Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1968 -- January, April, June, July

January 1st

Hi. well, here we go again -- another beautiful year. '67 wasn't really that bad though -- there was this summer...and then came the fall with Paul, Don, Joie...come to think of it, it's been quite a year! Today, for a change of pace, it dawned sunny and cloudless although the temps. only reached up into the 20's. I was quite depressed during the morning but cheered up considerably after Don called. As it turned out, he picked me up about 1:30 and we went over Paul's to discuss possible plots for their snow movie. We didn't get much accomplished -- Paul felt sick and Don had to be home by 3:00. I was kind of mad that we didn't have more time, but it was still a fun afternoon. Don acted like nothing had happened and was really an angel. What a relief!

January 2nd

Paul was absent today. He probably does have a case of the flu but yesterday's behavior was more a result of being hung over than being sick. Joie tells me that he really got bombed the nite before with his brother and was most likely suffering the after-effects. Jim Glass has joined the ranks of the A#1 Procrastinators. We're both in the same boat with this English pickle. But you know what they say -- yeah, misery does love company. Joie is attempting, not too successfully, to cool it with Paul for awhile. No dice, however -- he always manages to change the subject. I'll fill you in as soon as I sort out my thoughts on this mess. Don way exceeded my expectations today. He acted terrific and even managed to pay more attention to me than Nancy at lunch! He said he'd get me "Love Is Blue" at Westview if he went after school, but I didn't hear from him this evening.

January 3rd

Boy, leave it to good ol' Sartorius! He [Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools] probably slipped on his porch this morning and as a result, all schools were closed today! Don called at 9:00, informing me that I was going to school anyway -- Yearbook, of course. Mr. Terry was in a "boop boop" of a mood, grousing as usual about why certain idiots closed the schools. Don and I took orders for lunch and picked up the stuff at Gino's. It was so funny -- we rounded this curve, the bag toppled over, and there were dirty, wet French Fries all over the floor. I couldn't stop laughing while we picked them up and tried to cram them back into those little greasy bags. Mr. Terry had some suspicions about little Rick Schlenger and Joie Potter. They were goofing around with the puzzles and I wouldn't be surprised if Rick has joined the ranks. Don lent me the "Love, etc." tape. He came over at 9PM with the contact paper and I got Betsi's letter. More tomorrow.

January 4th

This you won't believe. Get hold of yourself. I, yes little ol' Sunny, am going to the Junior Psycho with none other than Mr. Paul Bennett! Everything is sort of screwed up, but to bring you up to date -- Joie initiated her 1 month plan with Paul, and lo and behold, he accepted it. On the basis of a now platonic relationship, it is possible and preferable that they both date other people. Joie, of course, has Danny (incidentally, she'll probably be going to a Poly dance the 26th - nite of the Jr. Psycho). At any rate, I needed a date, Paul is available and through some clever manipulating, if I do say so myself, I found out that he'd really like to go with me. More notes -- Judy and Ricky Claus? More about that tomorrow. School opened an hour later today on account of the weather -- no gym! I can't wait until Don finds out about my date with Paul ( I think). I HATE MOLES! (Just thought I'd stick that in.)

As I recall, Don had accepted Nancy's request to be her date at the dance before he and I thought of going together...And moles is a reference to my God-awful year in chemistry.

January 5th

Oy vey -- more problems. Paul is going with me to the Psycho, but I somehow overlooked next Friday nite, the Color Day basketball game and Record Hop. I'm practically standing on my ear to get Joie to ask Danny so possibly I can go with Paul. But so far, Bennett shows no inclination towards even mentioning it to me, and yet he told Joie that he'd be there. Like I said, oy vey. Remember last year? I certainly don't want a repeat performance of that evening. Meaning, I ain't going nowhere, nohow without a date. Paul suggested during the SC meeting that we double to the Psycho with Don and Nancy. Cute, huh? I told him "only if necessary", but I really don't know. Joie's got a mad crush on Danny, and Nancy is breathing fire at me, which is ironic. Judy is still up in the air about Rick. I'd like them to go to the dance together but I doubt if it would work out.

The year before, I was a wallflower at the Record Hop. Not a pleasant memory.

