Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1967 - July, August

July 6th

Place: Train, 20th Century Limited
Weather: Nice

Right now it is 11:05 Baltimore time/10:00 Chicago time. I'm exhausted...this has really been some day! This trip really looks like it's gonna be great. Our tour leaders, Joan and Jerry are a groovy couple (even though Jerry kinda reminds me of McGovern!). It is like becoming impossible to write on here with the train wiggling the book all around. Hey -- lights out in 5 minutes.

12:25 I can't get to sleep.
1:30 This whole thing is so awful it's funny. Absolutely no one can sleep.
2:20 I seem to be the only one up. I did sleep for about 35 minutes though. Everybody looks so funny in their sleep -- one kid, Phil or Bill, has his raincoat over his head. The stupid door to the ladies room won't stay shut and every few second starts clank-k-clanking.
3:10 Chicago time, and we're up again. Now we're passing through Cleveland, Ohio.
5:15 I've actually slept again! We're in Toledo now. 4 more hours to Chicago.

We took a bus from Baltimore to NY, and I'll never forget riding past Newark Airport and looking out my window to see a plane landing on the tarmac right next to the bus. Felt like we were flying!

July 7th

We arrived in Chicago at about 10AM after the weirdest night imaginable. All of us were dead tired. We took a bus from the station to our hotel, the Avenue. The girls from the other tours stayed at the Essex which was a little nicer. Talk about disorganization! I practically went crazy when I didn't see my luggage being loaded onto the bus. But it was there. The boys on the tour turned porter and had to carry our luggage upstairs...and the room weren't even ready!

So we took a walk around. Chicago is pretty clean by Baltimore standards and they have lots of parks, which I like. After the walk we took a lousy bus tour during which nearly everyone fell asleep. But at the end of the tour, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry which was fabulous. While walking around, I got separated from Jan and Sally, and these two boys from another tour started following me. It was kinda scary, but fun -- they weren't bad looking. We went back to the hotel and changed for dinner at Kungsholm's Smorgasbord. There was an elaborate puppet show afterwards -- really different. Called the family at 10 Chicago time.

Our tour was originally supposed to be 3 separate tours -- all girls, 14 - 16, and 16 - 18. At the last minute, apparently, the powers-that-be decided to put us all together, and so there were 69 kids and 6 chaperones!

July 7th (letter from Mom)

This sure is a "lonesome ol' town" when you're not around, because strange to say -- when you're not here, either is Jeffrey. He is always out with the boys, except for meals and you can't imagine how quiet this house is. It's driving me nuts! Seems like I'm never satisfied!

Anyway, when we came back from the bus station Thursday, Linda called to to speak to you -- yep, she had forgotten all about your going away (absent-minded Linda) that day. I questioned her about her trip and her new job, but she was as talkative as a cow and just as enthusiastic, so I told her you'd probably drop her a line and that was that.

We are anxiously looking forward to your first card or letter, to learn your reactions and what this country really looks like -- besides watching it on a black and white TV. Dad seem to feel he has a pretty good idea since he saw it 25 years ago, but things change, and remember that Jeff and I have never seen it.

Happy 16th birthday again, and from now on we're haunting the mailman!

July 8th

My birthday! I had a great sleep -- the beds were real soft. Wrote a long letter to family. Discovered a rip in my suitcase which Joan sewed up. Some of the girls and Sally gave me cards, and Jerry kissed me! We had breakfast at 10:30 and then went swimming at the Essex's pool. Jerry was leader in the craziest Simon Says game that I've ever seen. I almost won! He also showed us some neat card tricks and other stuff. I luv him. He and Joan make the most wonderful couple.

We went back and changed for a planned lunch at the Pickle Barrel Restaurant which never materialized because we couldn't all catch a bus. So we ate in some dinky place. I sat between Alex and Jim. Tom, of course, was near Sally. Jan likes Jim, I think, and I may like Alex. Who knows. What really got to me though, was that Sally and the rest had ordered a cake for me at the Pickle Barrel, so when we couldn't get there, Jerry rushed out and bought a cake from Sears! Everybody sang Happy Birthday and when the song ended, all the boys from the younger tour turned around and said, "Who's Sunny?"

We left at 4:45 for the 18 hour trip to Denver. Alex and me sat facing Sally and Tom. There were about 200 Boy Scouts on the train going to New Mexico. One real nice one showed me the observation car with a dome on top. After dinner a group of us went back to that car and played blackjack for a couple hours. Oh yeah, before that, Jerry got me into a game of blackjack in which he put me into a state of shock by announcing that we had been playing for a dollar a hand! I almost had a fit and then everybody started laughing. By the way, I only like Alex as a friend.

