Friday, September 21, 2012

1967 - February

February 1st

WHIZ WHIZ -- sounds of the year going by. I borrowed a picture of Mike (Doll) Hoffman from Sue and I'm gonna use it to get back at Anne. Just guess how! Get this one, folkses, I, yes me, got a B- and a B+ on my French exams. Do you believe it?! Linda is going out with Lou this Friday. Judi and Buzzy might break up. Millie's leaving in March. More tomorrow!

February 2nd

It was raining tonight -- you wouldn't believe how hard. Man I thought the roof was gonna come down. Jeff practically drove me crazy with one of his little tantrums. I'd love to knock his head against the wall.

Groundhog Day and -- no shadow! You know what that means -- spring is just around that little ol' corner. That always seemed stupid to me. After all, it should be that if he doesn't see his shadow (meaning it's cloudy out) then that should mean that there's gonna be 6 more weeks of winter. Makes more sense. Anyhow, this has been a lousy winter anyway, as far as weather goes. Temps. in the 60's and '70's. Dumb.

What's new...OK, let's start with Mike. (I hear no arguments.) I told you yesterday that I was bringing his picture in to school and boy did I. First of all, I made up 3 beautiful stories. #1 - I told Terri that Mike gave me the pic personally, which was a perfect lie but I love to see people drool. #2 - Anne has been getting on my nerves lately with all these boys, so since I had mentioned Steve W. to her when I liked him, I told her that Mike was Steve! It did my heart good to watch her tongue hanging out. I sure got back at her. Finally, I told Sue Tucker that Mike was Danny. But I forgot that in algebra, Sue sits in back of me and Anne sits in front. I didn't realize until late in the class that they both thought that Mike was somebody else! We 3 started talking and the conversation turned to him! I was so glad when that bell rang. Luckily neither of them had mentioned his name yet.

Boy department -- Judi and Buzzy are back -- she's a good kid. Anne's finished with Terry and Phil. Yay! Although I don't know what good that does me. Stuart Wiles is a bum -- I don't see how I ever could have liked him. Margie is having Chuck problems -- 3 of them! Sue and her Rebels are a big joke ('cept for Mike). Barb Levin got a little too uppity and now she's having problems. Good. Larry (Terri) got really drunk Saturday night. Terri tells me he was completely out of his mind. The boys told him that he had just become a father, and he believed them! Must have been his first time -- drinking I mean. Danny -- way down. McGovern had some passion mark on his neck this week, I hear. Wouldn't put it past him.

I'm in the mood to make out with Mike. Think I could borrow him from Robyn? No? Oh well...We had sort of a little French program this past Tuesday (nyuk, nyuk). this French family was here, and they answered questions. There were 2 little boys, 4 and 2, and McGovern played father. It was a riot. A real panic.

Cindy finally got caught in history today. I really thought Killer was going to cry. Then of course there's Flower (gurgle, gurgle), and Voice (2) and Head (canteen) all combining to make a thoroughly enjoyable 6th period. Hail Queer's Row!

Down with: sentence transcriptions, tab mechanisms, vertical and horizontal centering, PUT, body mechanics, fall-out shelters, deodorant and moldy roast, contes, quickies, nyuk, Linnaeus, Dennis Ball, micro-viewers and phylums, Stavrianos, Walters, fractions, 3rd floor, attendance, locked lavatories, gym uniforms...

Gotta do me homework.

Queers Row was in history class. Judi Wheeler and I noticed that the boys sitting across from us all looked very strange. So we made up names to match the way they looked and enjoyed ourselves writing funny notes about them. Our poor teacher was a very nice man, but clueless. Back then the word "queer" did not have a gay connotation. In fact, we just thought it was a very funny word and I still have the list we made substituting "queer" for many things.