January 6th

Some little details first -- Chris asked Betsi out...Marty slapped Janice...Nancy is still chasing Rick Claus. A bigger detail -- I saw "The Birds" and I'm still saying to myself, "It's only pretend!" God, was that scary. This is one instance where I'm glad we don't have a color TV. Can you imagine that picture in a movie theatre, with a darkened room, wide screen and COLOR?! The whole thing though, in my mind, was a masterpiece. The suspense build-up, employing complete silence instead of louder music, was terrific. There are a lot of other points that I'd like to put down later after I've been able to think about them. Now, for the biggest detail...Don called me and straightened everything out. I'll fill you in tomorrow after I find out why he didn't show up over here tonight. I hope he didn't get stuck!

January 8th

Boy am I tired. My hand is killing me from copying "Natasha's" geometry notebook. Yuck. School was really lousy today. Don had the nerve not to show up. I spent the chemistry period at the nurse's office -- missed a quiz. I hear I'm pushing a D in English with those damn papers. Paul's been in a hell of a mood (poor guy). Janice came to school with a black eye today, but Judy tells me it's mostly make-up (the little stinker). Mom bought Stranger in a Strange Land.  I heard Love is Blue twice on the radio today. Between my bible -- Stranger [my first venture into a new "philosophy of life"], and that song, I somehow manage to make it from day to day. I got the letter to Don after school -- no reaction as yet. Betsi is driving me crazy with her constant calling. Actually, this isn't all as bad as it sounds. It's probably 'cause it's 11:30. Yawn...g'nite!

January 12th

Why me? Why have I been chosen to be able to see and explain things to everyone who can't? I don't resent it, but when will I meet someone who will love me for who I am -- who I won't have to scheme to get -- who will understand and help me? Betsi, Don, Paul, Joie, Judi -- everyone who I looked up to turns out to be in reality a confused yet honest kid who can't offer me any more security than they're able to give to themselves. I offer so much security to others that I guess you could say that I "live for people", but I need security too! Oh, please -- where is he? Is there really someone stronger than me who I can lean on? I need and want the one thing I'm able to give others yet can't find myself. Contrary to the words of "Different Drum", "I need someone who wants to love only me..."

April 21st

I feel funny right now -- sort of happy, yet empty-like. The performance of POW Wow IV, "The Rise, The Fall" was, from my point of view, tremendous. As my first experience in any high school dramatic production, it's something I'll not soon forget, and for several reasons. At the top must certainly come Otts. Description defies me here -- I only know that I love him and that he's one hell of a guy. He's largely responsible for making a job like mine [props manager] a kind of fun thing. The cast itself (I'm gonna cry in a minute) has united us in asomewhat of a magical harmony. Steve, who with his sexy slouch made rehearsals worthwhile (!) and Sue, with that crazy giggle and cut-ups with Steve, and "Alagacia" with "a drape like you"...of course I must include Darryl -- he's done a really fantastic job and I've gotta give him a hand, despite his already swelled head. Then comes my baby -- Billy Cunniff. I really luv that guy. And Tom Miller, Paul, good ol' Charlie with the drinks in the milk freezer. the dancers, songs, champagne, beer. Automated Actor, "Sunny, a chair", milky way, Marge, choir, mess "Sire", fraznoid, CRAVITZ...Oh i could go on forever...

Other things contribute to making this such a beautiful weekend. Going to the zoo with Danny on Saturday afternoon -- the peanuts, ice cream, balloons...Seeing LEE MALONE, of all people, at the play and talking with him at the cast friendship with Otts...meeting Billy and Steve and the rest of the gang...getting closer with Zlotowitz...I'm just so sorry that it went by so fast and that I didn't appreciate it more while it was all happening. But just realizing and remembering how close we all became is so great. I luv them all so much. And my #1 -- Don. I'm so lucky.

April 22nd

Whew -- am I sleepy! On top of that I've got an ear-ache and I'm dizzy. I'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow morning as far as school goes. Don came over to watch Laugh-In. I luv that show. "Sock it to me..." But I think I got him in trouble. I wouldn't let him leave and when Rick called as he was going out the door, I got flustered. I hope his parents aren't too angry (damn his mother!)...Pow Wow might be put on at U of M. Saw Steve Gell at lunch today. Sue Cohen too. I'm so sleepy...Nite!