It looks like I've always been very gullible.  ;-)

July 8th (letter from Mom)

We were all so excited last nite when we heard you were going to call...Jeff couldn't get over the fact your were so far away and yet your voice sounded like you were across the street...I'm sitting in the car waiting for Jeffrey at Dr. Veiga's and writing makes the time go by so much faster...I got back all the information from the insurance company for your Learner's Permit for driving and I am sending it to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles next weekend...You know Balto is Dullsville in the summertime -- dull, dull, dull -- and this summer seems to be no exception...

I thought i'd get a little peace and quiet from that constant record playing, but Jeffrey has started up where you left off, and the miserable part of it is that his favorite record is "They're Coming to Take Me Away"! I think I would rather listen to Baby Baby Baby! all the time. [Aretha Franklin] How would you like to wake up every morning to the beautiful strains of The Crazy Farm over and over and over again? Whee! I wish camp would start.

From Jeff: P.S. your records are great
From Dad: P.P.S I keep looking at your itinerary every few hours to see what you are doing -- Boy, am I jealous. So -- keep the postcards coming so I can travel on cardboard.

July 9th

We arrived in Denver at 10 and are staying at the Cosmopolitan Hotel -- real nice. I'm rooming with Jan and Sally. We got to wash our hair and Sally nearly flooded the bathroom because she forgot to put the shower curtain inside the tub. In the afternoon we went to Elitchis Gardens -- an amusement park. I was idiotic enough to talk everybody into going on the roller coaster. And then I almost died I was so petrified on it. Never Never Never Again!

The weather was really hot but there was no humidity so it was OK. I couldn't eat the dinner at the steak house I was so full. I'm sick to death anyway of hamburgers, french fries and vanilla ice cream. After dinner, we played miniature golf. It was so funny. In our group of 4 was Alex, Sally, Jan and me. I came in 3rd. Neither Sally, Jan or me could get the ball through the loop thing. We didn't get to bed until 1AM 'cause we had a pillow fight.

July 10th

We got up at 6:30 for an all-day tour. First we went to the Air Force Academy and then to see some Van Briggle pottery. After lunch at the Holiday Inn, we took a bus to the summit of Pikes Peak. Our driver was a speed demon! The scenery was fantastic. It was kinda scary when we climbed up to 14,000 feet and it got colder. At one point we stopped and had a snowball fight! At the top the air was thin and we were sort of hazy. Jerry really felt sick.

When we came down we drove to the Garden of the Gods (rock formations) and then on to the Flying W Ranch. There, we discovered that we were 3 days late (because they didn't get the second itinerary), but we got in anyway. We walked around, saw some cowboys, horse being shod and I bought a funny wooden horse for Jeff. We paid 50 cents for a cruddy little train ride that went in a circle. When we got off, though, we told Jerry and Joan that the ride was great. Man, you should have seen their faces as they rode around in that circle with all those little kids. Jerry almost had kittens!

We had dinner in a big barn and we ate on tin plates. They had the neatest set-up and we all moved like greased lightning. You know, they fed over 1000 people in 25 minutes! Afterwards there was a show put on by the wranglers. Pretty darn good! I luv the song, "Tumblin' Tumbleweed".

Letter from Mom:

If you can just keep your sense of humor, you'll do fine -- and one thing you'll learn is that not everything in this world is what it is cracked up to be -- some things are much better and some things are a whole lot worse. I know that you know all this, but I have no one to get up on my little soap box for now that you're away, so you'll just have to excuse my little lectures now and then...I am down the store as I write this, and Papa just stopped in and I just read your letter to him. He loved it!...Helene still has an upset stomach from Mexico, so please, please be careful what you eat. On 2nd thought, don't eat -- just drink cokes and more cokes. That is all!

By the way, Terri Fisher came over to get back the record you borrowed from her (you know, "Baby Baby Baby" ad nauseum) and she was so excited when I told her that we had just spoken to you on the phone...Linda looks like she is going nuts from boredom, but who can tell with her!

You got the most beautiful birthday card from Jack Breskow (our insurance agent) with a magnificent picture of a collie on it. You'll love it! I put it on your desk. Also, enclosed is that sparkling postcard from Karen -- boy! She makes a terrific correspondent! (She sounds like the morning after the night before.)