February 3rd

Report cards and that damn McGovern gave me a C! Oh yes, Linda he gives a B and even Margie gets a C, but I can sweat my guts out and I'll still get the lower grade. Of course I know that my oral presentation wasn't that hot, but it's frustrating when you can't seem to answer anything right, even when you volunteer. Besides that, he hates me. Oh dear. Anyway, I was feeling pretty depressed until Sandy and Darryl came over at night. We got Danny, came back here and had the craziest time. Darryl is out of his mind, and well, you know Danny.

February 4th

Put on eyeliner today for the first time -- didn't look half bad! Got a little too carried away with my eyebrows though. Well, it's only hair and it'll grow. Jeff liked it anyway, and let me tell you, that's real praise!

February 5th

Heard about the funniest game on Candid Camera -- remind me to try it. Glug -- I gotta talk to McGovern tomorrow morning and I don't envy myself one bit, if you know what I mean. 'Sides, found out that Judi got a C.

February 6th

Talked to McGovern and beat this one -- I had a 78 average. Everybody else gets gift Bs, but oh no, I couldn't get a B if it was "Be Kind to Sunny Week" D__N it.

February 7th

Shoveled snow this afternoon -- more like shoveling rocks, and then I went over Linda's and helped her bake a cake. I mean, it was really tough with a mix. By the way -- no school tomorrow!

"To B or not to B" -- Walters, 7th period.
"Hemlock Holmes" -- Marck, biology

The Monkees were great tonight! Everytime I turned around, though, Davy was kissing a different girl! The show was precious anyway. I was talkin' to Terri after it was over and somehow (I wonder how?) we got around to Speedy (Bob Carter). Up popped that irresistible urge -- well, can you imagine? I swear, he's got more sex appeal than Jean Paul Belmondo and Sean Connery put together!

Wanta hear something funny? My balloon ticket -- yeah, my balloon ticket was returned today by air mail (20 cents!) from NJ. Seems that a man, out collecting reptiles for the Bronx Zoo found it out by some railroad tracks! I cracked up when that ticket fell out of the envelope. It was really weird, 'cause I mean, the contest was over 9 months ago!

Right now it's snowing cats, dogs and horses, as well as reindeer and polar bears. We are out of school (praised be heaven) and so is every other county in the whole state excepting 3. Linda misses her Chuck Study. Ha ha ha.

February 8th

That gosh darn squeak in the den is driving me nutty, but Dad says that it's not the fan belt. Whoopee. Linda and me used Jay's toboggan out back. It was great -- a solid sheet of ice.

February 9th

Get this one, folkses. I almost dropped from shock when I heard it -- Judi Wheeler (she broke up with Buzzy) likes DANNY! Of all people! She's only seen him once and never met him, but then I've always known that he's got IT. You know what IT is. Bob Carter's got IT and Dino's got IT. Now you know. Anyhoo -- I can't explain it, but I'm glad! I can't figure out why, but I am. Well, there could be a couple of reasons. #1 It's neat having another girl interested in a boy you've liked when you know she doesn't have a chance of getting him. #2 I'd rather talk about Danny than Buzzy, mainly because i'm the biggest liar in town and can afford to build Danny up, if you know what I mean.

I had nothing to do, so I decided to look at my old diaries -- the days when I died for Danny. It was so funny I practically choked (can be taken either way).

I'm keeping up the Big Lie with Anne -- well what else can I do when she starts to make me sick? Sue & Del I don't mind so much.

Didja hear about that curfew they might put on teenagers in the county? AGGGHHK! Can you imagine? All on account of the dope pushers...I can't believe Kathy and Otts...Can you imagine what it would be like to die, be packed in ice and wake up 100 years later? They froze this scientist 2 weeks ago and are gonna try and wake him when they find a cure for cancer. Wild.

I apparently used to have a penchant for exaggerating and would resort to outright lying and manipulation when I wanted something. I don't think that changed until college when I realized that I had to rely on me and only me to accomplish things.