April 23rd

Well, it's 9:50 and Don didn't call back. Poor baby -- he must be asleep. While it's on my mind -- Darryl might get the crew together again for a recording session of the Pow Wow songs. I've gotta get a tape! I haven't seen Billy since Saturday. Tom I saw in Study this morning, Steve at lunch and Sue in the hall. It feels so good to say hi...I called the zoo -- no luck there [for a summer job] as they aren't hiring anyone. Happy Acres is out, too. Mom says to ask Mrs. Stern [our family therapist out by Rosewood], Mr. Lerner [college selection advisor] or Mr. Hyman at Camp Milldale. Oh well -- I'm not too crazy about Milldale with the Orthodox stuff and all, but I'll see...there's a rumor going around that Jackie Hess eloped. That's a good one...I wish I had the song, "Elusive Butterfly".

June 14th

Well, looky here -- first day of vacation! I'm going to try and keep a record of every day of this summer. I'm sure there'll be a lot of memories I'll want to re-live. Today was the long-awaited Totem Picnic! Unfortunately we had to announce the demise of the Fertility Rite due to natural causes (and a slight case of apathy). I decided to bring Sally along and Lenny took both of us, plus Barry F., to the park. Ya know, it was really one heck of an afternoon! Sally pitched in a pretty fast softball game and as it turned out, she was the athletic hit of the day. Don came at 4:10 -- over an hour late -- and I was a little upset considering he had to leave a little after 5:00. We were at odds with each other for awhile as he was angry that his job had kept him from coming earlier. But I suggested taking a walk down to the Liberty Dam overlook, which was beautiful without a soul around. It was just like that little "serenity daydream" that we had a few months ago. We came back and ate (the hamburgers were fairly good but the cokes -- yuck!), and then I walked him to the car. And I got the last slap!

Sally and I played frisbee for awhile and then we challenged Mimi and Steve to a game of double badminton. We lost. Stever and I played for a while after and I felt ready to collapse from heat exhaustion the way he was making me run around! Sally had to leave at 6:15 so we went with Lenny. I was kind of sorry to go; I really had a great time with everybody. Driving home even I was very happy but once inside the house, depression struck. Exhausted, I went to bed at 8:30 but I couldn't get to sleep until 10:00. I missed him already.

June 15th

Well, Bunky, you've done it. Yes, I certainly have. we got our report cards today and Wolfe actually flunked me for the quarter and the half. I was actually numb from shock. I even managed to swing a D for the year in Geometry. Well, Maryland, baby, here I come. Mom took it rather well. We had a long talk and came to some sort of an understanding about our communications problem. I think it'll work out alright. Most of the day I spent running around in the car -- to school, Hutzlers to see Judy, Woodmoor, etc. At 8:00 Danny took Janice and I over to Judy's to work on the deadline. Something tells me we'll never make it. Gary Bair came over later and I doscovered that I've got kind of a crush on the boy! He undoubtedly has sex appeal, but beyond that he's sweet and a positive angel. Janice really doesn't deserve him. I have to give credit to Danny, too. Both guys have really been a big help.

In a way, as far as the yearbook goes, I'm sort of glad that Don is gone. There's less tension and not so much of sense of hopelessness about the work we have to do. Yet somebody ought to give him hell for leaving without telling Mr. Terry and without organizing things better. [Don went on a canoe trip with the Explorers even though he was editor-in-chief of the yearbook and we were in danger of missing the publication deadline.] He just more or less threw it all at Judy and took off. The vacation is much needed and will do him a lot of good but he never-the-less had a responsibility to see that things were in somewhat of an order before he left.

I'm sleeping over Judy's tonight, and before we went to bed she let me read her diary. I never knew how much she liked Don during the winter months. It really makes you feel funny.

June 16th

Had kind of a restless nite -- my pillow was awfully hard. I could tell it was going to be a humid day but the Langs' house is air-conditioned so it felt nice inside. I called the folks and wished Dad a Happy Father's Day since I probably wouldn't be home all day. We got him a pair of binoculars. The kids came at noon and we began work again. Damn those captions! Tom, Rick S. and I went out to get lunch at Gino's. For some reason Rick is getting a little more obnoxious and is starting to bother me. I wish Judy would break it off with him. Immaturity. I slacked off work towards evening but Judy and the rest kept on plugging. She really is amazing.

