. She made me realize how important a good education is. I guess I had better try much harder if I expect to land in a good college. I know that I am not attempting to very hard right now.

January 25th

Talk about jinxes! Listen to this: It was rainy and cloudy this morning. My hair didn't turn out. I left my skating card home and had to buy a new one.
I had to borrow 65 cents from Aunt Marilyn and $1.00 from Jeff. My toes and legs hurt from the ice skates. A lot of stuff was stolen from my pocketbook. But I am confident that next week will be a lot better. Don't worry, dear diary.

January 26th

Right now I have a splitting headache, but boy was today wonderful! We went out to eat at "Something" Inn. The food was great and we all, including Nana, had a swell time. We also went to the hospital to see Papa. It was my first time there. He is getting along fine. The Wizard of Oz was on tonight for the 6th straight year, but it was great, too. Tomorrow should only be so good.

January 28th

Wowee, was today great! To start off the list, I got a B on my History exam, a B on my english exam, a 90 on my second math exam, a check+ and an A in spelling and an A in Junior Spastic [Junior Scholastic]. Besides, I think that the boys are starting to like me. I can't make up my mind about Simon. I don't know whether to tell him off, to try to start over or what. Secretly, I really do like him; I think he's cute. But I wouldn't let a soul know that.

Simon lived across the street. We played together as kids, and I "liked him liked him" in elementary school. We learned to jitterbug together in my basement for the 5th grade dances.

January 29th

We had a sub in CORE [Core subjects -- English and History] today, but we couldn't pull off anything; she was up to date. Simon's mother came over at 8:30 tonight and asked me to take his science book report to class because he's sick -- physically, that is, although I'm not sure. Anyway, I said yes and I hoped that he would feel better. I can't wait to get a letter from my pen pal. We get report cards Monday.

January 30th

Today was a fairly good day. In CORE I got a B+, a B- and a C. I am thoroughly confused in science but math is a little better. We jumped rope in the activity room in gym because of the concert. In art I am just about finished with project 15. I went to Hebrew School and Smelly [Mr. Smelkinson] was absent. Saye took his place. I watched Dr. Kildare and boy, is Richard Chamberlain cute! Wow! I've got a big crush on him. He's so cute handsome! He makes me tingle all over!!

January 31st

I am very sleepy, so please excuse me if I make mistakes. Today there was no school and I didn't do much except go to the orthodontist. This evening all of us went to Chizuk [Chizuk Amuno] to see Barbara Sue Katzoff's Bas Mitzvah. It was my first Bas Mitzvah and now, from seeing it, I'm a little apprehensive about my own. In fact, I'm downright scared! I wish I could think of witty remarks on the spur of the moment.

February 3rd

Today we got report cards. I did very well in mostly every subject. I made the Merit List and I had one more point than last time. but I have to try much harder in Comp and Grammar, and math. Otherwise I'm satisfied with my marks. I have decided, for the 50 millionth time, to "start afresh" and to aim for even better grades. I don't know how long this binge will last. Jimmy Trosch lended me some Mad magazines which I want to read now.

February 8th

Tonight I went to Steve Kraus' Bar Mitzvah party -- my first. Steve looked real cute and he was very polite. There were 10 boys and 10 girls there. It wasn't wild at all. In fact, the boys seemed to enjoy dancing with the girls. I danced several dances, about half of which I asked the boys. Barry and I won the freeze contest and I danced a lot of twists. It was pretty good, but I wish that I were more popular and was asked to dance more often.

Barry was another boy from elementary school. He liked me more than I liked him. We went all the way through high school together and I was saddened to hear of his death shortly after our 20th reunion. Supposedly the cause was drugs.

April 17th

Tonight was the Spotlight Hop, or if you would prefer, the Elections Dance. It was held in the cafeteria with beautiful decorations. Lee Case was the disc jockey and he had great records. Everyone was keyed up, waiting for the outcome of the elections. I danced with several boys, including Darryl. Boy was that funny! [Darryl was much taller than I.] The winners were: Student Council President -- Beth Himmelstein, V.P. -- Roger Myerberg, Secretary -- Karen Brooks, Treasurer -- Brian Silberg. I am very happy for Karen because she deserves that honor, but I'm still a little jealous. Next year I think I will run for office, perhaps secretary.