Well, it's time to go home now. It's about 95 degrees outside and the humidity is unmentionable. In other words, it is good ol' Balto in the summertime, and everyone is steaming hot. Oh! How I hate to get in that hot car.

July 11th

Got up at 6 to catch the train to Salt Lake City. We got our own car and the ride would have been great if it hadn't been for 3 screaming babies. We met a real great guy named Hollis Pence. He was 16, good-looking with a great build. He climbs mountains, skiis and is really mature. It took us about 3 million years to get lunch. After dinner we had a sing-along in one of the observation cars. Eventually we got thrown out. The scenery along the Colorado River as we entered Utah was beautiful. Incredible reddish cliffs...

Things to remember: Mr. Trainman, Jan's chocolate milk, Penny S., Linda's zipper & Jerry's paper cups

Interesting how affected I was by the red rocks...

July 12th

Woke up in the  morning to find Sally gone, then went back to sleep only to get up later and discover Jan missing too. Seems they got up early to go shopping. We had breakfast at Duncan's Cafe and then went back to the Hotel Utah to get ready for the trip to the Great Salt Lake. Incidentally, the view from our hotel room is great, especially at night. The city is all lit up as well along with the huge Mormon temple across the street. We're on the 9th floor.

Anyway, we left on 2 buses, first for this open cut copper mine that's the largest in the world. After that we drove to the Great Salt Lake. What an experience! The water is filled with zillions of tiny, red brine shrimp and it's almost luke- warm near the shore. And that feeling of floating -- WOW! You can't touch bottom once you're in even a little over your head and it's so neat to lean back and see your feet float up. We sunbathed on the beach, did exercises with Jerry and built a pyramid. We ate dinner at the Pagoda Inn and got completely slap-happy. We were supposed to have a little party in the boys' suite, but it wasn't much so I washed my hair.

Remember: "Sorry garage"

I guess that I mentioned washing my hair so often on this trip because it was a production with the rollers and all. I can't remember, though, how I dried it; I can't imagine that I packed my big bonnet hair dryer!

July 13th

Had breakfast at Duncan's again. Oh yeah, forgot to say that yesterday Sally and me and Jan did a little shopping after breakfast. Salt Lake City is unbelievable as far as the layout goes. The streets are a hundred yards wide and as the city is nestled in a valley, you can see the mountains. It's really hot here, even in the morning. What got me though are the boys. All of them are precious -- blonde and blue-eyed -- just adorable. The 3 of us were really amazed. Today we took a bus tour of the historical sights, ate lunch at the hotel and hopped the train for San Francisco at 4:45. Had to switch trains.

Letter from Mom:

You have been doing a perfectly marvelous job of keeping us informed of your trip. Honestly, with your vivid descriptions of train rides, people, scenery, personalities, etc, Daddy, Jeffrey and I feel like we're actually taking the tour with you. Daddy, in particular, is so fascinated with your impressions of your trip, he has been reading your letters to everyone.

July 14th

What a night on the train -- ugh!-- for several reasons. Linda and I tried to get some shuteye in the bathroom but we didn't succeed too well. YAWN... BUT -- we're in Califonia!! I can't believe it -- across the country in one week! As we passed through Nevada into California, the scenery looked like it was snatched right out of a Bonanza set with the pines and lakes and even some snow on the ground. (We've met some other tours so far which seem to be pretty lousy -- word from the sponsor.) To go on, we took a bus to San Francisco from Oakland. I saw my first palm trees! And, as we rode to the hotel, my first hippies.

The Fielding Hotel is a crummy hole in the wall. Some of the jokes about that place are really funny. Practically as soon as we got there, the 3 of us ran out to Gump's -- a real expensive department store, and then to lunch at a real nice little cafe. Dinner was in Chinatown (we had gone there earlier, after lunch; I love those little shops -- "dirty" some of them -- and I bought a dragon at one.) The owner of the Chinatown restaurant had been in the movie, "The Ugly American" with Marlon Brando. We went to the Hungy i. Nice place, but Vaughn Meader was bad. He really bombed.

Vaughn Meader had achieved fame in the early 60's by doing an impression of JFK. After JFK's death, his act was no longer relevant.

July 15th

Went on a bus tour which included the Golden Gate bridge (it's really red), Twin Peaks (couldn't really see them because it was so foggy), Seal Rocks (where we got these neat little hotdogs wrapped in dough called pronto pups) and Fisherman's Wharf, where we had lunch at Fisherman's Grotto #9. I had half a broiled lobster -- great! After eating, we took a cable car back to the hotel. That had to be the wildest thing ever. Like when you're at the top of a hill and the bell starts clanging -- a Rice-a-Roni commercial! I washed my hair and rested when we got back. We ate at a deli for dinner and waved at all the guys and drunks that passed.