February 11th

Terri's Sweet Sixteen -- OK, up to the time when Linda announces she's running against me for president. I know she's doing it just for spite. The kids think she's nuts. It sort of bothered me at first 'cause I was kinda countin' on her support. Oh well. I sure hope Sue Edwards doesn't run...Tonight I babysat for the Snyders on Campfield Road. It was unbelievable. They have 4 kids, 5 cats and a dog. The baby was precious and so were the kittens so I didn't mind too much. In fact, hardly at all! You know what I love? Those "wide-eyed" paintings of kids; they're adorable.

February 12th

Happy Birthday to you -- dear ol' Lincoln. The Wizard of Oz was on tonight -- of course I watched it! After all, it's only my 6th year, whaddya expect?

February 13th

Me luvs the Monkees! This happens every Monday. Mickey Davy Peter Mike. Mmnnn. Mickey looked so good tonight, but I wish they didn't have to end every show with Davy kissing some girl. It sort of gets on your nerves.

February 15th

I just luv The Monroes. Twins again. Confirmation class was a drag as usual -- we got our assignments. Beat this one -- Speedy grew a moustache. BLECH. That makes only 14 (with Gary gone?) unless he shaves the dumb thing off.

February 16th

Depression strikes -- flubbed up an algebra test. I forgot how to add complex fractions of all things. Can you imagine? Sue Tucker cut school to go to the doctor's in DC yesterday. Hmmn...

February 17th

NO SCHOOL! How about that? Snow as usual. Really, it wasn't necessary to get out; the stuff melted pretty quick. Got a thingy at the orthodontist's -- it's supposed to shove my top teeth together. I might be finished by the summer!

February 18th

Make-up driver's ed class cancelled. Knocked around during the day. At night I went over Karen's. She was in beautiful shape -- sherry and coke. She bummed half my cigarettes off me. This has been a "feel weird" night.

February 19th

Damn! I spent all afternoon doing sentence transcriptions before I found out that I only had to do half as many as I did. Found an article on Kurt Baby over Nana's. Die -- ooh. Luv him. He's 15 now.

February 20th

Surprise surprise -- Judi likes Danny again. I think that the reason I want her to like him is 'cause it makes him more attractive to me, if ya see what I mean. Should I ask him to the dance?

February 21st

Nyerp! Martians... Here come the little green men. ZAP ZOOP! don't mind me. I just saw this movie on TV about a Martian invasion. Neat! Boy this year is zooming by fast. Mixed reactions.

February 22nd

I love Pill (code name for Phil)! I really do. I get the worst urge to hug him in history, pat him on the head or do something. Ya know, I wonder what would happen if I actually did!

"I hafsta go to zuh bafsroom. Shush yo mouf!" -- Millie Beal talk

Just saw The Monroes. Boy those twins are precious. Show's kinda dumb though. You know who I hate -- Freddy Gray, or whatever his name is. He's the DJ on WCAO. He's filling in now for Johnny Dark while he's sick. He talks too darn much. Bothers me. "Kind of a Hush" is on the radio now. D'ya know the oldest kid in the group is 13? The drummer is only 6. Neat.

Karen's mother set their oven on fire and ended up with 3 fire engines. It was funny! Boy firemen sure look big! This Friday from 5 to 6 and from now on every weekday is The Kirby Scott Show. GREAT!! Little Charlie is on the first one and I can't wait to see it. There'll probably be a whole bunch of kids I know since it's produced locally.

Current Problems -- #1 Getting around to calling Mrs. Turner, #2 Remembering to wear my plate and rubberbands, #3 Cutting out stuff for Air Pollution, #4 Finding my 4 lost books, #5 Keeping from getting a deficiency in algebra, #6 Asking Danny to the Sophomore Dance, #7 Trying not to kill Jeff and Linda.

I gotta go to the bathroom. G'bye!

The reason I hated DJs who talked over records is that back then we had to  tape songs off the radio that we couldn't afford to buy. Below is Kirby Scott.

