Sunday, October 7, 2012

1967 - September

September 7th

Hullo again. Ug - back in school already. I just can't believe how fast this summer went! Well, to begin with, the school's been invaded. Yeah, by 1000 stupid little sophomores. They've taken over! The bus stop was especially cute. I swear, maybe it's me, but every year the kids seem to get younger and younger. And I thought I was small? Bill's back - complete with goatee and moustache. He sure as hell doesn't like the 10th graders anymore than we do."We" happens to be me, Linda, Chucky  and friend, and Simon, the 5 juniors and Marcia, Danny, Karen, Leslie and the one or more seniors. When I think of last year and the seniors -- oh well, why think. It's too depressing.

I'm in 11K this year; homeroom is #100. My locker's on the first floor - great! Mrs. Dunn is our homeroom teacher and the kids are different this year. Ann and Harvey Parcover are in it now, plus some other changes. First period is gym. The halls are really cute - they're still only giving us only 4 minutes to change classes - even with 500 extra people, so I'll be walking across outside until it gets too cold. I have Poag- she doesn't look too bad, although I hear she's tuff. I guess I might have to just take showers this year. Barbara Levin is in my class, oh joy, coughing her head off. So is Jackie Garner and Joie Potter.

Next comes Chemistry and oh boy, I think I got a beaut. He's young, Jewish and taught at Pikesville but looks like he may be difficult. I sure hope not. Chemistry's gonna be hard enough without him complicating things. I'm worried. Barbara's in this class too. So's Fetter Rutley (bleached his hair) and others, including Apple. So far my classes have really been changed around this year. Everybody's all split up. *sob*

Next comes Spanish and a little hike from the first floor up to 310 - sound familiar? BUT NO MCGOVERN! That's one thing I thank heaven on bended knee for. We have some idgit called Tingaling or Senorita WingDing or something like that. Man, I oughta breeze through this class. This is the only time I'm with Linda. We even eat on different lunch shifts. She on B and I'm on C. It was in this class that she told me that I had Walters. I swear to God I almost had a heart attack - in fact I think I did. I had heard somewhere that she might be teaching Geometry this year and so when Linda told me that she saw her in our math room (we both are in 302, although during different periods) I almost died. I was almost ready to go down to the office right then and there and demand a transfer. But I decided to wait.

Next came Yearbook -- a totally confusing class with Mr. Terry - my candidate for the funny farm. This year ought to be interesting if nothing else. Mr. Terry talks in completely disjointed sentences and subjects - he's really funny, actually. Oh I don't know - he confuses me. We'll just have to wait and see. Funny thing is that I sort of have a double period with him, 'cause next is Honors English. Here is where I meet the brains - Bernie Newman, Chris Hamlin, James Glass, etc. Jackie has Yearbook and English with me. Ronni and Levin are in here too. Now if I though he was a little crazy in Yearbook...well anyway, by the time lunch rolled around I think I was ready for Shepherd-Pratt with him. Besides I was starving and still don't know what we're doing this year in English although I'm sure we're not playing going-to-school-games.

At least Judi W and the other kids eat on C lunch. Terri doesn't, though, and I really miss our old lunches. In fact, neither she nor Judi are in any of my classes. but little ol' Speedy's on C-- hasn't changed a bit. So is Terry -- precious as ever and Sharon. She got her hair cut. Oh, I've seen quite a few kids today although I don't know how with all the crush in the halls. Little Kurt's still around -- ya know, he grew! Randy is as sick-looking as he was at the end of last year. Charlie looks great but Ken looks dopey. In fact, he's one of the only few with long hair still and those clompy big boots.

I haven't seen Ross or Chuck. I've seen Doug but not Phil and oh yeah, Steve Johnson looks great, but unfortunately so does Sue McLaughlin. Ann looks real cute. She got her hair cut and is going with come boy from St. Joe's. She dated Terry this summer. Kelby doesn't look so hot. I saw just about all of Queer's Row. One thing I have to say about the sophomores is that they've got some adorable boys, expecially the blondes. At lunch there were 4 dropped trays; I think we broke a record.

History is next. I go there from lunch with Kathy Land. What a bore that class is. I'm in here with the brains, too. Very few girls - Brenda Bryant, Kendall and some others. You know the boys. I really like American History but Mr. O'Donnell has to be seen to be believed, or should I say heard. He's got a voice like Jackie Vernon and the most sickening sense of humor, if you want to call it that. He just drones on and on. I can tell I'll get a good afternoon nap.