April 27th

My first real date!!! Brian Sobelman asked me to Larry's Bar Mitzvah party at Suburban Orthodox Synogogue! I am floating around on Cloud 9. He's not exactly Richard Chamberlain, but he's sweet and shy in his own way. Talk about excitement! He asked me this morning after science. It will be held on May 30th. I can't wait! I found out that he really likes me, and I like him. He's a swell kid. He's 10 times better than last year's fuddy duddies!

April 29th

Brian is swell, but he could have a little more initiative -- like calling me up for instance. I wanted him to call desperately so I sent him a note in 7th period math. I said that I was having trouble with my math and could he call me and help me with it. He agreed to call at 7:30 but nothing special came out of it. I am slipping a little on my math. I don't hand in my homework. I guess I'm not trying very hard.

April 30th

I am crazy about Brian! He's a doll. I am so afraid of losing him that I chase him, maybe a little too much. I asked him for his picture. He wanted to swap but I didn't keep mine. He's giving his to me anyway. I am a little jealous of Connie even though she wants to leave him all for me. I know he likes her a little because he asked for her picture when we got them back. I hope he doesn't get tired of me.

May 4th

Ronnie (Rhonda Dickman) is giving a Bas Mitzvah barbeque on May 31st. I am invited...and...well, you can guess who I'm taking as my date! Brian!! I called him tonight at 7 and he accepted. So that makes it 2 dates with the Big B, one right after the other. I have the formal on the 30th and the barbeque on the 31st. Man oh man oh man! Brian is swell! Brian Brian Brian Brian!

May 10th

Is having a Christian friend so awful? Or having one girlfriend a few years older than yourself? Or is it really wrong to discuss religion? I wish someone would tell me. Everyone says I'm crazy for going around with Sandy. I wish I could prove that she really is a swell kid. Mom and Dad are getting awful lately. One minute I hate them and the next minute I love 'em. But they won't leave me alone! Several times they are right in their accusations but usually they just keep rambling on about nothing. Sometimes I cuss to myself.

I'm not sure how Sandy appeared in our lives given that she lived on Oak Avenue, a much older, non-Jewish neighborhood. But we started to play together when I was about 11 and she was maybe 14. She was a devout Christian and I think that at home she heard some non-flattering words about Jews. During our neighborhood "war" she called me a "dirty Jew". When my parents found out they were very upset and I don't think I really understood why. I also don't think that Sandy fully understood what she was saying. But life went on and we've remained friends throughout our lives.

May 14th

If there was any ice between me and Brian I think that it is broken now. We both had a fab time during history -- we wrote notes. I told him that he looked adorable in gym shorts and he blushed and said that I didn't look bad in a gym suit either. I got him to call tonight; I was worried that I might be chasing him but I did it anyway. But it worked out great 'cause we got into hysterics about a math problem. Brian is real swell!

Our gym suits were yellow-gold colored and we wore bloomers underneath. Yuck!

May 15th

I am in love with Brian. In a very mild form, of course, but it's still true. At the dance we danced the slow ones very close, my head almost touching his shoulder. I felt a fabulous sensation, like floating in a magnificent dream. We lost the election  but I told him that he had still won -- with me. I have never been happier than tonight. Brian is my first real boyfriend. I hope he will stay so for a long time.

June 2nd

Brian has called me several times. We talk for about 1/2 hour. He is buying me 2 gifts for my birthday and he promised to write to me a lot in camp. He will send me any new pictures of himself taken while I am away. I am "his girl" and I love it. It's funny -- I never noticed him until he asked me out. I must have been blind. He is so sweet. I miss not seeing him Maybe I will meet up with him this summer. Brian has his faults, I will admit, but you couldn't ask for a more all-around swell boy. I wish I dared tell him how crazy I am about him. He knows I like him very much, but, well, you know how it is. I don't like Simon half the same way I do Brian, but I still feel a need to be on his team, talk to him, brag about Brian and other boys, or generally be with him and make him jealous. I can't explain it. I sort of like him in a vague way -- very vague.

Brian wrote me a few letters at camp, which of course I still have. And he got me a stuffed animal for my birthday. I recently reconnected with him on LinkedIn and he says that he remembers these days fondly.

September 14th

If I thought Brian was a dream, I hadn't reckoned with Danny. Danny has it all over Brian. Danny is cute -- black hair, brown eyes, smart, 9th grade A Poly student, nice and fun to be with. He also has a great build in sweaters and slacks. If I thought I liked Brian, well, I was NUTS compared to Danny. I have the BIGGEST crush on him. He asked me to a party and I flipped. I am crazy, absolutely wild about him. He's all I think and talk about. I don't know how to put it but I guess you can guess.