I remember being so disappointed that the Golden Gate bridge wasn't really golden. And the lobster was my first ever!

July 15th (Letter from Mom)

Tonight we're going out with Sam and Theresa Hankin for steamed crabs at Gordon's...You can't imagine all the rain we've been having since you left. The grass is as green as I can ever remember and we have to cut it every week -- it grows so fast...I haven't seen much of your friends except for Sue M (great friend?) who always seems to be walking up and down the street in her curlers and bare feet. I think she is firmly convinced that she is a little sex-pot. Linda seems to have disappeared from sight altogether, except for one night when I saw her sitting on the fender of her car watching the boys play ball.

July 16th

Went back to Fisherman's Wharf for a bay cruise. It was real windy on the top deck. Saw Alcatraz. Shopped around area for awhile -- bought cotton candy and Linda had a caricature drawn. Had lunch at the Spaghetti Factory, a real neat place with crazy and cluttered decorations. Bought a button and poster in a psychedelic shop nearby. Groovy atmosphere. At night we thought we were going to a normal discotheque, but it turned out to be a hippie dance at the Filmore Auditorium! [See letters in Trip Scrapbook] Unbelievable's the word -- gyrating, crazy, whirling shapes and forms were spotlighted on the walls, huge balloons floated around and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band was outasight.

This was the actual poster that I bought there!

Letter from Mom:

Jeffrey really seems to be getting used to staying by himself at night, so Daddy and I went out again last evening. It didn't seem to bother Jeffrey a bit. He told us that he watched a great show. Guess what it was -- "The Miss Universe Pageant"!

Please keep us informed how things are working out at your end. Why oh why did we have to have a train strike this summer??...You'll have to see how pretty the front of our house looks now. it's all painted. I got fresh flowers for the flower box out on the porch and we had all the flower beds cleaned and the bushes clipped.

Aunt Naoma is going to call me shortly to come over for a barbeque so I think I better finish this letter now. We are so anxious to hear your impressions of San Francisco and Hollywood and especially Disneyland and the picture studios. So keep the mail coming, honey, and give us all the low-down.

July 17th

Five hour bus ride from San Francisco to Yosemite National Park. Switched buses and ate lunch in Merced. Yosemite is beautiful -- lots of pine trees, granite cliffs, waterfalls and lakes. We're staying at Camp Curry in tents (me and Jan). Went bike riding before dinner -- real nice 'cause most of the ride was on flat ground. Me and Jan stopped at Happy Isles -- a gushing stream where it's real cool and windy. Food is great here. Linda took a picture of a cute boy for me during the ranger talk. Oh yeah, we met two surfers -- the blonde was precious. Nancy dies for them. Watched fire falls over Glacier Point.

A few notes: There was a temporary train strike that went into effect during this stop which is why we took buses for awhile...I still have the photo that Linda took of the unknown boy. It's with my other pix of Yosemite in the scrapbook. No idea what his name was...They stopped the fire falls a few years after our visit. Seems that pushing fire over the cliff every night was deemed to be too dangerous.

July 18th

Got up early, ate breakfast and went bike riding with the gang for an hour. It was hot out. Sally and I set the pace. Came back, rested a while and then went horseback riding for 2 hours. Scenery is beautiful, but I wish the speed could've been a little faster. Went swimming afterwards and met Jan back at the tent. She had been mountain climbing for 3 hours with Jim and Bill. They climbed the face of Glacier Point and came within 1000 feet of the top! Jim says the view was great but it was hard climbing. Looked for bears after dinner and accidentally stumbled into the all-male quarters after dark! Reminds me of the first day of gym.

On the first day of gym at Woodlawn, some of the girls and I accidentally walked into the boys' locker room instead of the girls'.

July 19th

Woke up at 6:30 to eat breakfast and catch the bus to LA! It was a pretty long trip. Got real excited on the freeway when we started to notice Hollywood signs. The hotel is fair -- we don't have a TV but we do have a stereo system with one station. I have the cot this stop. Funniest thing -- the first thing we see when we pulled up to the hotel was Randy in the barbershop getting his hair cut. Boy did I laugh! As of now, the Strip looks kinda disappointing --- in fact, so does Hollywood as a whole. It doesn't look much different that other cities! Oh well, we'll see. Had dinner at Ben Frank's.