It rained pretty hard around 5:00 and I went home with Gary at 6:00 when Janice had just about had it. During the afternoon for awhile, Jan told me some stories about Don when he was younger. They were cute. I didn't feel too great when I got home, so I made the phone reminders about the senior portraits as quickly as possible and went to bed around 9:30. I'm on this kick now with Nancy Drew books; Judy let me borrow her two. I've been so very busy this weekend that I haven't had time to really miss Don. But now, in these first really quiet moments alone, Saturday seems very far away.

June 17th

Hullo. Today was boring, to say the least. My little friend arrived at about 2 AM and for the greater part of the morning and afternoon I didn't feel too peppy. I called Judy at school to explain that I couldn't come in because I had a touch of virus. I felt a little guilty knowing that they needed all the help they could get, but I knew that I couldn't offer much assistance feeling the way I did. I'm sure they didn't make the deadline and I'm only hoping that the book comes out in August. I got a cute postcard from Don in the mail. I was surprised to hear from him so soon. I really do miss him.

Aunt Paulyne and Stevie came for dinner. That kid sure is a brat! Paul called around 7:15 and we talked for over an hour. We might get together if he gets his license this week. I'd like to do that for a little change of pace. Things are sort of dull right now. I think that it's taking me awhile to gain back a little of my get-up-and-go. School sort of drained my powers of creativity. I'm reading GWTW for a change.

June 18th

Had a rather busy day. Iwent shopping with Mom in the morning and spent the afternoon at The Plaza with Paul. We mostly bummed around, stopping for a soda in Woolworth's and spending over an hour in the pet shop. We also picked up a few books at the library. On the way home after leaving off Paul, I picked up Danny and David on Liberty Road. They had just been fishing at the cemetary and boy, what a smell! After dinner, Dad called Mrs. Nitzberg about the possibility of a job with Head Start but I didn't hear back from her. I hope that something works out.

About 7:30 I went out back over the Stomblers to play with their new white, 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. You know, that guy is really great. I went back inside with him while he finished building a feeding apparutus that Duchess couldn't knok over, and I stayed 'til around 9:00. He knows Don and Rick well and we talked about everything ranging from Scouts to gymnastics and gardening. I'd like to become friends with him this summer.

I talked to Judy and Joan before bed and my conversation with Judy was really depressing. She said that not only hadn't they made the deadline but Mr. Terry was (and probably will be for a long while) positively boiling at Don. She said that he made all sorts of sarcastic comments about his canoe trip and all but came right out and said that he was irresponsible. I feel so bad. Admittedly, Don made a mistake in going away. As badly as he needed this vacation, he had taken on the responsibility and should have stuck it out 'til the end. It's almost like he ran away. I feel guilty, like I'm in a sense responsible, and I'm so worried that Mr. Terry and Chris and some others will hold it against Don for a long time. And of course there's the matter of the book not coming out on time and Don feeling miserable about it. Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

June 19th

Oh I miss him so much! It's true, absence does make the heart grow fonder and now, every song I hear or book I read makes me love him more. I can't wait 'til Saturday. I received another postcard today; it's just as precious at the first. I figure I'll get one or two more before he comes home. I dunno, though -- I got some really terrific news today yet this evening I was still depressed. I guess it's on account of Don. Anyway -- I got the job at Rosewood (a 6 week scholarship program/internship to work at the county institute for the mentally retarded)! Yup, they called today. Some girl couldn't make it and so I go for an interview at 10 tomorrow. Somebody up there must like me. And, i might end up in college after all! I went to Mr. Lerner and I kinda like the looks of Hofstra and Fairleigh Dickinson. Judy's looking at FDU, too. It would really be neat to go to college with her.

Jeff got his award tonight at the Chizuk. I'm really proud of him. I stayed home to wash my hair. There was a really weird thunderstorm. Everything had a bright, greenish tint. I talked to Terri and she told me that this boy she likes, Billy, also works as a mailman. I hope that Don can get our route sometime.

