Monday, September 24, 2012

1967 - March

March 1st

Hey Ma, guess what? Woodlawn was on fire today -- really! We had 8 fire engines and the school smelled horrible! The fire was confined to the boiler room, I think, but until they knew the full extent of the thing, they had to keep us outside. Man, did we freeze! End Part I. Part II -- I asked him!! Danny! After that dream, I had my doubts. Only worry now is about clothes and hair appointment.

March 2nd

OH BOY! Terri thinks she's comin' to the Soph Party. It's gonna be excellent. Only thing is -- if Sue T. comes I'm gonna have a bit-o-trouble explaining about Danny.

March 3rd

Jim Peters was on Kirby Scott (I think). So was Seale Shannon, in case you're interested. Guess what? Judi and me are gonna write a book about life at Woodlawn. It'll be so funny -- if we ever finish.

Or ever start.  ;-)

March 4th

Well, it happened. I was always afraid that Sally would date before me 'cause of my "image", you know, but now that it's happened I'm not really upset. Ya wanna know why? 'Cause I know that I'm really happier than she is -- my group of friends and all. And, in time, I'll go out, too, and with great guys, not schlemiels. Sometimes you just have to wait longer for the best, right?

I really didn't remember that I was this competitive with Sally, for so long. And it's interesting to see my efforts at rationalization...

March 5th

Jeff and Dad went to the circus this afternoon and Danny came over. It was so funny -- we worked on this problem for ages, trying to get what I told him was the right answer. But then he discovered that I had looked at the answers for the wrong section and he had been right the whole time! I was scared that he was gonna kill me. But he didn't.

March 6th

Home sick today. Honest -- I really felt lousy this time. I hear the school was on fire again today. Cute. Boy, I'm glad I wasn't there to stand out in the rain. Walters wasn't there, thank God, but either was Terri and I didn't know it. Gosh darn. I've been hearin' an awful lot about UFOs lately. Remind me to tell you about yesterday's Chizuk Brotherhood breakfast.

Telling your diary to remind you of things is not very effective.

March 7th

Jeff's birthday today. I went to school (for the heck of it?) in the muck and rain. Man, there were floods everywhere. It's been rainin' for 3 days!! Anyways, I got sent home again. Sick.

You know, those urges and moods I've been getting lately seem to be coming on pretty strong. The latest -- making out with Mickey Dolenz. Oh well. Last night I had a little depression -- felt sorry for myself and all. Jeff was doin' an exceptionally good job of irritating me. So I cried from 9 to 9:30 and then went in to watch "Mark Twain Tonight". FANTASTIC! He was marvelous -- cynical, humorous, just wild. You name it, he knocked it. Some day I'd like to do a study on him.

Sophomore Dance Time --
Dates - Me & Danny, Terri & Jay, Linda & Jeff, Barbara & Harry, Ann & Alan, Marlene Jacobs & Jay (?), Sue McLaughlin & Steve, Sue Edwards & Kelby, Ellen & Steve, Debbie & Ronnie Mansur
Decorations - Ann tells me they're real bad, and I had told everyone to expect something spectacular. My golly -- the decorations are practically everything. They'd better be good!
Attendance - Some say crowded, some say not. I'm inclined to agree with those who predict a not-too-large turnout. Maybe I'm just pessimistic after the decorations report. I sure hope it's not a repeat of the Junior It.
Dress - Me -- blue dress with white vertical stripes, white collar and front buttons. Looks better than it sounds. Also, sling-backs. Ann -- Now get this! White rabbit pocketbook, gloves -- oh brother! She's even getting her hair done in French curls. Bet'cha she ends up taller than Alan. Terri -- crepe dress. she'll look good.
Workshop Friday - maybe. Can't wait!!
P.S. I'm gonna have a long day Saturday. Hair appt. in the morning, Driver's Ed all afternoon, then the dance. WOW. Really!

I'm getting worried -- like I'm flunking algebra. Gotta think positive think positive think positive! Harry & Barbara -- pftt! I wonder what the Soph Party will be like as far as they're concerned. Uh oh -- gotta be careful. I'm getting dangerously depressed again. Oh yeah - I think that the office might be suspecting that those 2 fires were a bit fishy. After all, there hasn't been a fire in Woodlawn for 5 years and suddenly we have 2 in a period of 3 days.