Letter from Mom:

As for the neighborhood -- Danny W. is growing sideburns down to his shoulders (I've never seen such long sideburns). Jeffrey and his friends play Monopoly morning, noon and night. It's like a "floating crap game" and it goes on and on and on, and the amazing thing is that they never seem to get tired of it. A real active group of kids if I ever saw one!

July 20th

DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable! The thing that impressed me the most, believe it or not, was the cleanliness of the place. It was also a little bit smaller than I had imagined. The only disappointing ride, though, was Storybook Land Canal Boats -- I hadn't realized that it was on a miniature scale. The best had to be It's a Small World and the Matterhorn bobsleds. Others were -- the Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Carribean, Mark Twain's Steamboat, Submarine, Autopia (cars), GE and Telephone Companies buildings, Mad Hatter, Rocket Jets. Fireworks at 9PM over the castle were spectacular. The Mustangs (band at the dance) were real good. Went on bobsled at night -- much better than during the day. Saw a duplicate of Bob Random.

July 21st

Took a tour of 20th Century Fox Studios instead of Universal because Universal doesn't have tours anymore or something like that. DARN. Fox was lousy. I was really disappointed 'cause we didn't see any scenes being shot or even one single star! We walked through the sets of "Peyton Place" and saw where "Lost in Space" is filmed. I saw Richard Basehart's car and Julie Andrews' dressing room. After lunch we had a tour of the stars' homes in Beverly Hills -- Lucille Ball, Jimmy Durante, James Stewart, Agnes Moorehead, Raymond Massey, Natalie Wood, Dinah Shore, Jack Benny and more. At night we went to the Coconut Grove - marvelous! John Gary sang.

July 22nd

WHAT A DAY! Jan and me took ourselves to Beverly Hills looking for Lucy's house. I was determined to ring the doorbell and ask for Desi Jr. Where I get my nerve, I'll never know. Anyway -- we asked directions at Raymond Massey's estate (6 tennis courts, 2 pools!). As we walked down the block we thought we saw Lucy get out of a green Porsche with her husband. We were positive when we got close enough to see her red hair. We couldn't catch up before she went into her house. I did knock on the door though, and ask for Desi, but his step-dad, Gary Morton, said that he was on tour. I can't believe the gorgeous houses and the fantastic landscaping with the palm trees. Only thing that bothered me was the smog. On the way home it made my lungs hurt and eyes water.

At night we took separate cabs to the Hollywood Bowl. That place is really huge and the acoustics are great. But tonight there was a jazz concert playing and I don't really like jazz. We got real slap-happy; we're all becoming pyromaniacs. Anyway, Sally and me left at intermission to go back to the hotel. When Jan got back we had a big pillowfight and I locked them out on the balcony.

Letter from Me to Terri:

...On the tour bus, we passed Lucille ball's house and I suddenly got this crazy idea that I wanted to go ring the doorbell and ask for Desi! Well, you know me -- once I get an idea...

Letter from Mom:

Gosh! It certainly was a thrill hearing from you from LA last night. I was so excited I even had the operator laughing. She kept asking if I would accept the call, and I didn't pay any attention to her because I was too busy calling Daddy to go to the other phone. Finally, when I realized the operator was still asking if I would accept the call I said Yes Yes! and then you were on.

Grandma is spending the weekend over our house (oy vey) and as usual she is driving me wacky. Did you write her a letter about the nice check she sent you for confirmation and your birthday?

Where are you getting your energy?! You can't be that same lazy little miss who simply can't get up in the morning after a couple of hours of baby-sitting. The answer must be that you're not bored this summer, right?...From your letters, it seems that the boys on the trip aren't too exciting -- but when you run across anything (boys that is) really interesting, let us know about them. They seem sort of different than the ones you meet in Balto.

Well, Jeff's appt. is going to be over in a few minutes and then begins "the battle of the barbershop", so I better get started...

July 23rd

5 hour ride to San Diego and then the bullfights. Jerry was a real panic bargaining with the Mexicans at the ring. We all bought those things that you stick the bull with. The bullfight itself was pretty exciting. Some of the girls though, including Judy, cried when the bull was killed. That part was sort of sickening. Man, you've really gotta have a lot of nerve to get in there with those animals. One matador, the only American, got thrown to the ground and gored, but he's OK. After dinner in San Diego, we all got popcorn or cotton candy and played imaginary jump rope.

"Imaginary jump rope" -- boy we sure learned how to find fun that summer!