June 20th

Well, I went for the interview this morning and this is really gonna be some summer. I met Shelley Sweren, from camp, there and I had lunch over her house later. She lives in this tremendous house on Caveswood Lane near Darryl. It's magnificent, but oh so big! Anyway, at Rosewood, we were told that we would work under Mr. Grant, the head of the recreation program. He's a terrific guy, just loaded with enthusiasm. We have an orientation program downtown on July 2nd, with all the kids from all the participating hospitals. There are 10 kids assigned to Rosewood. We begin on July 8th (!) and will be permanently assigned for the 6 weeks to areas like the train, wading pool, camp, etc. I'd like either the wading pool or nursery school. I'd like to be outside and would definitely prefer not to work with the adults. My biggest problem, I think, will be overcoming my basic fears and prejudice against mentally retarded people. I'm kind of apprehensive, but anxious to get started.

We went to Mrs. Stern's and then went out to Russ Joy's in the country for dinner. It was a beautiful ride and the food was good. [Dad loved to eat out, especially at country "home-style" food places.] When we got home, Danny came over and we sat on the proch and talked awhile, then went in and watched TV. I like "That Girl". Sue called me at 10:45 to ask about a ride to school tomorrow, and we talked 'til 11:30 about Don and Barry. With me working this ummer, the family might go to Atlantic City without me. I keep thinking about what it would be like to have Don sleep over. Kinda fun, I guess. Who knows what will happen?

June 23rd

Slept late, past breakfast this morning. I was almost sorry considering the amount of revelation [white fish] that was left after the wolves were done. The folks came home after visiting at 1:00 and while I waited for Don to come over at 1:30 I petted this lady's dog that was over the Stombler's. She's a professional dog trainer and her pet is the largest standard poodle in Maryland. He's a horse! Don brought over his records. I really love that instrumental, "Classical Gas". It reminds me of riding through the mist the morning after the Senior Prom. The family went to the Club, and Don stayed the afternoon minus 1/2 hour where we went to see Nana and Papa. Danny broke up with Joie. He, Zlot and I sat out front until midnight just talking. It was interesting.

June 24th

I suddenly became ambitious today and really cleaned up the old room. I threw out tons of stuff and even took down those little wide-eyed cut-outs. the whole afternoon I listened to Classical Gas and This Guy's in Love with You. I sure will hate to give them back! I expected Don to call at 3:00. As it turned out, I didn't hear from him until around 6:00. I was mad until I found out that he didn't get off work until 5. He picked me up about 7 and we went to the county library. He's determined to master Russian and flamenco guitar this summer, so he got out some records and books on them plus a book written entirely in Spanish. Weird. I plan on taking up yoga and handwriting analysis.

When we got back in the car it started to rain. The lightning was really scary; it was so sharp and the thunder sounded like gunshots. I had to be home by 8:00 for my first meeting with the tutor. His name is Mr. Cartin and he's a teacher at Northwestern. We're going to stat work on the Trigonometry book I'll have next year and he's hoping we can really get into it by the end of the summer. [I ended up dropping Trig. after a few weeks of class.] Don came back over at 9 and stayed until 11. He really looked tough wearing a striped shirt, untucked over his green levis.

June 25th

I woke up this morning with a mad desire to go to the Club. Judy wasn't home when I called, so I invited Terri. went out about 1:00 after dropping Jeff off at Silver Birch. It was beautiful -- not too crowded, the water was cool, food good and the sun hot. Too hot as a matter of fact, for later this evening I developed a very sunburned face. Anyway, there were a lot of new faces at Green Valley. Eddie Levin has gotten tuffer looking and there are 2 good-looking lifeguards. One of them is named Marty. Don's parents dropped him off at the ballgame with his promise that he's try and stop by at 11:30 or so.

I watched some movie about Lancelot and Guinevere 'til 11:00 with Danny. It was kind of a "knockable" movie in parts but also very sad. And very easy to identify with. Strangely, I began to get this guilty, uneasy feeling as though I were doing something wrong by watching TV with Danny, just because Don wasn't able to come. I guess my mind was too saturated with things like the Scarlett/Ashley/Rhett affair. I'm crazy, I know. At any rate, I finished GWTW at 12:30 but he hadn't come so I went to sleep.