And now on to Geometry where lo and behold - no Walters! Walters floats and the one I've got is a nice colored lady - Mrs. Brown. I'm in a real moron class. Fred Lubin is in here too, as well as Chemistry and Yearbook, and so is Euler's friend, that Bobby. I can tell (I hope) seriously, I'm pretty sure I'll do all right in this year. It's Chemistry I'm really worried about.

Guess what? You'll die when you hear this one -- Phil, yes Phil Edwards is going with Margie Moritz. I can remember when she asked me who he was! I almost fell over when Ann told me. Margie's going to Milford now. Ann went out with Doug this summer.

After dinner I finished GWTW again would you believe. I don't know what it is about that book that fascinates me so. I do know that I'm still wild, if not more so, about plantation life before the war, I wish I could've lived at that time.

September 10th

First day of Sunday School for Jeff. Hahaha. Didn't feel too great on account of my friend. Went over Marcuses and almost beat Richard in a game of ding dong. Drove Jeff over Plaines, then came home while Mom and Dad went over Calvin's. At 4 we went over the Hyman's for a real good barbeque. Uncle Julian took a family photo for our Israeli relatives. Good show on tonight - "High Chaparral".

September 13th

In various and sundry ways, school is beginning to pick up a little. History, Spanish and Geometry are as dull as ever but Yearbook is pretty excellent and I'm starting to notice more "people" around the school, if you know what I mean. I sat with Terri during a History movie today - long time no see! Chuck Smith was in there, and boy, has he gotten precious! I hear he's going with a cute sophomore. I don't know whether she goes to Woodlawn or not. As I said, I'm starting to notice some of the local life. I've only singled out a few so far but even after being in school a week, I haven't seen quite a few kids yet, namely Ross.

Anyhow, I've found an almost exact double of Neal (remember him? ha ha ha). Really, he's on C lunch and something to look at. Usually there's no one to walk to my next class with, but I don't mind walking alone cuz I can always watch the hustling crowd. Terri's found a great lookin' blond sophomore. the thing is, I sorta like him too. He's not exactly easy to ignore. Randy, I have to admit, is improving. His hair's getting longer and he doesn't have that ridiculous "fox with the pointed ears" look. Steve Johnson is gorgeous.  I saw Clem today, too - tough as ever. Please don't mind me going on and on like this; it's just that I want to give sort of a run-down. You know, pick up where we left off, fresh beginnings and all that.

We had a Chem lab today, double period. Oh, by the way, we had homeroom officer elections this morning. I ran for president against Steve Pollack and I'm pretty sure I won. I won't know definitely 'til tomorrow though. Get this -- Karl Petro actually talked to me, and Paul thanked me for a pencil he borrowed. Well, they say miracles do happen. Anyhow, ol' Wolfe says we have a test next Tuesday. Cute. I have to make up that stupid quiz by Monday. DAMN. Spanish is a real drag. I pity me next year. Oh well; I am learning something -- Buenos Dias!

Yearbook's good. I volunteered for Forum's Board of Governors, whatever the heck that is. Well, you know -- anything for those yearbook write-ups. Steve Purks is sweet, and cute. It's a shame about Mimi. Yeah. Say, you know, I almost got me in the beginning and end paper pictures for the '68 Totem. This year's theme is the history of Woodlawn, and they wanted a boy and girl to sit and watch the swans at that little lake near the cemetery where Woodlawn was supposedly founded. Me and Karen Levin volunteered and well, you know. Really, Mr. Terry didn't see my hand. It's just as well, though. she'll do it justice.

English -- we're still on the creation -- Milton's Paradise Lost  with God, the laser beam, and Lucifer frozen in ice down there in "oh hell" Hades. One of these years we'll get to Lord of the Flies.  Fred Lubin is a terrific writer. He's basically very shy, but expresses himself beautifully on paper. He's supposed to bring in some of his stuff for me to read tomorrow. Dad might take evening courses at Hopkins. I'm really excited; it'll be so great if he does.

And this is where 1967 ends in the diary. I wish that I had written a little more, to see exactly when the crushes stopped and the involvement with Don and the Totem crowd began. I believe that it was around Halloween.

Lists (December, 1967)

Colors - soft pastels, lemon, lime, sky-blue
Cars - MGs
Boys - Don Schlenger, Paul Bennett, Marty Lowy, Darryl Rehr, Lenny Pogach, Hank Gundloch, Rick Claus
TV Shows - Smothers Brothers, Bewitched, Second Hundred Years
Hobbies - bulletin board
Sports - soccer
Foods - popcorn, garlic pickles, chopped liver, grapefruit sections, baloney

Food - tongue

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