February 23rd

School was absolutely wild today. Especially history. That Tim O'Hara with his fatherly act and quotes, and Cindy beaning Killer with little beads, and Steve G. and his "skinny people". So funny!

Steve G(illman) was an acquaintance from elementary school on. In the 90's I heard that he had gone on a solo camping trip in Shenandoah Park and was killed by a gunshot. I never learned any more details but there was an odd occurrence -- a short time before I was told about his death, I had a dream where he was standing at the foot of my bed. I thought that it was very odd since I hadn't thought about him in years.

February 24th

Oh brother -- you'll never believe who's loose in Baltimore. The Boston Strangler! he escaped from a mental hospital in Mass. and hitchhiked down here. Boy, that gives me the shivers!

Well, here we go again! You'll never guess what happened today -- I started liking Doug! Remind you of something? I don't know what the odds are against liking 2 sets of twins (all 4 boys) 2 years in a row but they must be pretty high. Everybody thinks I'm crazy -- maybe I am, but all I know is that I got so nervous and excited in history that I had to take a pill for a "nervous stomach". I haven't had one of those in a long time. Anyways, what happened was that I asked Phil if he took Algebra II. He said no, but that his brother did. So I asked Doug if he would help me with a problem. He had been working on it for 5 minutes when Phil looked at him, and then at me, and said, "You're asking the wrong person. He flunked algebra last term." but then Doug answered, without looking up, "Yeah, but at least I didn't take Algebra I over 3 times." I had to laugh at that one.

Doug is a real doll. He has more personality than Phil. He worked on that problem for 20 whole minutes before I practically made him give up. I can't get over how nice he is. Talkative, too. Ya know, he didn't have to help me with that problem...and that's when it started -- I LUV DOUG. Judi was funny when I told her. "What would you do", she said, "if they were triplets?" I think that I'm slowly driving her out of her mind. Actually, what I want to do now, is talk to Doug and makeout with Phil. Makes sense, huh?

Everytime Phil puts his head down on the desk, I get that "irresistable urge". I really really luv him! It's gotta be chemistry because my brain doesn't agree with my feelings. Oh well -- who wants to argue when it's easier to just sit there and imagine...Sylburn Avenue...

Sylburn was (in)famous for parking.

February 25th

First Driver's Ed class today -- crazy! Go Jews, of course, but there are some good lookin' boys. Teacher's a real idiot, young and all, and he starts off about parking. I have a car pool with Margie and Debbie Keck.

The class was held at Park School, a private school out in Stevenson.

February 26th

Ate over the Hyman's -- man what a deal! Red wine with the meal was beautiful...yeah...After dinner Uncle Julian showed me how to use chopsticks. Boy did I feel like a clod!

I never actually learned to use chopsticks until I was 22. I was stoned at the time and it made learning exponentially more difficult, as you can imagine.

February 27th

Mickey Dolenz...oh...yeah...Talk about vicarious experience. Wow. He looked so tough in one shot -- he was leaning down towards this girl to kiss her, and he was movin' real slow. About a fraction of an inch away, he stops! What a let-down. I still luv him. Peter was precious as usual.

List time, folkses:
#1 Current fave boys -- Gary (?) possibly engaged, Bob Carter (?), Little Kurt, Little Charlie Duroser, Ronnie Manser, Terry Hancock, Phil Edwards, Steve Johnson, Jim Peters, Chuck Smith, Ken Wally, Irving (?), Charles Steigler
#2 Bestest songs -- "Dedicated to the One I Love" - Mamas & Papas, "Baby, It's Cold Outside" - Jetsons
#3 TV programs -- Monroes, Monkees, Gunsmoke
* Get this one -- they're taking off The Monroes and Gunsmoke next year! Rotten ol'...