National & World Affairs - Hoffa began his 8 year jail sentence today for jury tampering. It's about time! Adam Clayton Powell was refused his seat in Congress -- good! Drafting for the war now is a fine mess -- now in 2 years they're putting into effect a plan that will grab 19 year olds by LOTTERY! My God -- in time there'll be no more boys left in the USA!!

March 8th

Hiya! Stayed home today to make sure. Also maybe to get out of an algebra test? No, not really. Terri and me talked the dial off the phone. She's home with a cold. Today is Mickey's birthday!

I am still approaching depression. in one word -- algebra. I lied to Mom and Dad about my average, which was really tuff to do. I'm so worried about the summer! I know that most of it is my fault, 'cause I'm in a dumb class. I guess I just don't try. but have you ever tried to listen to Walters? You just can't stay awake! Yes, I got out of a test today, but that's not why I stayed home. I've just gotta be alright for Saturday.

About this Saturday: Ronni is going. Is that funny or is that funny? Abby got her a clind date, as well as a couple of million other people. Terri tells me she's so excited -- first date and all. Gosh, I wonder what the boy'll say when he sees her! Get this -- she wants to wear a real bright tent dress! She'll look like a balloon. You know, if the boy is crazy enough to try something, she'd probably go along with it, she's so desperate. You can usually tell about the outcome of a blind date by watching them slow dance. Hah! I bet'cha what's-his-face won't be able to get close enough to Ronni to dance with her. Honestly, I'm not trying to put Ronni down that bad, it's just that I feel like in a way, I'll be sort of superior, ya know? Anyway, I'm so glad she's going instead of sitting at home by herself. That's rough, I know.

I'm pretty sure they won't, but I'll just die if the twins are there. Terri tells me that Terry might show up, and if Speedy's there -- ACK!

Of all the embarrasing entries I wrote, this one makes me feel really bad. I know that teenage girls can be very unkind, but even if this was just in my thoughts, it's still upsetting to me now. However, it certainly gives me insight into how we can be tempted to put someone else down in order to make ourselves feel better.

March 9th

Good show on Stage '67 -- "Trilogy: The American Boy" - presh! "Skaterdater" was the best. There was an adorable boy (here I go cradle-snatching again!). But guess what I did? I threw out my LBO! Oh, Sunny!!

PHIL IS A BUM. I went up with Judi to get milk and the twins and friends were sitting right in front of the milk thing. I don't know why but they started laughing at me. I felt embarrassed and horrible. When I went back to sit down, I lost my appetite. It's funny -- I felt worse about being laughed at than the fact that Phil and Doug were there. Oh well, that ends that. Now they'll be for "twin looks" only.

Sophomore Dance Time again - I hope I'm dressed OK. In a way I don't care, but in a way I do. It's hard to explain, but I'm not worried. Nope. More couples: Margie & Gary, Chuck Smith & ?, Gerri & Ralph O'Connell (?), Abby & Neal. Anyways, I saw the list and it's pretty darn long. Tonight Linda asked me if I liked Danny or not, but something happened and I didn't have to answer. She knows anyhow. Everything with her is Jeff Jeff Jeff. Personally I think he's a big, fat 0.

I got a Mamas & Papas album. It's great. My fav song is "My Heart Stood Still". I'm also crazy about "Dedicated to the One I Love", their new single, and the Turtles new song. I LUV MICKEY DOLENZ! I die for that boy, just die. He is so tough. Beautiful. I LUV HIM!! I dreamt about him in color last night. Millie left today. It was sad. Judi and me bought her a stuffed "Prisoner of Love" and nick-named it URP. We also gave her a Queers Row card. That reminds me. I have to get Linda a Slurp for her birthday yesterday.

Danny and me aren't doubling and Sue Tucker might have mono. She still thinks Mike is Danny, and she's back with Del. Steve J and Sue might not go to the party 'cause of transportation problems. I wish Saturday would get here already. I hate this waiting. 'Sides I wonder if my hair'll turn out and then there's always Driver's Ed. Oh brother.

March 10th

FOOEY. I have to wait a whole month to get that plate back from the orthodontist's, meaning I'll be a month behind, meaning I won't get my braces off in time for the trip. Hell.