September 18th

Tomorrow I go out with the Big D! I can't believe it -- it's like a fabulous, fantastic dream! I am so excited I can hardly think. Imagine -- he'll come to my door dressed in a gorgeous suit, and escort me to the car. I'll be on Cloud 9 on another world. Whenever I think about it, I get a tingly feeling -- sort of a chilly excitement. Much more excitement than with Brian. I can't stand the thrills I'm experiencing. It's too long to wait! Approximately 21 hours. Wheeeeeee! Can't Wait!!

September 19th

I feel light, as if made of a fluffy cloud. It is 12:36 and I've just gotten home from my date with DANNY. It was a divine dream. We danced the slow ones with my head on his shoulder, cheek to cheek. I felt fabulously carefree and completely helpless against the gorgeous sensation of being with him. My only worry is -- did he enjoy being with me as much as I enjoyed being with him? I wonder, will I ever know? Perhaps tomorrow...perhaps never...

September 20th

My strong feelings for Danny grow stronger every day. I long to put my head on his shoulder, to dance as if on air and to hold his hand again. I get a warm feeling everytime I think of last night. I am dying for him to call me up. Of course he won't but I can hope. I feel a tremendous uplift whenever I see him...or touch him. If I were older, I guess you could call it love...and I will...I'm in love with Danny. It's no longer a mild thing...but a burning desire to be with him, cheek to cheek...

September 21st

I am still wildly, insanely in love with Danny, but it is hard as he does not make known his feelings about me. When I am with him I feel nervous, self-conscious -- longing to touch and hold him. He treats me indifferently when we are with a group. I know he likes me a tiny bit, but I need more than that. In school, at home, when I am not occupied, thoughts of him fill my mind. Darling Danny -- do you like me? I must know...I MUST!

September 22nd

Danny Winn is a magical name to me, to say or write, but at times I feel as though he does not exist, does not mean anything...but then I think about his warm, strong shoulder during a slow dance...and I melt all over. My biggest wish concerning him is entirely impossible...TO GO STEADY...super-delightful words, but I would be content for awhile to go out on another date with him. I found out from his mother that he had a great time on our last date...another hopeful sign. I see less of him now...maybe for the better, but I LOVE HIM SO!

September 23rd

I think less of Danny these days as my mind is full of other current matters. But very often I am unconsciously writing his name on papers and books, talking about him, blushing when his name is mentioned and searching his yard for signs of him. I get a queer, funny feeling when I think of last Saturday. Not the same warm glow -- I think I've forgotten my actual feelings and emotions during the party) -- but sort of an anxious longing to repeat those slow, warm, tingling dances...with Danny as my partner, dancing on a soft, fluffy cloud.

September 24th

I hardly see Danny at all these days and I rarely think about him during a school day. My feelings about him on the surface have lessened and I am less apt to talk about him. But deep down inside he is still my little hero -- boy of my dreams. I guess if I saw him more often my feelings for him would be stronger. Every night, though, I wish that he would come outside with all my heart so that I could worship him from close-up instead of afar. I love him, dear diary, but I guess that secret will die with me, without his ever knowing how much I want him.

September 25th

DANNY -- again, dear diary. I LOVE HIM! I'm afraid though that he doesn't like me as much as I would like him to...but I LOVE HIM. I'm at Karen's pajama party. The boys wanted to come in so we let them. I danced with Danny twice; he seemed to like Jan Sody and I was VERY jealous. Now that I've seen him again I am crazy about him! As a prize at the party, I got a record, "It's My Party". On the flip side is the song, "Danny". Woweee!! I LOVE DAN!

September 26th

I am sleeping over Sally's tonight. Frankly, for part of the evening I was bored to death. I wanted Danny and the rest of the neighborhood real real bad. I LOVE DANNY. I will never get tired of saying that. He makes me feel flushed, wildly excited. Karen's party was great, but I missed the boys after they left. The remainder of the party, today, followed the boys down to Price's. They started to throw apples but we eluded them and led them a merry chase home. The whole world must know that I LOVE MY DANNY!

Price's Dairy was the local ice cream place/soda shop.

September 27th

I just HATE the world, Danny included. First of all, I hate Mr. Plaine. He is making me go to school on a Jewish holiday. EVERYONE is staying home. We won't be doing any work; there will be less than 10 kids there. I am so mad!! Next, Danny has been making me real jealous and angry. He has been complimenting Jan and Sandy and making me feel like dirt. When we danced at Karen's party tonight, he didn't ask me to dance once. Either he is trying real real hard to make me jealous, or is being downright mean.