School News: 1st period - English -- so far all A's; an A+ on my transcriptions -- gotta keep it up! Ya know, it's funny but I work hardest at the thing I'm best at; 2nd period - Typing -- fair. I flunked a timed writing (too many mistakes) but I got a check + on a letter. She even put it up on the board!; 3rd period - Gym -- 3 minuses as of now, 2 for skipping showers and 1 for forgetting my socks. My notebook is good though. We're starting gymnastics. I can't do anything except hop up and down on the tramp but it ought to be fun; 4th period - Biology -- not so hot, but could be worse. a check, 50 and a 70. My last lab was good though and oh yeah, I got an 84 on our plant test. she's an easy marker and I expect a good grade on the protist test; 5th period - French -- pretty darn good! I've really improved this term. In fact, I got my first "excellante!" today; 6th period - History -- no tests so far. I guess I'm doin' OK considering this is the class where I only partially exist - Phil and know...Judi and me write notes the whole period; 7th period - Algebra -- Flunking beautifully, thank you. 2 E's so far. For some reason it doesn't bother me. I'm convinced I'll bring it up before the end of the term.

Friends: Linda - go Jeff Katz. Really, she hasn't been too bad lately. Just her normal obnoxiousness; Terri - likes Barry Hurtz. Out of her mind. I hear he's some drinker. She had a fight with Steve and so didn't ask him to the dance. Darn; Barbara - having Harry problems. So what else. I hear he and Neal ignored her at the mixer. I think I'm getting used to her blabbing at the table. In one ear and out the other; Ronni - no change. She really oughta lose some weight, but she's a good kid; Judi - still likes Danny, I think, but is getting ulcers trying to get me and at least one of the twins together. We can have the wildest time. Only thing I don't like is sometimes she's moody; Ann - grr...she's going steady with Alan. Margie's sure happy; it'll keep her away from Chuck P). Alan's little, one of Teddy Zlatin's friends (what I haven't heard about Teddy!).

Ann told me that where she babysat Friday, the people have a Great Dane and a boa constrictor! Can you imagine? That night, Sue Edwards gave a surprise going-away party for Judy Kirchoff. I hear everyone was there. Chuck P got bombed and beat this, his parents showed up! I wonder what happened. Of course Terry and some other fratters were there. Debbie K luvs Terry; who doesn't? Gerri went too; I didn't know she was so friendly with that crowd. Judy moved to Howard County, not far but it must have shook up Charlie. She's a good kid.

Sue T - got her hair cut. She's been kinda different since that day she went to Washington. I haven't heard any more about Del and we've stopped writing notes. I wonder what happened. I really doubt if she's pregnant but, I just don't know...Kirby Scott was great Friday. A lot of kids I know were on. I was jealous as anything. Let's see, there was Charlie, Marcy Spawn, Sealle, Cecile Strauss, Richard Bart, Lynne Kaplan, Lynn Blacker.

My comment, "I work hardest at the thing I'm best at" seems to be a life-long pattern. When I enjoy something or want something, nothing can stop me. Back when I had gym it was very difficult to get from gym to the next class on time. One reason was that we were supposed to take a shower. The other is that we were still wearing skirts, and pantihose hadn't been invented yet. So dressing involved girdles and took awhile. We tried to get away with skipping showers whenever we could.

February 28th

I sure remember today last year. It seems like yesterday. School is depressing me right now -- maybe 'cause Dug is "out". Same story as with Bob Marvin -- one little ol' word. Should I give him another chance?


Go Phil Go Doug (?) Go Terry Go Gary Go Steve Go Kurt Go Charlie Go Charles Go Ronnie Go Bob Go Jim Etc Etc Etc! 'Nough said? Woodlawn's great and I luv it! Forward, March! Jeff -- well, Voogie's sure got him scrambled up. You know, sometimes I begin to think that he'll never change, but that mood passses. You gotta have faith! February really is a speedy little month. Look -- the next page is March already! I'm getting to be old and decrepit -- poor me. Oh well. Let's see what develops with the twins next month. Sunny & Fill & Dug, n'est pas?

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