Flunked a typing test, I think. I might as well give up. And I made an ass of myself in front of McGovern this morning. So what else is new. Queer's Row is going completely out of its mind -- honest! Voice now has his tie tucked in even higher, and Flower got his petals trimmed. Speaking of Flower, he was in top form today, wearing that good ol' shirt and his paper towel pants. Killer was enchanting, too, doing his eye exercises and staring into space with his fingers in his ears. ILL and UG are BAD -- yechh! The Glum Bum Brothers. They still look good, but...forget it. (I think...)

Last period Waslters was absent and we had a ball. Sue was hysterical with these dirty jokes. I mean, she's so...well, open. It was a riot. I started calling Ann's Alan Dickhoff (really??) "Tubby". I finally figure out why she's going steady with him -- so's she can get to the Senior Prom! Clever... The Monroes, Wednesday, was the best ever. (Here we go again, group.) I die for those twins. Barbara calls me and Terri cradle-snatchers 'cause they're only 13, but they're precious! Real long hair, mmnnn...

Kirby Scott was pretty good too, 'cepting it wasn't as crowded. The lead singer of the Buckinghams is cute and they had a tape of Gary & the Hornets (the group with the 6 year old drummer). Jackie and Alan finally lost the dance contest to a Negro couple (good!) but I'm sad in a way 'cause I like the way Alan dances. Their go-go dancers are excellent. Randi Levin is one -- still with that long hair.

Well -- I'm gonna be a bit under-dressed tomorrow night but it doesn't bother me 'cause I figure it's all in the way you look at it. Right? Right? YEAH. I LUV MICKEY DOLENZ!!

March 11th

Damn it. I'm so upset. It's 12:15 and where am I? Home, that's where. Why? 'Cause Danny's sick. I can't get this stupid ringing out of my ears. Shit. I feel bad.

I don't blame Danny, really. After all, he did try, but it only made me feel worse to see him dancing, knowing how bad he felt. The worst part is, though, that everybody else, including Ronni, Linda, Barb, Ann, Terri, etc. had a great time and will be talking about it for the next 60 years. And I'll have to start lying again. Terri's date, Jay, is a doll and she'll probably start going with him. Ya know what I wish? I wish that I could go out with a boy I really like and not have to pretend. That'd be so beautiful. Terry was there -- he looked as precious as ever. So was Chuck, in boots, and Bob who looked miserable (but still tough).

Right now I'm sort of in a numb shock of depression everytime I think of what I have to tell everybody. I wish I could cry but nothing will come yet.

March 12th

Well, the dam broke. I have never gone into such a fit of hysterics as I did this morning. Really, I was completely uncontrollable. Never have I felt so depressed. First of all, I was convinced that the whole world was against me and that everything that happened was unfair. On top of that, Dad made me go to Sunday School which made me positively sure that no one understood or cared about the way I felt. Then I talked to Mom, who, as much as I didn't want to, made me stop feeling so sorry for myself. She made me understand about Dad and the way he was feeling, which of course made me start crying again, this time about him. Ya know, you can never hate anyone when you understand them and know what makes them tick. After that, I listened to My Heart Stood Still which cheered me up and made me realize that I'm never gonna be one to try and always run away from things.

About the dance: Well, never build up your hopes too high about things like that and always be prepared for little disappointments. After all, "No one ever promised me a rose garden" [courtesy of Mom]. The band: Excellent drummer, good singer and musicians, but pretty bad to dance to. Not enough soul music. The singer did do "Please, Please, Please" and "Summertime" good, though. Decorations: Not too bad, but seemed rather amateurish and could have been better planned. The lighting was wrong -- it was set up such a way that it created a kind of dim glare and it was hard to see across the room. As a matter of fact, the whole affair seemed like a feeble and futile attempt to imitate the Junior and Senior Proms.

As for the Dress: I have to admit that the majority of the kids really looked excellent. Sue Edwards, for one, was very pretty. So were Ann's friend, Debbie, and Terry's date, Sharon. Ann looked cute and Linda looked pretty good too. There were a lot of semi-formals and corsages, but I felt comfortable. Mostly there were sophomore girls with junior or senior boys. Ya know, at least I'm glad that I was seen there. Ann and Alan were a little high, and Ronnie asked Debbie to go steady. Terri's Jay and me were really knocking each other, Linda luvs Jeff, and I've never danced so hard in my life. Well, that about sums it up. Hardly an Affair to Remember. I think the 9th Grade Dance was better, but this taught me something. Exactly what, I can't put my finger on, but I know it's there. Just give me time.