July 24th

Slept late, packed, washed hair. Skipped breakfast. Had lunch with Fern, Terri and Judy. Sunbathed on porch and read. At 3:30 we got the pictures back that were taken Saturday night. I only bought the big one. We took a bus to the train station and then shopped around Olivera Street for awhile. had a Mexican dinner of tacos, which were good, and hot tamales and enchiladas which were yuck. Bought Valley of the Dolls and started reading it on the train -- we have another overnight. Tom played his records nearly all night! I love to hear the Boston girls sing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough".

First Mexican food.

July 25th

Arrived in Phoenix at 7:00 -- took 5 hour bus ride to the Grand Canyon. Heat is really fearful here -- goes up to 110! Even at 7 it was boiling. I saw my first cacti. We're staying in cabins; better than tents but still not so hot. Sally & Ellen, me & Jan, and Joan & Jerry share the same porch in a lodge-type arrangement. Cafeteria is really lousy. The boy who served the milk and iced tea invited us to a dance but I wasn't in the mood. The other kids looked in on it later but said it looked lousy. The Grand Canyon is just a little ways from the cabins -- magnificent! Saw dances of the Hopi Indians.

Letter from Mom:

I have decided that Dad and I are definitely not the outdoor type. We went to the Club Sunday and I ended up with a bee sting, chigger bites and poison ivy. As for your father, he flopped on the tennis court and came up with a scraped elbow and a very sore rear end. A couple of shmoes if you ever saw any...By the way, I saw that picture, "Two for the Road" and I loved it. I was just in the mood for something like that. Daddy didn't see it, but I'm not too sure he would've liked it.

July 26th

Had a 2 hour tour of the Grand Canyon -- different vantage points. Boy that thing's huge! Came back and boarded the bus for the ride back to Phoenix. The Hotel Adams is pretty lousy -- epsecially Jan's and my room. Got a letter from Dad. The kids wanted to go swimming as soon as we got there, so I had to lug my suitcase up by myself. Elevator wouldn't stop at our floor. Fun. Pool is terrific. Dinner was unbelievable; it took 2 hours to get served, and the food was lousy. We went crazy and got all worked up. I got so frustrated I started laughing! Before dinner, Jim and Alex threw Jan into the pool with all her clothes on. Uh -- she had her friend; it was a real riot. She didn't have it bad though. I laughed myself sick. After supper we went swimming again -- had chickenfights and the boys threw us up in the air in the pool. They even managed to drag Penny in with her clothes on too! It was a panic.

July 27th

Got up at 5:15 (good God) to catch the 7:30 train to El Paso. Man was it hot when we got up! Our room's air conditioning was broken and even at 5 in the morning you can swelter in Texas. By the way, nothing happened as far as the riots that were supposed to take place last night, but the curfew was still in effect until 6 AM. As the train pulled up in the El Paso station, we caught sight of the Hotel Cortez only a few blocks away -- I cracked up. Oh boy -- Fielding here we come! But it just so happened that Sally, Jan and I lucked out this time and got a suite! At dinner we got a free movie pass and saw "El Dorado".

Letter from Mom:

This has been a rather boring summer, but we shouldn't complain too much as Balto. has been rather fortunate so far -- no rioting and the City officials are really doing their best to keep it that way. I sure hope you won't run into any of it in the cities you visit -- but so far I believe things are beginning to ease up.

I never dreamed you would like LA (as they call it on the coast) as well as you did -- becuase I thought it was like any other American city except for Disneyland -- apparently those "kooky characters" appeal to you, but ye gads -- not to live with!

Jeffrey and the twins are leaving tomorrow morning for Camp Wonposet. "De Lawd be Praised". The feeling is mutual -- he is glad to go and I am delighted to send him off to the great outdoors. He is really growing this summer and I think by the time he gets back he'll be taller than both of us...The strange thing is when you went away, the whole neighborhood seemed to disintegrate. It's so quiet in the evenings Daddy can't get over it.

July 28th

MEXICO! I swear, we must've bought the place out. I got 4 pinatas and Jan got 5, if that gives you any indication of the total number that were bought. I also got 2 bracelets for Mom, and some real good, but inexpensive, pottery for Nana and Papa, and the folks. We also stopped at a glass-blowing factory and a paper mache factory. What a day! I felt really gritty when we got back. For dinner our group ate alone -- finally! Only we had to run through a real hard downpour and everybody got drenched; there are no sewers here. I called Mom and Dad.

