Wowee! Snowing like mad! First real break of the season. Looks like a whopper -- 9 or 10" at least.
January 11th
No school today. Had a fab time -- snow great for coasting. Saucers were a blast. It was better than winter vacation.

January 12th
Asked Danny to dance to pay back obligation. Kids found out. Oh brother, now the fun begins!
January 13th
Had big fight with Karen; still not settled. Guess what? I think that I'm getting it! You know what...I'm not sure but I hope so!
January 14th
Got it. Felt lousy and sort of queer. Another guess what -- I may have a Shipwreck Party. 5 boys and 5 girls. What a blast that would be.
April 4th
I love Danny! But guess what -- for the first time he likes me too!! He's a doll. He has the most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen. I don't know how I can possibly live without seeing him every day. He came over again Saturday night. Neither of us remembers what was on TV. I can't wait 'til next Friday -- the double-date dance at the Summit [Country Club]. I love him! It's crazy, but I just can't stand it. I am gone on him. Like...WOW!
April 5th
School wasn't over soon enough today...I just had to get home and see Danny. He and Darryl were there when I finally got there. Danny started flirting with me -- it was fab. But then Karen came over and he started mildly flirting with her. I began to get a distinct uneasy feeling. I know Danny is a pro at making girls feel unsure about him, but boy, he's really got me worried. Well, at least there's Friday when he'll be all mine. Darn it anyway, why are boys so difficult to figure out?
April 6th
Every day now after Danny leaves, I really get kinda worried, like you know, like I might be fighting uphill. But it wears off soon enough. Danny brought over his Chad and Jeremy album and Dad played it on the stereo. He is so fab...Danny I mean (and Dad, too). Please excuse my wording, but I don't quite know how to put it. This is just about the first time I have ever been at a loss for words. But you know what I'm trying to say. I might ask him for his picture tomorrow...
April 9th
It is 12:16 and I just came home from my date with Danny. It started off kinda slow and I was worried there for a time. But it got much better. I told Nancy S. about Sandy. Danny had told Nancy that he liked me very much, but he wouldn't say whom he liked more, me or Sandy, 'cause Nancy might tell. Well, it's no secret anyway -- Sandy's got it, thumbs down. You can tell by the way he acts with her. But those slow dances sure were swell. Real dreamy...
April 26th
Ooh! I am so mad at Mom, Dad and Jeff, I could scream! Mom keeps knocking Danny -- I hate it! And my hair -- grr! She keeps saying over and over and over and over about doing it myself! Makes me sick! And Danny -- well, that's another story. He is over here constantly. But when we watch TV he gets too free with his hands. it's hard to know when to make him stop. I like him a lot, but I'm not pushing anything. I got 6 A's in school. I have to keep up my average!
September 14th
It has been exactly one year now since my major crush on Danny and the anniversary of this event was celebrated in the oddest way. If you remember, last year I was the one who had to fight for a boy who wasn't crazy about me. This time I had to hurt someone by refusing to go steady with him. This boy, Matt Mayer had a crush on me the first day of school, asked me to a party the next and in two days asked me to go steady. He's a nice boy and all, but not my type. But I hated to hurt him and I probably did because this is my first experience with this type of thing.
September 18th
For a change I had a rather pleasant ending to a dull day. Danny, Darryl and Ricky came over about 9:20 this evening. I went out and we had a great time talking until 10. Maybe it's just because he's a boy, but I got a real warm feeling when Danny touched me. It's been such a long time...You know, that guy really intrigues me. He is an expert flirt with a rather practiced line, but depsite that he's not too popular. Anyway, he fascinates me for some reason or the other, and not romantically either, so don't get any ideas.
September 21st
"That boy Danny" has been a rather common expression in my diary during the past year. Maybe I'm going batty, but for some reason whenever I think of the word "boy", he's connected to it somehow. As far as romance goes -- nothing, but still, therre's something else that I just can't figure out. And by the way, I don't think that it's just me either! Oh well, I might as well just resign myself to the fact...What am I talking about? What fact? Anyway, I got my braces off [the first of two times] and I think I'm going to have a party to celebrate. He'll be there...
September LISTS
Things I like:
- to write and doodle
- boys in tight slacks and wavy blonde hair
- ambitious people
- steak, peanut butter and tuna fish
- to read and collect odds and ends
- dancing, hootenannys and going to the movies
- doing things on the spur of the moment
- to argue for things I believe in
- thoughtful, considerate people
Things I hate:
- rude, immature or loud people
- people who tease others less fortunate than themselves or those who mistreat animals
- getting up in the morning
- lima beans and veal cutlet
- bell bottom slacks
- stories in magazines that are continued in the next issue
- mid-year and final exams
- being shy (at times)
- having a serious argument with anyone or holding a grudge
- feeling insecure
- disc jockeys who make too many corny jokes or who sing along with the records
- apathetic people
- Hatred
TV Shows
Wagon Train, Andy Williams, Bonanza, Dick Van Dyke, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., The Lloyd Thaxton Show, Daniel Boone, Flipper
Movie Actors
Michael Anderson, Jr., Sean Connery, Dean Martin, Burt Lancaster, Rock Hudson, John Wayne
TV Actors
Scott (Denny) Miller, Dick Van Dyke, Luke Halpin, Mike Landon, Robert Horton, Richard Chamberlain, Brian Kelly, James Franciscus, David McCallum, Robert Vaughn
TV Actresses
Patty Duke, Debby Watson
Movie Actresses
Julie Andrews, Yvette Mimeaux
Seventeen, 16, Ingenue, Life, Teen Screen
Musical Instruments
Ukelele, guitar, piano, drums
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