This past Saturday, Terri saw Neal and Lee at Stewarts ( of all people!). She said that they looked better than ever -- taller, hair even longer (goody!). They were shopping with their mother and were wearing sports jackets. Mickey was the Monkee star in last week's episode. Only one kiss.

I haven't been feeling exactly up to par lately. I don't know what it is -- headache, tired, you know. I doubt if it's mono. Right now I feel kind of discouraged and depressed. Think I'll hit the sack.

"Ya know, you can never hate anyone when you understand them and know what makes them tick. I listened to My Heart Stood Still which cheered me up and made me realize that I'm never gonna be one to try and run away from things...This taught me something. Exactly what, I can't put my finger on, but I know it's there. Just give me time..." Now these observations make me proud. I was actively Becoming Me. 

March 13th

I think everybody's been hitting a low lately. We're all tired and depressed. Maybe it's the weather, who knows. Anyway, school's been getting me down -- I'm so gosh darn lazy.

Stayed after for a biology test today. Miss Marck left me alone, on my honor, while she went to a meeting and I didn't even take a peek at my notes. Very good, Sunny! I asked Ann if she kept a diary and she said no, but if she did it would probably be censored. Ya know, I believe it! After Saturday night (by the way, she got home at 3:30) and what Ronni told me about Alan in her class, I wouldn't put a thing past her. A lot of kids were sick Saturday might so something must be going around. Sue Edwards was absent today. Peter Tork is precious.

My propensity for procrastination really did make me miserable. I wish there had been someone to tell me that it didn't have to be this way.

March 14th

Well, spring is here. What's the first sign? The kids congregating on the porch and the picking of the first leaf. Yeah -- felt like old times this afternoon! Warm weather brought everybody out. When I got my hair done Saturday I also got it cut. It looks great and everybody likes it! Even Mom! Shock. Disbelief.  Only thing is, I haven't washed it out since Barry set it. Uh oh?

My mother was way too focused on my hair. Her attitude was responsible for a lot of arguments and contributed to my confusion about the "acceptability" of my appearance.

March 15th

Hullo dere! Boy it's icky out and guess where I have to go -- Confirmation, of course. What fun. Last night it rained so hard that I though we were being bombed! Really, I was petrified. The hailstones must've been gigantic!

I really should hand in my transcription notebook, but why dwell on unpleasant subjects. Today, last year, I flunked an algebra test. Let's hope that second period this morning wasn't a repeat performance. Actually, all I want out of this year is a C, if I can pull that off. I don't hate Brian Lurie anymore. I knew I'd stop when he started paying attention to me. You know, I'm disgusting!

Phil baby -- luv him again! But, of course, now I know what it is about him I like. It's sure not his personality, I'll tell you that. Oh, you know, things like his smile and...and...well, when he handed me a book, his hand brushed mine and I got the biggest electric shock I've ever felt. I finally got the chance, and enough nerve, to give him that dog personality psychology test. You'll never guess what it said. Quote, "You have a secret need for love." I almost choked! And "My Heart Stood Still".

Confirmation wasn't half bad! I even learned something! Ya know, I never knew why God stopped "speaking " to people. Well, it's because the age of prophecy is over and now that He's told us everything we need to know to live a good life, it's up to us.

From the website page on the class of '69, I found out that Phil was killed in the Iraqi War in the '90s. Damn.

March 16th

Everybody got their algebra tests back 'cept me and Terri. Man, you should've seen those grades -- 20s, 30s. If I flunk this, I'm gonna get [Barbara] Euler to sign my deficiency. I'll be damned if I'm gonna bring it home.

GUESS WHAT?!! PHIL TALKED TO ME. ME! Listen -- Me and Judi were getting milk. We were walking away from the cash register, past Phil's table, when somebody calls out, "Hey, Sunny!" You should've seen me spin around! I walked back and leaned across the table. "Did you do the history?" I told him no, that I was planning to ask him. -- I don't know how I managed to walk back to our table without jumping up and down. I was so excited, you wouldn't believe it! I lost my appetite again. Well, I'm making progress. It only took 6 months.

In history I gave him the Water and Wall psychological test. Get this -- he walked around the water! Poor, sexless Phil. Judi and me code him as P.D., short for Pill Dickles. Today we have a movie, but ya never know. I might ask him something at his locker this morning if I get up enough nerve. You know, he didn't really want that history. Remember Matt Mayer?