July 29th

Had some Mexican stuff packed and shipped. Ate lunch at same place. Walked around for awhile afterwards looking for a book to read on the train. El Paso is kind of a dirty place in a way. Maybe it's just because all those Mexicans make me nervous. Got train at 6:00 for Houston. Before the bus came it poured buckets so we rushed around wrapping everything up so it wouldn't get wet. Figures the rain would stop when it came time to go out. Had a rotten night on the train. First time I bring pants and the air conditioner breaks! Slept in bathroom.

Letter from Mom:

Your timing is terrific! Friday night when you called, Daddy had just come home from work and we were both feeling a little lonesome, when lo and behold! the phone rang and all the excitement in the world came pouring in. Gosh! it was wonderful -- you sounded so pepped up -- Daddy and I agreed it was like a shot in the arm. We felt so good just listening to you. It changed our whole mood for the evening.

We just can't put our finger on it -- but somehow you're beginning to sound more grown-up -- like you've been around and have really had experiences instead of just reading about them. There is nothing like the good old "school of experience" to give one confidence and that is one of the greatest benefits of traveling.

I spoke to Aunt Marilyn this morning and she told me about poor Sally's frustrating experiences with her camera. I'm sure it wasn't funny to Sally, but it sounded funny when Aunt Marilyn was explaining  it. Oh well, you can always lend her your negatives and she can get the pictures from them. I supposed you've heard the saying "one picture is worth a thousand words" and when all your pictures are developed (besides being bankrupted) we will have gone on every mile of that trip with you. Considering how I love pictures and since I'm a lousy traveler, I won't mind us being bankrupted this time. Although I haven't paid for your summer clothes yet...

I told you that Linda had come over on Thursday night to see how you were getting along. Well, it seems I was so starved for some teenage talk, and she was so starved to talk to somebody about her latest love affair that we jabbered away for one solid hour...By the way of gossip, on the QT, we heard that Helene is back with Richard Klotzman and the poor Millers are in a state of misery again. When are they ever out of it?

The phone just rang again and it was Daddy and he said it was so quiet and dead down the sore that he wanted to know if I had any plans in mind. Considering there is a 60 to 70% chance of rain this afternoon, I can't think of a thing to do but settle down with a good book in a nice, cool air-conditioned room.

Well, I think I've run along with a bunch of useless information long enough now, but I do enjoy talking to you, even if it's only a monlogue on a piece of paper.

July 30th

"The stars at night, are clear and bright
Deep in the heart of Texas!"

Arrived at Shamrock Hilton, Houston, Texas at about 12:30. Houston is really a modern city. The hotel is terrific. The amost amazing part, though, is the pool. Largest outdoor pool in the world! In the afternoon we went to NASA Space Center, came back and had a good dinner at this restaurant across from the hotel, and then went swimming until 9:00. Alex went off the high dive. Joan dunked me once and I sawallowed a ton of water!

July 31st

What a day! I skipped breakfast and then went swimming and sunbathing. Water was great! Had lunch at the pool and supper in the hotel. At 7PM we got on the buses and headed for the Astrodome. That place is unbelievable! They have ticker tape signs along the wall and computerized cheers and commercials. The game was between the Mets and the Astros and we went crazy! We brought signs and screamed ourselves hoarse yelling, "Let's go, Mets!" We almost got thrown out of the stadium! One lady said that it was the first time that any large group had rooted for the other team in the Astrodome. When we got back, we had a welcoming committee of 3 Texan boys who had been at the game. Boy did they ever have thick accents! "Hi, y'all! Y'all from New Yawk?" One of them, Darryl, was adorable. He was 17 and some character -- and that drawl!

August 1st

Went to Pancake House for breakfast. Came back to hotel and took a picture of the pool, then caught train to New Orleans at 12. By the way, Kenny broke his wrist throwing Linda into the water and Ronni broke her finger when it got caught in a door on the train. We arrived at the station around 8:00 but had a long wait for the luggage to get on the bus. We're staying at the Sheraton-Charles. So is Irgang. I got a letter from Linda, and oh yeah -- we lucked out again and got another suite -- really huge! We had dinner at about 10. There's a real good radio station here.

Irgang was the name of another tour group; supposed to be fancier, as I recall.

Letter from Mom:

Daddy and I are taking a 2 day vacation -- back and forth from the Club Tuesday and Wednesday, playing some tennis (oy vey -- the temperature is in the 90's with humidity to match) and maybe dunking in the swimming pool. Tomorrow we're going to see Richard Chamberlain in "West Side Story".

I am waiting for Daddy to come home from the store now, and I think I hear his car, so I'd better close...