September 28th

Lover's sorrow --Oh, dear diary, I feel a dull ache in my heart and my eyes are wet, for I feel that, almost know that Danny does not care for me. I guess I knew that deep down, but I was too scared to admit it. I still like him, but it hurts to know that he prefers Jan to me. He is crazy about her. He gave me the cold shoulder, the brush-off. I guess that I'm a fool not to have seen it sooner than last night at Karen's party. But I'm not giving up. Maybe he'll like me if I don't chase him. Maybe.

September 29th

Danny Winn -- another name, another brief, wonderful experience. That's all that it amounts to now. I am almost positively positive that he doesn't feel for me the way I felt for him. I say felt because a large majority of my admiration and love for him is gone, gone with the wind as they say. I have only a tiny, hopeful spark of love for Danny which could be ignited again, though doubtful. I guess that this will wear off, too, in several days, and he will be just another boy. But oh, how I dread that moment.

September 30th

Danny Winn -- So, so, ho hum...who am I kidding? I still like him, more than I'd like to admit, but I'm on the prowl now, hunting for more attainable boys. I've heard from the class grapevine that Jerry Ginsberg likes me a little, but I wouldn't dare let Karen know, as she seems to be making preparations for his capture. My social life at the moment seems to be at a standstill. It's unbearable; if not for the LBJ campaign and Karen, I think that I'd go nuts. Maybe I have already -- who knows? But I feel that something exciting is coming soon...

Karen Brooks went to Milford (not Woodlawn, like the rest of us) after Sudbrook and we gradually grew apart. We stayed in touch for many years though, until she became president of the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). She's had an illustrious career, as have a number of the kids from the ol' neighborhood.

October 1st

Ah...a new month. But doggone it, I'm in a pickle! Karen asked Darryl to Jill's party and now Jan wants to ask Danny, MY Danny. Who am I to say that she can't? He likes her and she likes him...Cute couple...What am I doing? I'm trying to kid myself again, I know, but I can't help it. I still like him SO much. But I'll try and hide my jealousy from Jan. She wouldn't ask him if she thought that she'd hurt me, so I can't tell her the truth, even though she probably already knows. Oh, Danny!!

October 2nd

How much of a fool can a girl be? I feel crushed, heart-broken. I've just discovered something that I've known deep inside but wouldn't admit. Danny is a WOLF, flirt and everything that goes with it. He leads a girl on, me for example, pretends he likes her and then drops her like dirt. From girl to girl he goes, probably causing heartbreak as in my case. I now see him in a different light, an unflattering, dim side of him that I've never seen before. I still like him, but this is beginning to fade away. Goodbye, Danny ---

October 3rd

No! No! I am not saying goodbye. I'm not a quitter. Sure Danny doesn't like me, but I'll show him. He practically ignores me now, but do I sulk? No! I am acting nonchalant and carefree, as if all the boys in the world are at my disposal. Even if that doesn't have any effect, I have other aces up my sleeve. Just you wait and see Danny Boy. I'm not a Danny-chaser any longer. And though I still am crazy about you, do you think I'm going to let you know it? Absolutely NOT!

October 4th

Oh, what am I to do? I love my Danny but he is gone forever. A boy prefers newer, fresher girls that he has not known in preference to "the girl next door". He told Sue that he used to like me, but now he likes Jan. I pretend to be nonchalant, but God -- I love him. It's plain to see that I mean nothing to him. It's so hard to put on an act -- I love him. I want him. Big deal -- I might as well want Richard Chamberlain for all the results I'll get. I've gotta do something, but what? Somebody tell me!

October 6th

I happened to be thinking about Marcia Fepelstein today, not that I envy her, but I do think she is lucky in one particular way -- she has a steady boyfriend. Ah, now that's my medicine -- a cure for the ills and pains in life. Most probably I would not want a steady once I got one, but for now, I need a boy for me and me alone. Danny is out of the question. Besides him liking Jan, I think I might be getting tired of him -- unbelievable-sounding, but true. I'd jump, though, if he asked me to go steady...I think....