June 26th

Boredom boredom boredom. I got up at about 11 and at 12 I went out back to sit in the sun for awhile. I lasted exactly 25 minutes then headed for the shower to cool off. It was really a scorcher out there! I started reading The Chosen until 2:00 when I ate lunch. After lunch I walked down Liberty Road aways to see if Don was walking home from the Post office yet. I didn't see him though, so I came back home and fell on the bed. I slept until 4:10 when he called, and I realized that he'll never get off work at a specific time so I might as well get used to it. About 7:30 Judy and Diane Hendrickson came over and so did Danny. When the girls left, Ben trooped over. You know, he has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.

The mosquitos were launching their evening attack about the time Don drove over,  so we split up and Don and I went in. We watched The John Davidson Show and there was the funniest part where they edit home movies and add background music. It's a panic! It started to thunder and lightning around 11 and we dimmed the lights in order to see better. It was really weird -- the lightning lit up the entire yard like daytime! Incidentally, I know that summer has arrived when I first smell Coppertone Suntan Lotion. I also know because for some odd reason I lose my appetite and subsist on peaches and iced tea.

June 27th

Lousy day. Cloudy -- rained on and off. I decided that I want to get some mail this summer so I wrote letters to Ellen, Linda and Wayne [friends from my tour the previous summer]. They probably are off on vacation somewhere. I washed my hair and we went to Mrs. Stern's. She says that we can have an evaluation at the end of July before Jeff leaves. Maybe we'll be finished! Anyway, we don't have to go next week because it's the 4th of July. I discovered that I've lost about 5 lbs. I only weigh 97. I'm gonna fade away! It really poured around 8:30 -- Liberty Dam and all [that's what my father called the overflow from the gutters that came down onto the porch and steps]. The folks went to dinner at the Hopkins Club so Jeff and I watched TV. I really like "That Girl". Maybe because her boyfriend's name is Don.

June 28th

Lenny called me early this morning and suggested that since Jackie is leaving for France tomorrow, we (meaning me, Jackie, himself and Tommy) might get together for awhile this afternoon. We spent some time over Lenny's house just talking and goofing around. Tommy is going to Maine for a week or so and had to catch a plane around dinnertime. It was really a nice afternoon. Don picked me up around 6:00 and we went to Nancy's house for Mimi's surprise birthday party. And she was really surprised! She got a whole bunch of presents besides the tape recorder. Mr. Terry was there and he and Don got along great.

Guess what? TWINS again! The Steel brothers, Richard and Mark. Only Richard's braces enable you to tell them apart. They're Jewish, 16 and precious! Billy Cunniff was there too (Cravitz!) and lots of other people. When it was just getting dark, Don and I took a walk across the fields. Sauter lives out in the country and it's beautiful just after sunset, with the moon on the grass, and just before that the sky is a streaked pink before it gets completely dark and the stars begin to shine. It really felt great -- quiet, yet exciting to be alive.

June 29th

If all goes well in the next 4 to 7 years, I will marry Don Schlenger.

June 30th

Today was really great. I took Don out to the Club and we stayed until 6:00. We fooled around in the pool and I couldn't help wishing that we could have the whole thing to ourselves. Maybe some night we can sneak into Lochearn. We stopped off for Slurpies on the way home (Blue Gook), and he dropped me off around 8. I borrowed "Psychology Today" from him, that new magazine, and Mom and Dad are getting me a subscription for my birthday. Don came back over at 10 and brought his class ring and Order of the Arrow Boy Scout pin. (We're going steady.) He got the tent half out of the trunk of the car and we spread it out under the tree in back. It was such a pretty nite. I'm so happy.

July 1st

Went out about noon to get some art gum at the Plaza for Don's ring. It really took some doing but I finally found some at Hecht's. The heat was murder, but I stopped off at Don's for about an hour as it was his lunch break. He looks precious with his cap and bag. You know, Wendy is really growing [the Schlengers' beagle]! I went home and showered and set my hair before Don came over around 3:30. Mom invited him for dinner and all through the meal she teased me for his benefit. I think he was pretty much at ease. Mr. Cartin came at 6:30 but it was too hot to really concentrate. I had a headache, too, from the rollers. I dried my hair and when Don picked me up at 9:00 we took a drive out in the country and bought some donuts.