Yeah, I think he really did want the history homework.  ;-)

March 17th

Faith and begorra! It's one of the little people! Yup -- ol' St. Patrick's Day. And boy, I saw plenty of the wearin' o' the green too. So this is Sunny O'Plaine signing out! (Don't mind me...)

March 18th

Happy Saturday! Would you believe I slept 12 hours last night? I think I was kinda tired. Down with Air Pollution!

Okey dokey. Well, let's see...Oh yeah! We have a new addition to Queer's Row! THE MUMMY. Judi writes me this note in history -- "Sunny, the kid sitting between Flower and Voice is dead. He hasn't moved all year." Which is true! Thus, we now have Killer, Flower, The Mummy, Voice and Head. Right now it's 10:30 in the morning and even though it's freezing out, it kinda feels like spring. The bushes are budding, the flowers are coming out (ain't I poetic!) and even the grass on the bare spots out back is growing in. Spring -- ah.

You know, the Trosches are moving. Yeah, I'm really sad. Me -- I hate to see things change. Gosh, I might even cry. Really, just thinkin' back, this neighborhood and all, it just won't be the same somehow with them gone. I'm gonna miss them, but more than that, they represent THE CHANGE. I wish things could stay the way they are. *Sob*.

Jeff & Linda Jeff & Linda Jeff & Linda. Oy vey. Anyways -- he's Jewish, which is more than I can say for P.D. Oh well, I love him anyway. We saw a movie in room 309 yesterday. Speedy was in there and did he look tough. He was stretched out across these desks know. Little Kurt's bigger than me! Honest! I was so shocked. He looks like Opie on Andy Griffith but his name is Steve! Remember Stephanie McGuire? Well, she's a dope pusher and dope addict. She's run away from home and had the cops after her. Linda Waldorf's seen her smoking reefers. Yuck. Jim Peters & Candy. Elaine and Betty Brown are dolls.

Mostly a do-nothing day. there's supposed to be a good show on tomorrow night called "Murray the K at Shea, Baby". It sounds excellent -- James Brown, Miracles, Martha & the Vandellas. The Turtles are on The Smothers Brothers tomorrow.

I remember that the air pollution project was one big-ass assignment. it took for-ever...I also wish that somebody back then could have enlightened me as to the nature of "change"; that that's all there is, and it's your reaction to life's changes and challenges that measures your success.

March 19th

Monkees -- Davy's precious as usual. I saw him on a commercial for the show the other guys -- LUV HIM! Third part of "Atta Girl, Kelly" was great. Confirmation class and me went to Palm Sunday services at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. It was beautiful, let me tell ya, but so different -- the atmosphere and all. I'll tell ya more about it tomorrow.

March 20th

Phil Pill Putterpill, Pill Dickles -- I LUVS HIM AGAIN!! Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil...

Problems, group -- algebra. I'm like flunkin' and I'm worried. I've got a 44 average with only about 2 weeks to go in the term. My problem is that I can't concentrate. It's sort of like the opposite of what I expected in this class; it's so dumb that I thought I'd be the top guy. Well, it didn't turn out like that. I think what's wrong is that I went from one extreme to the other and this class is so stupid that I'm like bored to tears and so I don't concentrate. Of course, the BIG THING in mind is THE TRIP, but what I'm pullin' for now is not to flunk this term. Hell -- what a mess I've gotten myself into. I must have no will power at all. Well, I'm going to talk to Walters tomorrow. She knows I can't concentrate but other than that it's like talking to a computer. You know, 9 times out of 10 I can talk myself right around teachers but this time I wonder if I've met my Waterloo. I told Mom -- she's convinced that it's a repeat of last year and that I'll end up in summer school, but Terri, Karen and Ann keep tellin' me not to worry.

March 21st

Talked to dear old luvable sweet Walters. I never got a chance to get at the human angle -- for 20 minutes she told me how I had messed up the test so beautifully. Guess who better start concentrating.

I was just thinking..I've got my first Righteous Brothers album on and boy does it remind me of summer. Old summers to be more specific. Gosh, it even hurts to think about it. I wish, just sometimes when things get you down, that you could turn back the clock for awhile. Ya know somethin'? I'm more mixed up now than I've ever been. Maybe I think about myself too much. Anyway, Im beginning to get the impression that I'm a no good no-good. I wish that somebody would come along that would make me feel like I'm good again -- needed.