October 7th

For the moment, and most likely for awhile, I am tired of Danny. I guess you can take just so much and then you lose interest. Sure, he's a sweet kid and all, but the magic about him is, for the most part, gone. I am feeling very depressed right now -- about everything. I hope it doesn't last long. I want a boyfriend so bad. For the most part, Danny occupied my mind for the past month. Every thought was Danny Danny Danny. But now what? To whom do I turn?

October 13th

I'm sorry that I haven't written lately, but I have been feeling rejected and depressed. But to go on -- Kar had a neighborhood party to which I couldn't go because i was sick, and it turned into a real mushy necking party. Sandy and Danny really went at it -- eyes closed while dancing, sitting real close, head on shoulder, etc. Danny is a born flirt. He is crazy about Sandy, when Jan isn't around. He's got a great opinion of himself. Sandy's sickening too. All she has to do is snap her fingers and Danny and Darryl come running. It's a big mess. (I'm jealous...)

October 23rd

Time has passed...I am now getting ready to go to Toby's pajama party. As I said, times have changed. Danny belongs to Sandy now -- all lock, stock and barrel of him. Jan despises him. Karen has fallen for Darryl, despite his hopeless love for Sandy. Sue likes Rick alot and vice versa. Hal is nuts about Jan and Jan likes him, too. That's about how it stands right now. But shh dear diary, don't breathe a word, but as much as I say I hate Danny, I still like him sort-of. Not much, but some. I wonder what's wrong with me?

October 29th

Do I like Danny? I wish I knew. He loves Sandy so much and vice versa. They both call each other, etc. You know the rest. I know one thing for sure -- if I do still like Danny it's not because of him alone, it's just that I'm jealous of Sandy because she has a boy who really likes her. Danny never liked me the way he likes Sandy. I wish that one day I was walking along and a cute boy appeared out of nowhere. I hope that I don't have to watch Danny and Sandy at the 8th and 9th grade dance on Monday, 'cause I'd just get sick. I DO STILL LIKE HIM!

November 2nd

I have just gotten home from a dance at Sudbrook (first one of the year). I am floating on Cloud 9 -- sound familiar? Only this time it's not Danny -- it's Johnny. Johnny who, you ask? Johnny Reese, my core teacher, of all people! He's about 23, college grad, great dresser (Wejuns, Adlers, etc.). Slight build, broad shoulders, rather thin. Very short hair, beautiful eyes, long nose, gorgeous smile. I share this adoration with Jean Michaelson who is really far gone with him. Of course it's just a childish infatuation, but he's adorable! I like him very much. I've decided to become an A core student.

November 4th

There goes my resolution to be an A core student. I just got a C on a unit test! He marked me down a B but I found a mistake that lowered my grade. He thought I was nuts but I think he respects me for it. He's really a doll. I think that he likes me a little. Good guy -- if only he wasn't so much older. Oh gosh darn it, I'm still thinking about Danny -- with Sandy this time. They really love each other. They're always together. Makes me sick. Also Karen is getting queer, or maybe it's me. At any rate, my spirits could stand a real big rise -- SOON!

November 5th

I can't explain why, but very often now Danny keeps popping into my mind. I know that I don't like him the way I used to; in a way when I'm around him I can't stand him! Probably because he is so crazy about Sandy. If that's so -- am I jealous? I wish someone would tell me. Another thing -- my lack of responsibility is beginning to worry me. I'm scared to be trusted with anything. Oh well, I guess I can overcome that, but what am I going to do about Danny? If I don't like him, then what do I feel???

November 9th

Cripe! Am I jealous! Sandy's got Danny, Jan has Hal, Sue has Rick and Darryl's got Karen. Where does that leave me? I want somebody, too! If I could make a wish come true right now, I'd wish that I had a boyfriend. Incidentally, Darryl told Sandy off -- bravo! He told her that he was sick of being stepped on; he is human, too! Sandy doesn't care, though -- she's got Danny. All Karen says now is Darryl Darryl Darryl! It's coming out of my ears! I want someone too! Please oh please oh please!!

November 25th

Hi again? Yep! Do you remember me? Well, I'm back again. I have sort of broken away from the neighborhood. They call me the "hibernating bear" meaning I am a limp, pale piece of mold because I never go out and fool around with them. Big deal; I really care whether they love me or not. I am having a pretty good time with my Bas Mitzvah coming up Friday. I can hardly believe it. I've gotten 34 gifts. I think I finally figured out why Danny keeps popping into my mind. He was the most recent of my boyfriends and I will think of him until I find another.