July 2nd

The orientation at the Mental Health office was this morning. Another scorching day. There were only 17 of us as two of the boys assigned to Rosewood dropped out, leaving only one boy in the whole program. The speaker took about 2 1/2 hours, mainly re-hashing what we know. We also had to fill out some tax forms. Marti Markowitz took me home. She's really nice and I hope she comes out to the Club on weekends. When I got home, I ran up to the library and got 3 books, once called Sex and the Adolescent, for the heck of it, and then Sue came over for the afternoon. We reminisced about "the good ol' days" and went over letters and other stuff that we wrote.

Dinner was really good. Mom made a crab casserole with corn and iced tea. We had thunderstorms on and off. It was really weird -- sometimes the thunder would just give a big crack out of nowhere. Sandy came over but she didn't say much and left soon after Danny stopped by. Judy had called me before and said that Joie had received an anonymous note reading, "J. L. is no friend of yours. She's going out with Danny Winn." Using our brilliant powers of deduction, Danny and I figured out that it was probably written by Nancy to dissolve any feelings between Joie and him. If that was her intent, it certainly didn't work. I'm mad at Joie, though, for the ways she's been encouraging Rick, calling him and all. It's good that he's going on that canoe trip.

Don came over at 8:30 and we watched, "Captain Newman, M.D." He left his wallet here and had to stand outside in the rain, throwing stones at my window to get me to open the front door again. It was kinda funny.

July 3rd

I waited in vain for a letter from someone today. No luck. I talked to Judy and she wanted to speak to Mom about my birthday present. I'm really curious, to say the least. By the way, the new people moved into the Mazurs' but i haven't seen them yet. I'd like to say hello. I went to the library again and got out some books on Freud and one by Mark Twain. The latter is a very sarcastic commentary. makes you think. We were supposed to see "Planet of the Apes", but there was a miniature uprising over Don's so we changed our plans.

I went to the Plaza in the drizzle and bought "the Look of Love" and "Grazin' in the Grass". The rain had stopped when I came home, so I went out back and batted a few with Danny and the little kids. Don came over at 8:45 and brought half a watermelon! We took a drive to Ellicott City (boy is that spooky!) and ended up in Howard County headed for the Harbor Tunnel! We made it home by 11 though.

July 4th

Had a real nice 4th of July. I took Judy out to the Club. It was cool by recent heat standards and for the first hour or so we had the pool almost entirely to ourselves. The lifeguards are really precious and so is Ralph Cohen! I don't know what happened to that boy since the last time I saw him, but is he built. He always was cute, but wow. He's nice, too, and that's a great combination. Stopped off for Slurpies on the way back. Don gave Jeff and I a lift to and from Danti's for a meatball sub dinner, and he came back over at 9 to take Danny, Judy, Jeff and I to Gwynn Oak (amusement park) to see the fireworks. We spread the tent half on the grass where the lake flows into the cemetary. beautiful view. Had ice cream on the way home. Jeff set off his sparklers.

July 5th

I got 2 birthday cards in the mail today, plus a letter from Sally. Camp doesn't sound so hot and from the tone of the letter I don't think that she's having a very good time. That's really a shame. Speaking of what's a shame -- take the situation over the Millers. I'd rather not; it makes me sick. [Helene and Richard getting married and nobody being happy about it]. I didn't do much today -- washed my hair, went over Sue's, came home and wrote Sally a letter, listened to the FM radio. Played badminton with Danny and the kids out back; the grass felt nice and cool on my bare feet. Don came over at 8:00. We watched "Star Trek" and a special, "When Comedy Was King". Scott brought me a piece of rock candy. Remember: "Ring around the collar" and "Parents, it's 11:00. Do you know where your children are?"

July 6th

Went shopping with Mom before lunch. Bought a dress, bathing suit and real crazy sunglasses. Joie popped over when we got home, asking for a hint about my birthday present. We got to talking -- she's convinced that Nancy didn't write the note, and she's also worried about Rick (what else is new?). I promised that I'd have Don call her. I took a nap, had a delicious hamburger for dinner and listened to the stereo. (Don and I might see "Fiddler on the Roof".) I took a ride out to Johnnycake, came home and talked with Dad, Ben and Mr. Stombler for awhile. (The Stomblers are real nice.) Don drove over, we went to Gwynn Oak and got purple cotton candy. Saw Alex there [from the tour]. Went home, drank lemonade and watched "A Hard Day's Night".

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