August 2nd

Breakfast, then a 2 hour tour of New Orleans. I especially liked what I saw of the French Quarter. We didn't really see much of the Mississippi but we each got a free piece of candy shaped like a cookie, called a praline. It's made of molasses, sugar and nuts -- real sweet and delicious. Came back and slept the entire afternoon. For dinner we went to Antoine's; best part was the whole loaf of French bread we each got. Afterwards we walked down Bourbon Street and heard a terrific little jazz band. I love the atmosphere. We went into several small shops that had precious stuff.

I remember how impossibly humid it was on that tour -- August in the deep south -- wow. I also remember how surprised I was at my positive reaction to the jazz band. What I didn't know at the time was that that little group of old black guys were part of history and how incredibly lucky I was to have witnessed it.

August 3rd

Got up early for breakfast and shopping in the French Quarter. Had delicious rice cakes and hominy grits. We walked around for several hours and I got a "sex thermometer" for Karen, a button, some scented soap balls and other assorted nothing. Sally and me also sent some boxes of pralines to the relatives. Now -- here it comes -- the delightful overnight trip to Jacksonville, Florida. Unbelievable as it may seem, the air conditioning was broken again and we spent almost the whole night singing in between the cars, trying to escape the cockroaches! What a mess.

For some reason I recall that we sang our way through the current catalogue of Monkee tunes, including "I Wanna Be Free".

August 4th

Traveled all day -- from the train we took a 7 hour bus ride from Jacksonville to Hollywood. Ick. We're staying at the Diplomat and it's beautiful!The lobby is so huge. I got 4 letters. I also called home. Well, here it is, the last stop, and I have the cot. Oh well. The kids went down for something to eat after we got to our room (our room connects with Margie's and Ronni's and Robin's) but I had to take a shower and wash my hair. When Jan and Sally came back, they said that they had met 3 obnoxious boys and that Terri had already found 2 good-looking ones!

August 5th

Got up at 9:30 and went sunbathing. Couldn't go in the water; that tropical sun is like real hot, and I was afraid I'd burn, so I went in in about an hour. I took a shower, changed bathing suits and went out again. I came in pretty soon though -- it got all cloudy. DAMN. A little later, Ellen and Linda and Nancy came in and we bought some things at the hotel drugstore and got something to eat. We walked around outside, looking for coconut heads, but there are no stores around here. So Nancy and I will take a bus into town Monday morning. We ate dinner in the Crystal Cafe at the Diplomat. Real nice place and fine food.

Afterwards we went down to the Teen Room where I met KEVIN. Precious isn't the word -- he's Irish, with long brown hair, blue eyes, a pug nose and dimples. We all made him an honorary Fug. At 12 we went to the nightclub show with Stiller and Meara (got autographs when we saw them in the hall) and an act called Hines, Hines & Dad -- they were great!  We went to the coffee shop, had lime rickys and got H H & Dad's autographs. [I still have Gregory Hines']. Went back up to 8th floor. Kevin was out there. Goofed around until 2:30 with everybody.

August 6th

Sunbathed mostly the whole day -- beautiful weather. Ocean's pretty lousy though -- no real waves. Went on these neat little one-person motorboats [jet skis]. They were terrif!!! I luved it. Kevin came down to the beach and got in my boat when I got out. I hated to leave -- it's the greatest feeling when you cut through the waves and the salty spray flies back in your face. At night we had a weiner roast and a splash party with the pool all to ourselves. Sally and Kevin both dived from the high board. Wayne and a couple of us were the last ones in the pool. Ate in the coffee shop again.

Even though there was another day of the tour, my entries stop here. It truly was the experience of a lifetime for a 16 year old. I wrote pages at the back of my diary for my favorite songs from that summer, the songs we performed at the final banquet and other things I didn't want to forget. I will always be grateful to my parents for sending me to camp and on this tour. All of these impressions will be with me forever.


Colors - pastels, yellow and black plaids, red and yellow plaids, hot pink and orange
Cars - foreign sports cars
Boys - Kevin Feeney, Wayne Norwood, Jim Epstein, Clem, Ross Burgess
TV Shows - Mission Impossible, Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, Tarzan, Hogan's Heroes, Invaders, Our Place
Hobbies - ping pong, collecting
Actors - Sidney Poitier, Albert Finney, Lucille Ball
Foods - shrimp, broiled lobster, hot chocolate

Music - jazz (unless it's authentic Dixieland)
Foods - Chinese, watery hot chocolate
Colors - dark ones, except with a suitable jumper

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