December 3rd

Hi! Things are going pretty well now. I've got lots of dances, parties and luncheons coming up. I no longer think about Danny except as an occasional memory. School is fairly good lately. I'm crazy about my core teacher. But as one famous guy said, "Just when you think you've got ends to meet, someone moves the other end." About Mr. Reese -- I think that he thinks that I'm a little immature. Probably because I'm so anxious to make him notice me. Also, I met a 13 year old 9th grader, Allan Oppenheimer at a dance. He's real sweet. Maybe...

December 4th

I wonder if you can run away from a memory. I mean, I never think about Danny except when I'm around him, and even then it's not because I like him a lot. I guess it's just because of a wonderful memory of a wonderful summer. Oh well. I absolutely love Mr. Reese now, but his case is hopeless. After all, he's only 12 years older than I am. I just got a sudden urge to read a dirty book like The Carpetbaggers or Tropic of Cancer. Another dead end on that too. Why run away from the fact that I just want a boyfriend.

December 6th

Boy, I really like Mr. Reese a lot. he makes school worth the week's work. Guess what I got today? A tape recorder! It really is a beauty. I am absolutely dying to record Reesey's voice; that would be a good trick! Every night I make a resolution not to mention Danny. I guess that it's just looking over my diary that makes me think of him. After all, it was 2 or 3 months that I liked him. Oh well -- try to fight City Hall. You know who's really a great kid? Karen -- when she's in the mood you can really have a great discussion with her.

December 15th

John Reese sure is a swell guy. He acts so much like us kids it's hard to believe that he's actually a teacher! Anyway, vacation is coming up but before we can scram out of this place we gotta suffer through several million tests. Oh well, you can't win them all (but you can try). Right now I am sick and tired of everything except boys. I don't think that I ever will get tired of boys, ever. Nothin' else is new, so until I write again -- Au revoir!

December 19th

It is 11:50 and I've just gotten home from my date with Danny...Zlotowitz, not Winn! I had a wonderful time. It was so funny -- we started out slow-dancing far apart and when we finished we were dancing so very close. He's a swell kid -- certainly not another Mr. Novak, but a very nice, considerate date. Actaully, we were up against the Park School crowd -- a tough nut to crack -- so the two of us stuck pretty much together. I had a great time.

December 21st

I just had to write down how I feel. Danny W. and Sue came over this afternoon. As soon as I saw him again, I realized with a shock that I still like him! Not a real lot, but enough. He mentioned that Karen likes him now and not Darryl (conceited kid), but he likes Jan better. I winced inwardly but didn't say anything. He thinks I've lost interest in him completely and that's the way it's gonna stay. I ain't tellin' nobody nuttin'. But for goodness sakes -- why do I STILL like him??


6/28 - "The bus trip was long, but much nicer than the train. When we arrived, Miss Sandy assigned me to Bunk #8, along with Sally, Becky, Vicki B and Shelley Sweren from Balto. Also, Sandy and Andy from CT. Two other kids besides me brought transistors (they know the best local stations) and Jan brought her banjo. Our counselors are  Miss Charlotte, Miss Buster and Miss Janet...Miss Lee is still here but many of the horses are not; we have a lot of new ones...I sleep above Sally in the upper bunk. I have a lovely view of the lake through the trees. It is a beautiful silver with some green and brown in it at this time of the morning."

7/9 - "You'll never believe this, but I planned for the longest time what I was going to say to you on the phone, but when I actually was talking last night I forgot everything! I guess that I was excited and nervous. But anyway -- you all sounded great! Right now the temperature up here is in the 60's. It's wet, damp and rainy, but we don't mind. there is still plenty to do. So what if we freeze -- we still have something to do -- defrost!...Today is Penny Day when you get a penny if a person with one asks you a question and you answer YES or NO. When Penny Day ends, the people with 1 or more pennies have to put on a skit for evening activities. I got about 6 during the day but at the end of the day I didn't have one! This morning I fed the horses. Boy do I love them. My favorite one is Joey. Guess what? Yesterday I CANTERED on Joey! That is a horse gait a little slower than a gallop. Isn't that cool!!...Thanks for the candy and books that you sent me. The bunk sure appreciated the birthday gift box and they said to say thanks!

7/17 - "I went riding this afternoon. I rode Harriet. Her gaits were good but she wouldn't stop following Joey. I can't stand horses that are followers...During rest hour we had Jr. Life Saving. My endurance has built up and I am doing swell. Next Thursday we will have a 2 hour written final."

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