March 22nd

This day was one horrible, yucky waste. For one thing, get this, Judi was absent. Now just why was she absent? Try because she was rushed off the bus to the hospital in an ambulance. My eyeballs nearly fell out when Leslie told me. On top of that, Phil was absent. The nerve of that guy! I was ready to turn around and go right back home again! Anyway, about Judi, seems that she dislocated her kneecap when she sat down, and it killed her something terrible. Luckily, it happened near her house, and the driver ran back there and called an ambulance. When it got to the bus, the guys had to get her knee back in place 'cause she couldn't walk. Man that must've hurt. So they took her to Sinai and now she's on crutches and laid up for part of the vacation. Well, anything to make life more exciting.

This morning, while walking down the street to the bus-stop, I thought I heard something strange but I couldn't be sure because we were walking by a car with the motor running. Then Linda said, "It's Indians!" I looked up and saw what I thought was a bunch of gulls. but suddenly the noise they were making became clearer and I recognized it as honking. It was a flock of geese, flying in formation right above us! It was the neatest thing, but of course nobody would believe me when I told them in school. Well, after all, how many geese have you ever seen flying over Baltimore? (Remember the time I was convinced that Danti's had been robbed?)

Tomorrow we get out! Wahoo!! It's funny, but I wish the term were longer so's I could pull up algebra, and French. Yeah, my test grades in there are averaging out to a C.

It seems hard to believe that there wasn't a time when geese weren't everywhere, but apparently not in Baltimore in 1967.

March 23rd

T.G.W.O. (Thank God we're Out!)
P.S. I don't like Phil anymore.

March 24th

Slept over Terri's tonight. Saw part of "Lilies of the Field". Terri might join BBG -- luverly. Oh well. Tomorrow we're seeing Dr. Zhivago after bowling. I haven't seen a movie in ages.

March 25th

Saw Dr. Zhivago. Photography was excellent but the characterization wasn't that hot. Before bowling I rode around with Terri while she practiced parking at Sudbrook. She may take her test next week. Is that great or is that great?

I remember the incredible excitement of having the first of our group get her driver's license.

March 26th

Easter Sunday and fine weather. I sort of just hung around though. Karen came over during the evening. She's been doin' good, goin' out lately. Mardi Gras is tomorrow. I bet'cha The Miracles don't show up.

Mardi Gras was the Spring Dance at Milford. For some reason they expected Smokey Robinson and the Miracles to be the band.

March 27th

Kurt Baby was on "The Road West" tonight. Luv him! Went to the dentist in the afternoon (yuck -- 2 cavities) and shopping. Holy Cow -- I need so much stuff for the trip you wouldn't believe it. But everything's gotta fit, look good and also be portable.

March 28th

Man, am I dead! I had a body wave down at Cross Keys and it took 4 hours. Patrick cut and shaped my hair as well, so it's a bit short but at least it has a line to follow when it grows.

March 31st

Spring Cleaning today and me with a broken back. Cute. GUESS WHAT?  I wrote a letter to Kurt Russell! And actually mailed it, believe it or not. Boy, just wait until I show his letter to the peasants at school (when I get an answer in maybe 6 years).


Well, looks like this was Twin Month last year. This time the results are kinda different -- me no like no more at the moment. I'm looking for quintuplets. No, really, they're out for now but who knows what can happen!


Colors - bright oranges and yellows, bright shades of blue and light green, soft pinks
Cars - cycles
Boys - Phil and Doug Edwards, Randy Furr, Gary, Steve Dorf, Danny Winn, Little Kurt
TV Shows - Jack Paar specials
Hobbies - boys, records and singing groups, actors, playing uke and piano, learning to play lacrosse
Actors - Omar Shariff, Keith and Kevin Shultz, Sammy Davis
Boys' names - Kevin, Brad, Scott, Phil, Jeff, Denny, Randy, Terry, Davy, Sandy
Girls' names - Kerry, Kim, Stacy, Becky, Jackie, Pepper
Foods - sweet pickles, cold chicken and cole slaw, egg nog-flavored Instant Breakfast

Foods - brown sugar Pop Tarts, too salty lox, soft scrambled eggs
Colors - orange-ish red

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